2019 Treasurer’s Report Summary

Full Report Available on Request

Last year was a great success for our organization – even though there were financial struggles along the way. We ended the year on a positive trend and reported Net Revenue of $14,214. The struggles were due to a conscious decision to invest in program development (particularly in vital areas of fire and forestry programs) as catastrophic wildfires decimated our area. We were buoyed at year-end by generous donations during our Giving Tuesday drive as well as receipt of a substantial grant from Patagonia.

We managed expenses down throughout the year as a result of our decreased income. Most notably, we went fully remote (ahead of the curve!) in order to save on rent expense.

This experience has changed MSBEC’s thinking, about staying financially sound in order to pursue critical programs to protect this bioregion, and to have the flexibility to jump into new issues the moment they arise

With respect to our current programs; we could not be more proud! Medicine Lake Protection Program and Fire Resiliency are both growing and maturing in very exciting ways and we cannot wait to see what is next for both. We also have formed new partnerships with our HOME program which should pave the way for our mountain environment to be protected and cared for in the years to come. That is after all, why we do what we do.


Total income for 2019 increased to $110,427, compared to $89,319 the previous year.

2019 2018 $ Change % Change
Contributions/Members 50,267 30,340 19,927 66%
Contracts & Grants 41,226 40,907 319 1%
Fiscal Sponsorships 12,565 10,370 2,195 21%
Special Events/Misc. 6,369 7,702 -1,333 -17%
TOTAL 110,427 89,319 21,108 24%


Total expense for 2019 decreased to $96,213 compared with $110,087 the previous year.

  2019 2018 $ Change % Change
Grants to Other Orgs 15,000 0 15,000 N/A
Salaries 37,230 50,381 -13,151 -26%
Contract Services 21,510 29,884 -8,375 -28%
Non-Personnel 3,252 2,520 732 29%
Facility & Equipment 7,350 9,408 -2,058 -22%
Travel & Meetings 1,622 4,992 -3,370 -68%
Special Events 5,978 8,004 -2,026 -25%
Other/Taxes 4,272 4,898 -626 -13%
TOTAL 96,213 110,087 -13,874 -13%

Net Income

Annual Net Income for 2019 increased to $14,213 compared with a loss of $20,769 for the previous year.

Fund Balances

At year end, cash on hand increased to $16,579 from $3,889 the previous year.