Board Members

Our board meets monthly to discuss and decide on policy issues affecting our organization (or via email/remotely as needed for time-sensitive items). The board operating committee (President Richard Lucas and Secretary lydia hobbs) directs the day-to-day work of staff and consultants. We are currently seeking new board members interested in serving our mission. Board meetings are generally open to our supporters; please contact us to learn more.

Richard Lucas
Richard LucasPresident
Richard joined the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center in 1989, shortly after its founding. He has been a Board member since 1993 and served as its President since 2009. His passion for nature is experienced through hiking, skiing, diving, river rafting, personal forestry, gardening, immersive travel to wild places, dancing in the woods and working with the amazing folks associated with MSBEC.

He has owned a local business, Shasta Visions and played music with SoundFarm Band and many others since 1987. His son grew up running in the wilderness around Mount Shasta.

Davis Bowden
Davis BowdenBoard Member
Davis grew up on Florida’s gulf coast surfing, fishing and exploring the rivers, creeks and springs of that area. Today, that area is unrecognizable and the only undeveloped areas are State Parks on the east & west ends of the County. He doesn’t want to see the destruction of this beautiful and replenishing environment like he witnessed in his home state. After hearing about the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center he chose to help out and volunteer because he believe it’s an organization that really works tirelessly for the environment.

Davis also volunteers with the Mount Shasta Trail Association maintaining the Gateway Trail System. He sees outdoor recreation as a valuable asset and wildfire safety as a critical concern for communities, while related projects need to carefully consider potential environmental impacts. “The environment needs to be the number one priority and recreation activities secondary.”

Jeff Freeman
Jeff FreemanBoard Member
Jeff grew up in many parts of the U.S. as his father was an officer in the Air Force. His love for nature began as an Eagle Scout and grew into mountaineering, rock climbing, Nordic, skate skiing, and backcountry trips in all seasons as he moved around the country. After college Jeff moved to Northern California and became enamored with abundant the mountains, streams, and wildlife.

After witnessing the damage to the water sources, forests, and wildlife he began fighting to save the remaining wild landscapes. For over 40 years he has been working in volunteer capacities with various environmental organizations. He joined the MSBEC Board in 2023.

Currently living in McCloud (and loving it is no longer a working mill town) he enjoys, hiking, gardening, skiing and swimming.

Greg Weintritt
Greg WeintrittTreasurer
Greg attended the University of Florida earning a B.S. in Finance, and has worked in corporate finance and accounting for the last nine years. A long-time visitor of the region, the magic of Mount Shasta pulled Greg in and he made Siskiyou County his home in 2018. One year later, he was asked to lend his talents to the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center.

Being an avid snowboarder and outdoor enthusiast, Greg has fallen in love with the bioregion and is committed to preserving the quality of water, air, and land the area offers all its inhabitants. Greg firmly believes the Ecology Center can continue to protect the bioregion while still supporting the region’s economy.

John Sanguinetti
John SanguinettiSecretary
John grew up running wild in the orchards, fields and foothills of San Jose, California. His family camped every summer for at least four weeks, and he was involved in scouting and its many outings and camps. His mother interested him in birds and his dad in trout fishing.  He started river rafting on the Stanislaus in 1970 and has run most California rivers plus the Grand Canyon and part of the Zambezi in Africa.

John has spent a lot of time traveling and reading, still his favorite things to do. He is a fiscal and environmental conservative and a political progressive, and doesn’t think population growth solves anything. An electrician and contractor for 44 years. John has two daughters and 5 grandsons. The Mount Shasta area inspired John to live here for 26 years and he is wary of unplanned growth which is unlikely to make things better.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is a new facet of the organization. These people use their expertise to guide the staff and help the organization be more productive through goal oriented terms.

Yasya Berezovskiy
Yasya Berezovskiy
Yasya Berezovskiy earned a BA in Anthropology from UC Berkeley and an MPA with a focus in Nonprofit Administration from San Francisco State University. After a decade of working with a social justice leadership development and organizational strategy firm in San Francisco, she moved to Siskiyou and now leads HR and Operations at a software company that supports the volunteer scheduling needs of nonprofit organizations around the world. Her professional passions include stewarding organizational culture, supporting team members in valuing and being valued at work, and paying extraordinary attention to the ordinary details that often make all the difference. When not in front of a computer, Yasya enjoys hiking, seeing live music, and traveling to faraway places.

Our Founder

Michelle Berditschevsky
Michelle BerditschevskySenior Conservation Consultant
Ms. Berditschevsky, M.A., founded the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center (Ecology Center) in 1988 and served as its Executive Director for 23 years. She used her knowledge of environmental and cultural preservation policy and grassroots organizing to successfully lead the Save Mount Shasta campaign, and also worked on forest and watershed issues.

During her tenure the Center’s programs expanded to include the H.O.M.E. (Honor Our Mountain Environment) Stewardship Project, the Mount Shasta Community Garden, many educational events and celebrations, and other projects fostering a culture in harmony with nature. She was instrumental in gaining Historic District designations for Mount Shasta and the Medicine Lake Highlands and developed strong working relationships with Stanford Environmental Law Clinic, agencies at the local and federal levels, environmental groups and Native American Tribes.

She worked as Environmental Director for the Pit River Tribe for ten years, and as Executive Secretary of the Native Coalition for over a decade. She is now serving the Ecology Center as Senior Conservation Consultant, leading our work to save Medicine Lake Highlands and advising on the creation of a Regional Conservation Strategy.

Please take a moment to read Michelle’s life story, “Listening to the Mountain” here.


Bianca Garza
Bianca GarzaDevelopment and Communications Director
Growing up in rural Florida, yet never far from the ocean, Bianca has been an outdoor enthusiast since she was child. Coming from a family of generational farmers, she finds magic in the natural world and strives to do her part to preserve & restore Earth.

Bianca holds a B.A. in Communication from the University of South Florida, and served as Director of Communications & External Affairs for the United for Care PAC, which led a successful Florida statewide ballot campaign in 2016 that passed with over 71% approval. She is currently Vice Chair of Northern United Charter School.

With primary responsibility for donor and supporter relations, she also organizes and coordinates special events and develops fundraising strategies. Bianca edits and produces our external communications, keeps our website and social media communications up to date, and is the key contact for the press and public relations.

Tara Gardner
Tara GardnerWeb Goddess
Since 2017 Mount Shasta has been Tara’s home. She is honored to enjoy the pristine waters and beautiful forests. She utilizes her skills to support non-profit and for-profit organizations that create a more just, safe, and healthy world for all beings and the earth, everywhere. She has many years of website marketing, web development, and computer programming experience that includes application development with expertise in customizing SharePoint websites, the application, and the design and development of back end systems.

Her non-profit work includes supporting a global animal compassion organization, a global social-change grant giving non-profit organization as the original grant-giving system developer and subsequently as a grant advisor. More recently, in addition to volunteering at MSBEC, Tara volunteers in Mount Shasta with School CAFE helping to provide healthy nutritional guidance and organic, non-gmo plant food to school children, and also the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity. She currently support MSBEC’s website and their Salesforce CRM and Volunteer Management system.

Tara enjoys her work with MSBEC because she knows that everything she does supports the protection and restoration of the forests, watersheds and ultimately the communities surrounding the natural landscapes.

Alisa Scholberg
Alisa ScholbergBookkeeper
Alisa has owned and operated her bookkeeping business for 18 years working with a wide array of clients in multiple states. She is a QuickBooks ProAdvisor and has extension experience with all accounting functions. Prior to opening her business, she worked as an Accounting Manager for a photovoltaic company and has prior work with a certified public accountant.

Alisa will be handling the finance and accounting functions for our organization, monitoring grant funds, donations, and processing payroll. In addition, she will prepare monthly reports and analyses for our board.

A former resident of Siskiyou County, Alisa lived in Lake Shastina for 7 years with her husband and 3 children. Their boys participated in a variety of activities that helped them to enjoy and appreciate Siskiyou County and all it has to offer.

Nick Joslin
Nick JoslinForest & Watershed Watch and Community Fire Resiliency Programs Manager
A fifth generation Siskiyou County resident, Nick Joslin grew up appreciating the outdoors and understanding the importance of stewardship of the land. Nick has a B.S. in Geologic Sciences from University of Oregon. He studied rhyolite (obsidian) flows and did extensive field work on Medicine Lake.
Growing up, he was always encouraged to ask questions to develop a deeper understanding of forest and watershed issues. He has worked in road decommissioning, stream channel restoration, and environmental consulting. Recently, he worked as an agricultural consultant in cannabis, hemp, and strawberries.
Nick is equally comfortable having meetings on the tailgate of a truck or at the courthouse. In his role as Forest & Watershed Program Manager, Nick will frame issues using science and understands the collaborative nature of complex problem solving. He is currently on the boards of the Friends of the Mount Shasta Avalanche Center and the Friends of the Shasta River.
Sue Constant
Sue ConstantOutreach & Volunteer Coordinator
Growing up in Michigan, Sue developed a lifelong passion for the outdoors and conservation rooted in annual family camping trips to the national parks and a childhood spent roaming and exploring the abundance of plant and animal life along the Huron River corridor and in the ponds, parks, woods and arboretums around Ann Arbor.

After earning a B.S. in Natural Resources Policy and Management from the University of Michigan, she transplanted to California and joined a start-up that led to a career in software product and program management at HP, followed by several years in Redding on the staff of non-profit North State Symphony as a community engagement and program coordinator focused on school and senior outreach, and as a flutist.

Sue moved to Siskiyou County in 2021. Awestruck by the deep beauty, diversity, geologic legacy and sacred cultural significance of the Mount Shasta area’s watersheds, she feels nothing matters more than protecting, nurturing and restoring our natural environment. She’s honored to be part of the MSBEC team and for the opportunity to collaborate with community members and volunteers to make a difference.

Kayla Marie Figard
Kayla Marie FigardCommunity Education Coordinator
Kayla Marie (she/her) grew up in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties, where she fell in love with the outdoors at a very young age, obsessing over bugs and tidepool critters and writing avidly about them.

KM has a B.A. in American Studies with a focus on California Natural History, a Masters in Library Science, and a certification from UC Santa Cruz as a California Naturalist. She has worked as a naturalist for Exploring New Horizons Outdoor Schools at Pigeon Point Lighthouse, where she led groups of students on field trips to visit the redwoods, the marsh, and the tidepools. In addition to her experience as a naturalist, she is also a librarian and led many nature-related programs including cultivating a library garden run by teen volunteers, leading teens in habitat restoration projects, and running nature-themed storytimes and science experiments. KM also volunteers with Volunteer for Outdoor California (VoCal) to help build trails all over the Bay Area.

Kayla Marie comes to Mt. Shasta from a cabin in the redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains where she spent much of her time foraging, hiking, backpacking, writing, and homesteading such as gardening, growing mushrooms, making medicine from what she grows and forages, and experimenting with ferments! She looks forward to bringing her experience in lifelong education and is most excited about helping community members make connections between the natural world and their own lives.