Tauhindauli Park Family Nature Walk, Saturday, September 28
  • September Newsletter 2024

    September Newsletter 2024 In this issue: Nature Journaling: Sept 7th Klamath River Flows Free! Panther Meadow Work Day High-Level Support for Sáttítla National Monument Lawsuit Filed: CDFW & USFS Family Nature Walk in Dunsmuir Milk [...]

  • Fall river Springs with Mount Shasta in background

    August Newsletter 2024

    August Newsletter 2024 In this issue: Nature Writing: August 17th Medicine Lake Source Water Lake Shastina Algae Bloom Students Expored Ecosystems Family Nature Walk: Sept 28 Protect Old Growth Forests - sign the petition! Join Trail [...]

  • Medicine Lake with Canoes

    July Newsletter 2024

    July Newsletter 2024 In this issue: Come See Us: July 5th & 6th! New Staff - Meet Kayla Marie Intent to Sue U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Volunteer in the Wilderness! Proposed Toxic Pellet Mill [...]

  • Petition Submitted: Shasta River Minimum Flow

    The petition filed with the California State Water Resources Control Board (California Water Board) requests a permanent instream flow requirement (a requirement to leave water in the river) that is sufficient to achieve recovery of endangered species and satisfy beneficial uses of the Shasta River, including subsistence fishing and recreation.

  • Water Usage and Paper Water

    Paper Water Woes Water Rights, Water Use, and Who's Paying for it By Nick Joslin, Forest & Watershed Program Manager We continue to track several large-scale funding awards and requests where the paper [...]


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