Community Fire & Resiliency

Our long-term goal is to enhance community resilience to wildfire, mitigate deleterious direct and indirect impacts from wildfire, and increase the scale and scope of fuels reduction in Siskiyou County.

We lead and coordinate efforts, assess interest, build capacity with partner organizations, agencies, and residents, and organize community events aimed at deepening community connection and cohesion. It’s worthy to note that the development of these communication networks serve as a stand-alone element of community resilience which can be called upon in the event of a disaster. This leads to physical work! The fuels reduction, home hardening, increasing ingress & egress within the subcommunities has unique needs and we’re ready to hit the ground and get to work!

Follow the progress for each active subcommunity by clicking on the photo

One of the goals of our Community Fire Resiliency Program is to be a hub of information for the bioregion regarding wildfire! Click on the image below to visit our resources page. The resources page will give information on how to be resilient, what to do if there is a fire, and what to expect after a fire.

Shows a smokey forest with house icon with fire. Opens to the wildfire resources page.Siskiyou Wildfire Resources Hub