At an appropriate time, I would very much be into another limited series adaptation, preferably on HBO. If it’s on Netflix I will commit arson.
Reviews tagged ‘home’ by mm Patron
Hillary 2020
Looking at the review spread for this one, it’s obvious that people’s opinions of Hillary are influencing their opinion of the documentary. Is that fair? Probably, because I certainly left this with the feeling that HRC was telling her story more than people were telling a story about her.
My opinion of Hillary? Mixed. From a politcal point of view, I’m a pretty staunch Democratic Socialist, and 2 of my last three votes for executive office are for Bernie Sanders.…
Zack Snyder's Justice League 2021
Joss Whedon’s Justice League > Zack Snyder’s Justice League
Because it’s shorter, less self-indulgent and had the “save one person” scene.
The Comey Rule 2020
Well, I finally got around to watching the first (god willing, only) Trump show.
Quickly, my take on the October emails announcement is a little unusual in that I don’t think it decided the election. The further we get from 2016, the clearer it’s becoming to me at least that that election was decided the moment Hillary became the nominee. People were sick of her, the “corrupt” label was already firmly stuck to her and Trump’s base of loser white…
The Irishman 2019
I’ve been eager to revisit this after Killers of the Flower Moon. Being only a few minutes longer, it’s interesting to see how Marty utilizes each film’s length and to what purpose.
Killers spends every available minute immersing you into a time and place that’s been both overlooked and underserved before now, using its final minutes to reckon with its own role in the tragedy-to-entertainment cycle. Irishman puts a character’s glory days and shopping of their own casket 50 years later…
The Irishman 2019
Criterion Collection.
Now that it’s out on Criterion, I’ll take a break from this. I want to really build the anticipation before I watch it again in a few years, since I can already recite some scenes from memory lol.
Any clumsiness you can attribute to the first couple thirds, whether it be youthifying, the actors playing younger than they are, whatever, is overshadowed by that last hour.
That last damn hour. Good lord. I love it as your basic,…
The Irishman 2019
It was no more complicated than that.
There are no less than 30 moments in this movie that send a chill up my spine.
This Is a Robbery: The World's Biggest Art Heist 2021
Really fun doc!
Heavy Boston accents make everything better.