The Majin Golem (マジンゴーレム) is a robot golem left in the Underground Research Facility Ruins.[1]
The Majin Golem looks like a Titan Golem painted gold, blue, and red in a fashion similar to Marzinger.
Left in an actively functioning part of the facility by the NEET scientist, it aggressively attacks anyone who approaches. Even if Kazuma and his party manage to destroy the Majin Golem, it will get repaired to face them at the same spot later.
- Prototype Majin Golem (プロトタイプマジンゴーレム): A powered-up patched version that is spawned in the secret super tribulation room of the Island in the Sky.[1]
- Majin Golem Mark 2 (マジンゴーレム2型): A renewed golden version that Rav created when he took residence in the facility.[2]
- Breast Flare (ブレストフレア): Fires a wide-angle laser beam from the red glassic device on its breast.
- Lightning Break (ライトニングブレイク): Launches a powerful bolt of electric lightning at an enemy.
- Majin Fire (マジンファイア): Fires a wide-angle laser beam from the gold glassic device on its breast.