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"The lesson will be taught in due time, Aloy. Until then, we wait."
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"To understand one another is to embrace truth."

Alva is a major character in Horizon Forbidden West and a minor character in Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores. She is a Diviner of the distant Quen tribe, who came to the Forbidden West as part of a research expedition.



Born to peasants, Alva was able to rise in status by becoming a Diviner: which not only brought honor to her family, but she was able to grant them a degree of protection from the floods by getting them refuge in the Quen capital and famine threatening the empire by increasing rations. However, leaving for the Research Academy meant separation and the inability to meet them again without special permission and an escort.[1] While at the academy, she developed a rivalry with a colleague named Federa. While Alva initially "hated her guts", the two fell in love.[2]

At one point, Alva was among the Diviners working for years to figure out how to restore Leviathan, to no avail. During this time, they recovered much data about Eileen Sasaki.[3]

Later on, Alva was assigned as the Second Diviner of the Eastern Expedition for San Francisco,[4] headed by the Ceo, launched in hopes of finding solutions to the severe weather and crop failure threatening the tribe. This would be the last time Alva was allowed to see her family before leaving: by that time, her fourteen-year-old sister Elika was already emaciated despite the increased rations brought by Alva's station.[1] Before Alva left, Federa promised she'd wait for her, no matter how long it took.[2]

However, the journey would be far more perilous than any could have predicted. Hurricanes sank most of the ships, others were sent off course and lost, and many soldiers succumbed to sickness and starvation before reaching the ruins of San Francisco, now known as the Isle of Spires.[1] Alva found data directing the expedition to Ted Faro's bunker Thebes,[5] but casualties from machines, starvation and the native Tenakth continued to accumulate. As progress stagnated and Thebes's secrets remained just out of reach, the Ceo slipped into madness, eventually believing himself the literal reincarnation of Ted Faro, rather than his title being a mere honorific, and executing anyone who said otherwise.[1]

Horizon Forbidden West[]

The Greenhouse[]

Seeds of the Past

Aloy and Alva searching through data in the Greenhouse.

On the mainland, the expedition discovered the Greenhouse, hoping to find data related to agriculture: unfortunately, Alva's Focus was too outdated to access some of the ruin's archives, and the rest was inaccessible due to DEMETER within the system. A week after their arrival, she heard her guards being slaughtered. When discovered by the killer, Alva offered no resistance, but was told by the killer that she only acted in self-defense. Alva then turned around and was bewildered to see Aloy, a clone of Elisabet Sobeck, (who was, in turn, surprised to see Alva wearing a Focus). She proceeded to explain the Quen's purpose at the Greenhouse.[6]

Aloy then explained she was looking for Test Station Ivy. Alva tried to bring up a map but she was unable to see it due to her outdated Focus, so Aloy revealed them to her. While Aloy's destination seemed unreachable from the ground, she discovered a subterranean tunnel system that could be accessed by two-person authentication. The two women then made their way through the tunnels and past machines until they reached a control center, where they inadvertently activated a biomass conversion device that destroyed the vegetation in the courtyard ahead. Aloy explained to the unnerved Diviner that it was a creation of the Ancestors, and what ultimately wiped them out. This revelation distressed Alva, who despaired that she hadn't found anything of value to bring back. Aloy assured her they had similar goals, and that her own mission would grant Alva access to the Greenhouse's data.[6]

Once they made their way out of the control center, the pair were attacked by a Dreadwing, which they worked together to destroy. Afterwards, they discovered a log detailing that the Adamantine Wreaths (known in the New World as Metal Flowers), a countermeasure for the Faro Plague that was ultimately too little too late. Aloy then used the software module to create a Vine Cutter for the Metal Flower blocking access to DEMETER. Once she collected the subordinate function, Alva's Focus experienced a glitch, which Aloy explained was because DEMETER was a special kind of data that couldn't simply be read before bringing up immeasurable files on agriculture from the data core. Suddenly, they were startled by an arrow from Quen reinforcements, forcing Aloy to take cover. Alva managed to get them to stand down, identifying Aloy as Elisabet Sobeck, an Ancestor reborn. Knowing that her people would want to bring Aloy back with them, Alva sent her away and told her where to find Legacy's Landfall should Aloy need to find her.[6]


The Ceo, as well as the Expedition's Overseer Bohai, were delighted by Alva's bounty, which held enough data to spend years unpacking. However, the Ceo remained fixated on Thebes, claiming its secrets would yield "faster results". Alva eventually journeyed to the Digsite, but the appearance of an Apex Thunderjaw forced the Quen to retreat to safety and cutting them off from Legacy's Landfall[5] until Aloy, who came to the Isle of Spires to search for Thebes and Ted Faro's Omega Clearance, arrived and killed the machine. Alva attempted to warn Aloy of the Ceo's instability, but was interrupted by the arrival of the man himself. At the door of Thebes, Alva directed Aloy to a flooded passage, allowing her to enter the bunker and open the main door from the inside. Once again, the Ceo's madness reared its ugly head, as he forced Aloy to dress as Elisabet Sobeck before she and the Quen entered Thebes. Unable to speak up or speak out, Alva privately promised to the bewildered and irritated huntress that she would explain everything should the two of them survive.[7]

The group eventually found their way to Thebes' power room, where the Ceo discovered Ted Faro, alive but mutated into a twisted monstrosity. He ordered his guards to immolate the monstrosity, inadvertently triggering Thebes's self-destruction protocol, and to kill both Alva and Aloy to eliminate all witnesses. As Thebes began to crumble around them, the two ran for their lives, barely escaping Thebes before it collapsed, being the only two to escape once it started. However, waiting for the two on the surface was Bohai and more soldiers, understandably wanting answers. When asked about the Ceo's fate, Alva replied that he was gone, saying that "he gave his life to help [them] attain the secrets of Thebes". This was a near-fatal mistake: Bohai, no longer having to appease the lunatic in charge, scoffed at the absurdity of her claim and threatened the two for the truth. Luckily, Aloy provided a more accurate account, and convinced him that she had, in fact, found something that could help the Great Delta if she was allowed to take it and that Bohai could take responsibility when things started improving. Agreeing with her, Bohai instructed Alva to join Aloy and report back on her efforts.[7]

Aloy sent Varl to meet Alva and escort her to the Base,[8] and he also gave her a more recent Focus. Once at the Base, she was introduced to Aloy's other allies, GAIA, and the details of Aloy's mission, including the Zeniths. While some of the revelations were of great shock, such as the Ancestor Erik Visser being part of Far Zenith, the experience was otherwise Alva's greatest dreams realized: her improved Focus gave her unrestricted access to all the data she could want, as well as a brand-new grasp into the world of the Ancestors.[1]


While sifting through files from the Greenhouse, Alva learned the location of the research facility where Leviathan, an Old World system used to control flooding in the Great Delta, was created and asked Aloy for help in locating the data.[1] They later met up in Landfall, where they spoke with Nirik, the Diviner currently investigating Leviathan, who claimed to had reached a dead end. However, Alva saw through his obfuscation, suspecting he found something compromising on Eileen Sasaki, the benefactor behind Leviathan, and managed to convince him to reveal the location of the Atbay Research Facility. When they arrived, a Slitherfang attacked them and they had to defeat it to continue. Afterwards, they found a log revealing that Eileen covered up Omuramba. Shocked by this revelation, she wondered if all Ancestors were all self-serving. Fortunately, Aloy encouraged her not to give up, reasoning that the data on Leviathan might exist.[9]

Forbidden Legacy

Alva listening to Elieen Sasaki's story.

Thus, they traveled to the Atbay Headquarters. However, with surface access blocked, they resorted to using a man-made bridge built by Quen soldiers on a nearby building to cross over. Eventually, they found another log, revealing that Eileen merely covered up Omuramba on her father's orders but she felt guilty about it; Alva declared it irrelevant, as she was still culpable. Eventually reaching Eileen's office and discerning the passcode from her trophies, they find a third log from Eileen, revealing she overthrew her father and resolved to ensure Leviathan worked right rather than cover up innumerable deaths just to save face. This new revelation led Alva to conclude that Eileen were neither a paragon nor a monster. Subsequently, she discovered more data on Leviathan.[9] Later, she believed that she had recovered enough data to get the Leviathan system operational again.[3]

When she returned to the Base, she told Aloy that she had much to reflect on how the Overseers want the Ancestors to be seen and what she had learned about them. Now she understood that the truth wasn't a straight line but more comparable to a "splatter, smudged and faded on stained parchment", and vowed to continue seeking out the truth, no matter ugly it might be. She worried about returning home, unsure if she can continue her duties as a Diviner while ignoring the truth that the Overseers want to keep forbidden, as not doing so would risk her family's safety and risk her losing Federa.[2]

Battle against the Zeniths[]

Alva helped by traveling to a Cauldron to set off a pulse generator in an attempt to distract the Zeniths from the power surge as GAIA absorbed HEPHAESTUS within Cauldron GEMINI, a distract that ultimately didn't work, as the Zeniths burst into GEMINI, killed Varl and took Beta, GAIA and HEPHAESTUS while Tilda rescued Aloy.[10] Once Aloy returned to the Base, Alva was relieved to see her safe.[11]

Before departing for Far Zenith Base, Aloy spoke to Alva and Kotallo alone, entrusting them with a plan to take out the base's regulator as well as hack the Zenith database to determine what, if anything, Tilda was hiding from the group. Once at the base, Alva and Kotallo successfully destroyed the regulator while Aloy and the rest fought the Zenith's outside, Alva managed to get into a terminal and access Far Zenith's records. Out of all the data she found, two things caught her interest: first of all, she discovered flight plans for spaceflight away from Earth, indicating that Zeniths weren't attempting to recreate Earth's biosphere for their purpose, but rather flee Earth with GAIA. Second, she found mentions of something called "Nemesis". The data didn't reveal what it actually was, but Alva determined that the Zeniths feared it. Aloy and Beta eventually learned from Tilda, what Nemesis actually is.[12]

As Aloy's companions left to warn their respective tribes about Nemesis,[12] Alva returned to Legacy's Landfall. She informed Bohai about Nemesis and gave him an updated Focus.[13] She watched as a portion of the Eastern Expedition left to return home,[12] with Bohai saying that he will petition the Emperor of the Quen to send back aid.[13]

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores[]

Alva began quietly teaching the Quen who remained at Legacy's Landfall how to use a Focus and that it is actually okay to use them, despite their hesitation due to them spending their whole lives being told it was a forbidden relic to non-Diviners. Before leaving to explore more of the ruins of the Isle of Spires, Alva left a datapoint behind to let Aloy know what she was doing.[14]

Alva was later contacted by Beta and was overjoyed to learn that the other half of the Quen expedition, which was thought lost in a hurricane, had survived and safely made landfall at the Burning Shores.[15] Aloy later put Alva in contact with Seyka so they can coordinate the reunion of the expedition.[16]


Alva is bubbly, friendly, inquisitive and intelligent. Unrelentingly curious and dedicated to her field, she is nevertheless somewhat shy and unsure of herself.

While she cares deeply for her tribe, Alva is well-aware of the Quen's systemic problems, and is particularly frustrated with the restriction of knowledge that comes from the Overseers. This is magnified when she learns that several of the Ancestors (particularly Ted Faro) were not the paragons of virtue often described. The possibility of her loved ones being punished for her possession of forbidden knowledge becomes a looming shadow over her mind, to the point where she is uncertain whether to return to her homeland.[2]


As a Diviner, Alva is one of the few individuals alive versed in ancient technology. Her original Focus, being an obsolete model, was unable to read files created after the mid-2050s without Aloy sharing them through her own. This handicap was removed upon receiving a more recent Focus.

While not a warrior like many of Aloy's companions, Alva is capable of holding her own in a fight. In combat, she makes use of Plasma arrows and a dagger.

Associated Quests[]

Horizon Forbidden West[]


Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores[]

Associated Datapoints[]

Horizon Forbidden West[]

Scanned Glyphs[]

#25 Expedition Protocol (mentioned only)


Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores[]

Burning Shores - Companions[]



Official Artwork[]


  • Despite being given a new Focus and claims to be using it,[1] Alva continues wearing her outdated Focus with no sign of her new Focus.
  • The file names of Thomas Sykutera's artwork of her reveals that Alva's early name was Chon.[18]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 As mentioned by Alva after completing Faro's Tomb.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 As mentioned by Alva after completing The Wings of the Ten.
  3. 3.0 3.1 As mentioned by Alva after completing Forbidden Legacy.
  4. As mentioned by Alva during Seeds of the Past.
  5. 5.0 5.1 As mentioned by Bohai during Faro's Tomb.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Seeds of the Past
  7. 7.0 7.1 Faro's Tomb
  8. As mentioned by Aloy during Faro's Tomb.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Forbidden Legacy
  10. GEMINI
  11. All That Remains
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Singularity
  13. 13.0 13.1 As mentioned by Alva after completing Singularity.
  14. Sorry I Missed You!
  15. As mentioned by Alva during His Final Act.
  16. His Final Act
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Arno Schmitz's ArtStation
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Thomas Sykutera's ArtStation

Wiki Navigation[]

Imperials Ceo - Emperor of the Quen
Diviners Overseers Bohai
Diviners Alva - Enki - Federa - Nirik
Other tribe members Areus - Aunia - Brenik - Elika - Fedder - Gerrit - Harriem - Jomar - Kari - Kina - Kiral - Kristia - Lan - Laures - Malva - Nikeri - Otosu - Peera - Pirik - Rheng - Rokomo - Seyka - Sonkai - Theoa - Ulrey - Valea - Veter - Zeth
Pets Itri