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Theoa is a minor character in Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores. She serves as a quest giver for The Splinter Within.


Theoa grew up in the Great Delta, where she had to endure the oppression of the Board of Compliance, which she considered the black heart of the Quen. At one point, her brother reported their own mother to Compliance in a desperate attempt for advancement. Though she was proven innocent, the interrogation left her deeply traumatized, leading Theoa to resent her brother. This led to her joining an underground resistance movement that aimed to undermine Compliance where they could.[1]

Theoa later joined fellow resistance members, Diviner Enki and Kelva, among the Quen selected for the Eastern Expedition to San Francisco, with the resistance hoping to find data in San Francisco to further their cause.[1] During the voyage, the fleet was split in two, with Theoa's half winding up stranded in the Burning Shores with no clue regarding the fate of the others.

After a year of being marooned, Enki found evidence of a shipping manifest that could lead to undiscovered caches of Focuses back in the Great Delta, which would grant the average Quen access to the Legacy and the potential to overthrow the Boards. Theoa remained at Fleet's End while Enki and Kelva led an expedition to find the manifest, though their true objective remained a secret between them.[1]

After her allies failed to return, Theoa saw Seyka bringing in an outsider, Aloy, to the camp, which would cause trouble with Compliance Officer Rheng.[1] Aloy would later walk by Theoa's tent while Rheng was conducting an inspection. Suspecting Aloy might be a potential ally, Theoa invited her to speak privately. Noting how Aloy stood against Rheng alongside Seyka, she questioned how far she was willing to go to oppose him. Aloy quickly understood she was slow to trust and reasoned that she could only help if she was honest with her. Theoa then explained about Enki's missing expedition and the shipping manifest, requesting she find Enki, or, at the very least, recover his Focus and the manifest.[2]

When Aloy later returned to Fleet's End, Rheng had gone to Admiral Gerrit, claiming to have a witness who saw Theoa conspiring with Enki before his departure, an accusation she refuted. Aloy then rebuffed that all but one of Enki's expedition were killed because of Rheng's interference. The lone survivor, Rokomo, identified himself as a Risk Specialist assigned by Rheng to investigate Enki, and, fortunately for Theoa, his testimony avoided any mention of Enki's true objective. Thus, Theoa got the satisfaction of watching a disgraced Rheng being arrested. Once they were alone, Aloy revealed she found Enki's Focus and had loaded the manifest onto it and passed this to Theoa with the encouragement to find more Focuses to free her people.[1]

Later on, Theoa recruited a repentant Rokomo to her cause. As he would likely be sent to prison following his court martial, he would be in a position to get close to several high ranking prisoners the resistance had been struggling to get in touch with.

Associated Quests[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Dialogue with Theoa during The Splinter Within.
  2. The Splinter Within

Wiki Navigation[]

Imperials Ceo - Emperor of the Quen
Diviners Overseers Bohai
Diviners Alva - Enki - Federa - Nirik
Other tribe members Areus - Aunia - Brenik - Elika - Fedder - Gerrit - Harriem - Jomar - Kari - Kina - Kiral - Kristia - Lan - Laures - Malva - Nikeri - Otosu - Peera - Pirik - Rheng - Rokomo - Seyka - Sonkai - Theoa - Ulrey - Valea - Veter - Zeth
Pets Itri