In Grand Theft Auto, the protagonist is a character chosen by the player to follow the game's story. Whatever the choice, it will not change the game's plot.
In Grand Theft Auto, players are able to select one of eight different protagonists to play as (four in the PlayStation version, twenty-four in the Game Boy Color version). Despite the varied selection of characters, they are no different in-game in terms of abilities, the only variance being the color of their clothes, hair and skin. Each character has a default first name which the player may choose to use, but they can be renamed if the player wishes.
In addition to featuring characters of different appearances and backgrounds, the game is also notable for featuring both male and female protagonists in the PC and Gameboy Color versions. The characters are illustrated in the same manner as other characters in the game, with a semi-realistic but somewhat stylized facial design.
List of Protagonists[]
Default name | Image (Original version & GBC version) |
Notes | In-game |
Bubba | ![]() |
Male character. Depicted as obese and tough (with a cigar in his mouth). Suggested to be of Cuban or Hispanic descent. | ![]() |
Divine | ![]() |
Female character. Depicted as being of African descent. Her appearance is possibly inspired by blaxploitation heroines such as Pam Grier and Tamara Dobson. The former, Grier, would later star as the radio presenter of Lowdown 91.1 in Grand Theft Auto V. | ![]() |
Katie | ![]() |
Female character. Depicted to be of Hispanic descent. | ![]() |
Kivlov | ![]() |
Male character. Suggested by name to be of Slavic descent. | ![]() |
Mikki | ![]() |
Female character. Depicted to be of Asian (possibly Japanese) descent. | ![]() |
Travis | ![]() |
Male character. He is a homage to Travis Bickle, the main character in the movie Taxi Driver. Suggested to be of white American descent. | ![]() |
Troy | ![]() |
Male character. Depicted as being of African descent. | ![]() |
Ulrika | ![]() |
Female character. Suggested by name and appearance to be of Scandinavian descent. | ![]() |
Here is a video showing off the characters, and how they can even change clothes.
Japanese version protagonists[]
In the Japanese edition of Grand Theft Auto, the player can choose between four protagonists. Two from the original releases (Bubba and Ulrika), and two exclusive male protagonists for the Japanese edition: Bison and Jack.
This version of Grand Theft Auto only features one female character sprite in-game, Ulrika, meaning that all four characters will share the same appearance as her during gameplay (blond hair, a yellow shirt, bright red pants, and orange shoes).
Default name | Image | Notes | In-game (Reusing Ulrika's female sprite) |
Bison | ![]() |
Exclusive to the Japanese release of Grand Theft Auto. | ![]() |
Jack | ![]() |
Exclusive to the Japanese release of Grand Theft Auto. | ![]() |
Game Boy Color protagonists[]
These characters are only available in the Game Boy Color port of the game. They are hidden characters that are not available unless a player inputs the name "SUMNER" on Kelly's profile, who is also exclusive to this platform. All characters are based on the Game Boy Color version's development team from Tarantula Studios.
Default name |
Image | Game Developer |
Kelly | ![]() |
Based on Kelly Sumner, former CEO of Take-Two Interactive. |
BigMac | Based on Martin McKenzie, the lead programmer. | |
Brains | Based on David Cooke, one of the game's programmers. | |
Christie | Based on Simon Crisp, the game's project manager. | |
Dog End | Unidentified Tarantula Studios game developer. | |
Fingers | Based on Jez Mayes, one of the game's graphic designers. | |
Goodlad | Unidentified Tarantula Studios game developer. | |
Noodles | Based on Lewis Mann, the game's graphics artist. | |
Redneck | Based on Steve Marsden, the studio director. | |
Rizzo | Unidentified Tarantula Studios game developer. | |
Skipper | Unidentified Tarantula Studios game developer. | |
Snowy | Based on Chris Jones, the head programmer. | |
Spook | Unidentified Tarantula Studios game developer. | |
Thud | Unidentified Tarantula Studios game developer. | |
Turbo | Based on Lee Hammerton, one of the game's programmers. | |
Vinny | Unidentified Tarantula Studios game developer. |
Very little is known about the protagonist's background, but the random messages on their pager give a hint of their backstory. Some messages imply that they have a troubled father[1] and that their mother is worried about the life they have chosen.[2]
It is also implied from the pager messages that they have recently received booty calls from some girls[3][4], they owe twenty bucks to a man named Jack[5][6][7][8], and they have recently quit their job at Pizza Shed[9][10] to work for the Liberty City-based Vercotti Crime Family, a criminal organization insinuated to be led by a man known as "Bubby", who according to his criminal record was born as Robert Michael Peter Luke Frances Darth Bruno Seragliano.[11]
Events of Grand Theft Auto[]
Gangsta Bang[]
By 1997, the protagonist is still working for the Vercotti Crime Family. They are hired by an unnamed contact from the crime family to do certain small-time criminal jobs for the family via payphones in south Park in Liberty Island. These jobs include serving as a getaway driver for a bank robbery, stealing a bike from the Angels biker gang who killed one of the Vercottis' dealers earlier, blowing up a police station to kill a corrupt police chief, and killing Don Sonetti's lawyer and gang members. The contact also gives the protagonist jobs from hidden parked vehicles around Liberty City and New Guernsey, including killing two men who have previously destroyed a Cat House owned by Bubby and driving to Vercotti Family associate Seymour Reamer's garage to escape the LCPD, and driving Bubby's wife Skye and her "personal trainer" Brad to the Hotel Mon Signor in Kings.
They later assist Pablo Vercotti in performing a diamond wholesalers robbery, which was a fix by Don Sonetti's associate Cabot. Don Sonetti began moving their drug shipment through the Liberty City subway system, and the protagonist is tasked to destroy the subway train moving Sonetti's shipment, killing over a hundred civilians in the process.
Later, the Vercotti Family contact tells the protagonist that Don Sonetti's right-hand man wants to meet them in an alley behind the Strip Club in Northwest Park. Once there, the mobster will threaten the protagonist and warn them to stay away from Don Sonetti's business.
Heist Almighty[]
Vercotti Family's supposed leader, Robert "Bubby" Seragliano personally contacts the protagonist, telling them that his pet Sasha has been kidnapped and asks them to rescue her. The protagonist pays the kidnapper by throwing the money briefcase into the kidnapper's boat under the Eagleside Bridge and he reveals that the pet is hidden in the trunk of a red Itali. The protagonist finds her and brings her back to Bubby at the Splendido Hotel in Island City.
They are once again hired by the unnamed contact to do more jobs for the family from the payphones at the Fort Law Park in New Guernsey. These jobs include serving as a getaway driver for a National Reserve Bank robbery, driving the mayoress to Bubby at Vega's place, and disrupting one of Sonetti's drug deals despite the previous warning from Sonetti's right-hand man.
The protagonist is also told to blow up a Counthash that is driving through town with Model Cars that are fixed with bombs. After destroying the car, it is revealed that the caller's mother was the driver and he wanted her dead because she was hassling him for rent.
They also receive a call saying Don Sonetti received another shipment in and that it is sitting in a Pickup in west Guernsey City and they are told to steal it and take it to Seymour Reamer. When they arrive, Seymour refuses to take the truck and the protagonist is told to blow up his garage and kill him.
Pablo Vercotti from the previous diamond heist is found by the cops, so the protagonist is told to make sure he gets to the office alive and free. Pablo tells the protagonist that he’s now retiring from his criminal life and is moving to Vice City. Eventually, the Vercotti Family contact will tell the protagonist that the Angels biker gang have stolen Bubby's car and his "private videos," and it is up to them to get them back in central Kings. After returning the stolen merchandise, the contact will tell the protagonist that Cabot, from the previously jewelry store heist with Pablo, is coming into town to see Sonetti. The protagonist collects a car packed with explosives and parks it inside the garage on the building where Sonetti and Cabot are, killing them both in the explosion.
Eventually, after attaining too much attention from the cops, Bubby books the protagonist a flight to San Andreas.
Mandarin Mayhem[]
Arriving in San Andreas, the protagonist is contacted by a character who claims that he is working for Uncle Fu, the leader of a Chinese crime syndicate, ordering the protagonist to answer the phones in central Market to get jobs. The protagonist begins assisting Uncle Fu's crime syndicate in expanding their crime businesses throughout San Andreas, and gaining respect and honor from the leader.
The protagonist is informed that Uncle Fu's nephew, No Chin, betrayed the crime syndicate. No Chin raises a drunken rabble in the Aye Valley district who bring shame to the family and the protagonist is told to eliminate them. Meanwhile, the crime syndicate's contact kidnaps and tortures one of No Chin's followers in order to find out about his plans. They discover that No Chin's gang have planted bombs in several cars belonging to notorious drug dealers and criminals, including Jimmy the Shovel, El Burro, Hung Well and the Yakuza, around the city which must be defused and returned to their owners. Shortly after, the protagonist finds out that No Chin is attempting to take a fast boat to China. The protagonist locates No Chin's and kills him by blowing up his boat.
Eventually, after delivering an "attitude adjustment" to the SAPD by blowing up a number of police cars at a diner, the protagonist is suddenly contacted by a man named Bryson who has a proposition. The protagonist is instructed to go and pick up a briefcase. Upon retrieving the case, however, Bryson reveals it actually contains C4 explosives and has a dead man's switch attached to the handle; which means the device will detonate should the protagonist let go of the switch. Bryson sends the protagonist through several life-risking trials before sending hitmen to kill them. The protagonist ultimately survives the attack.
With the help of Chow Yun Thin, the protagonist kills the rival mob boss Don Traegeri under orders of Uncle Fu himself, in order to settle an old score. After "proving themselves", Uncle Fu requests to meet the protagonist in person at the Rampant Dragon in Chinatown to thank them for helping him build a crime syndicate of extraordinary magnitude.
Tequila Slammer[]
The protagonist is later contacted by the Mexican gangster El Burro offering new jobs for them in Telephone Hill. These jobs revolve around the protagonist helping El Burro and his gang in several criminal activities, paying his informants, killing suspected traitors and cops, and stealing a truck full of "unusual" chemicals.
Not long after dropping off the truck full of chemicals at the warehouse, the protagonist is contacted by El Burro who says that the guys who offloaded the chemicals have developed some sort of disease and must be disposed of before the police pick them up and find out about the chemicals. All 7 members are killed by the protagonist.
After finishing the Telephone Hill missions, the protagonist is informed by El Burro that a corrupt police officer known as Mike Tallon has contacted him and wants a face to face meeting at his mansion regarding a deal but El Burro does not trust him and sends the protagonist to go instead. As soon as the protagonist enters the mansion's compound, Tallon's men immediately try to kill them, confirming that Tallon wanted to ambush El Burro all along. The protagonist ultimately survive the ambush and kills Mike Tallon shortly after.
The protagonist is told to go over northeast Sailor's Wharf for more jobs. They avenge the murder of a friend of El Burro's, destroys several Yakuza Limousines, kill one of El Burro's disloyal men and retrieves a briefcase of stolen money, destroys an underground drug lab, and steals some vehicles as "props" so El Burro can take part on a disaster movie a friend of his is making.
Immediately after acquiring various emergency vehicles to be used in a disaster movie, the protagonist is told by El Burro that he had an anonymous tip-off that there is some "interesting merchandise" in an orange Speeder in Sunview. This turns out to be another trap set by Bryson, who has a score to settle with the protagonist and tells them that the car is rigged with explosives which will detonate if they attempt to get out. After many more of his trials, Bryson gives the protagonist 2 minutes to drive to north Sailor's Wharf where he will be waiting for them. After arriving, Bryson runs off saying that he left the bomb's trigger in Sunview. In order to survive, the protagonist kills Bryson before he reaches the bomb’s trigger.
Eventually, the protagonist is told to meet El Burro in person at the Red Clam Bar. Upon entering the location, the dialogue strongly suggests that El Burro had a sexual relation with the protagonist.
Bent Cop Blues[]
At some point after working for El Burro, the protagonist decides to move to Vice City. They are blackmailed by the corrupt Vice Squad officer Samuel Deever to do his dirty work, claiming he's got evidence of all their previous crimes in Liberty City and San Andreas that would put the protagonist in jail for life.
Most of his tasks are to get rid of people that intend to deliver evidence against him, but will also include some issues with his family, paying other corrupt cops off, and mainly to weaken the Brotherhood of Jah Army of Love gang (also referred to as the “Brethren” or the “Rastas”) by extreme means.
Deever eventually discovers that the car dealership owner in central Vice Shores is working for the Rastas, and hires the protagonist to steal the car dealer's Hotrod and to stir up some trouble by engaging in a shootout in Little Dominica, killing 10 gang members on the basketball court. After they have all been killed, Deever instructs the protagonist to wait and see if the Rastas retaliate. Deever decides to scrap the waiting game and tells the protagonist to steal a car belonging to one of the Rastas from outside his house in northeast Little Bogota and head back to the car dealership. Once there, the protagonist destroys all of the cars and causes the gasoline filled buildings to explode as well and start off Deever's planned gang war.
At this point, the ATF agency, the Internal Affairs, and many other law enforcement agencies are investigating Samuel Deever for many of his crimes. Shortly after Deever sends the protagonist to kill Dell from Internal Affairs, Deever tries to leave Vice City but ends up being chased by the ATF agents, forcing him to hide in his house in south Banana Grove. The protagonist is also told by Deever to get rid of several dead bodies of his recent victims. Under orders of Deever, the protagonist burns the dead bodies at a parking lot in Little Bogota, one of the Rastas main territories, so they can take the heat for it.
The protagonist is later informed that their previous boss, El Burro, is in town. El Burro and the Rastas are involved in a drug deal at the park in southwest Vice Shores. Under orders of Deever, the protagonist kills El Burro, while fighting through at least 10 armed thugs.
Eventually, Deever begins suspecting that the protagonist is working behind his back and asks them to meet him in front of the Banana Grove Police Station, where he confronts the protagonist.
Rasta Blasta[]
Shortly after killing one of the Rastas in a car explosion, Deever will inform the protagonist that the Rastas have finally given up and want to meet, so he tells them to get to the payphone in central Vice Beach. Once there, Deever tells the protagonist that he wants them to let them know what the Rastas have said immediately after the meeting; Brother Marcus will then show up and manages to convince the protagonist to join forces with the Rastas by giving them a lot of protection against Deever and his squad.
If they choose to keep working for Samuel Deever, they will be told by Deever to go and destroy a Limousine containing drugs from Cuba; doing so will cause Brother Marcus to contact them again revealing the protagonist just killed Deever's wife in that Limousine and it will be safer working for him.
Regardless of which option they choose, Brother Marcus will welcome the protagonist to the Brotherhood of Jah Army of Love and inform them of more work at the three groups of payphones.
Most of his tasks are to help the members of the Brethren get rid of the "minions of Babylon", which is a term the Jamaican gang uses for the police, government agents, politicians and judges. During one of his jobs, Brother Marcus informs the protagonist that the "high priest of Babylon" has entered town for a radio show and must be dealt with. The protagonist then has 2 minutes to get to west Felicity where his Limousine is located, along with a swarm of bodyguards. It is also revealed that the "high priest" assassinated during this job was none other than the President of the United States.
At some point, the protagonist meets Brother Leroy in order to collect some money from him under orders of Brother Marcus. Upon getting into Brother Leroy's green Penetrator, however, he reveals that he has a bomb in his bag and gives the protagonist 60 seconds to take him to the hotel in south Richman Heights, so he can blow himself up inside the hotel and kill an unidentified "minion of Babylon".
The protagonist also helps the Brethren get their turf in Vice Beach back by killing several Vice Squad agents around the area and destroying their surveillance vehicles. Eventually, Brother Marcus tells the protagonist that he found the hideout of a "Babylon high priest" and asks them to take three Brethren members to attack the building. Once the protagonist arrives, they realize that Brother Marcus was referring to Samuel Deever, and the hideout being his house in Banana Grove. The protagonist successfully eliminates Deever and his squad with the help of three members of the Brethren, also destroying his Limousine and his house.
The Vice Squad eventually kills Brother Aerol and attempts to kill Brother Maelcum. The protagonist helps the Brethren avenge the death of Aerol and stops Brother Maelcum's assassination.
The protagonist is also tasked to pick up a judge in a car rigged with explosives and blow it up it in front of the Vice Beach Police Station in order to "strike fear into the heart of Babylon". Brother Marcus eventually discovers the Vice Squad plans to kill his mother in order to get to him. The protagonist quickly steals a Taxi and takes her back to her home in east Vice Shores safely.
After doing several jobs for Brother Marcus and helping his gang, Brother Marcus calls the protagonist one last time, asking them to meet him at the Crazy Bob's House O' Guns in northeast Greek Heights to collect their retirement pay, implying the end of their career as a criminal.
Murders Committed by the Protagonist[]
- Seymour Reamer - Killed for refusing to accept the drug-filled Pickup into his home.
- Sonetti - Killed for leading a gang that rivals the Vercotti Crime Family.
- Cabot - Killed for working for Sonetti and setting up Pablo Vercotti.
- Dumb Kurt - Killed for being a threat to the Vercotti Crime Family.
- Fu Ming - Killed for refusing to sell his launderette to Uncle Fu.
- No Chin - Killed for raising a drunken rabble and causing havoc, bringing shame to his uncle Fu, as well as attempting to murder several important gang members and trying to escape the city.
- Wun Tun Chun - Killed for betraying Yu Pong, causing the latter's death.
- Don Traegeri - Killed for leading a mob that rivals Uncle Fu's.
- Timio - Killed for protecting Don Traegeri.
- Colini - Killed for protecting Don Traegeri.
- Mr. Kivlane - Killed for knowing too much about Uncle Fu after his law firm is bought.
- Mr. Watersane - Killed for knowing too much about Uncle Fu after his law firm is bought.
- Mr. Watsane - Killed for knowing too much about Uncle Fu after his law firm is bought.
- Paco - Killed after he is revealed to be working behind El Burro's back.
- Pepe - Killed after he starts acting oddly after contact with chemicals stolen by the protagonist, in order to avoid said stolen chemicals from being discovered by the authorities.
- Jorge - Killed after he starts acting oddly after contact with chemicals stolen by the protagonist, in order to avoid said stolen chemicals from being discovered by the authorities.
- Jose - Killed after he starts acting oddly after contact with chemicals stolen by the protagonist, in order to avoid said stolen chemicals from being discovered by the authorities.
- Pedro - Killed after he starts acting oddly after contact with chemicals stolen by the protagonist, in order to avoid said stolen chemicals from being discovered by the authorities.
- Alfonso - Killed after he starts acting oddly after contact with chemicals stolen by the protagonist, in order to avoid said stolen chemicals from being discovered by the authorities.
- Rodrigo - Killed after he starts acting oddly after contact with chemicals stolen by the protagonist, in order to avoid said stolen chemicals from being discovered by the authorities.
- Chico - Killed after he starts acting oddly after contact with chemicals stolen by the protagonist, in order to avoid said stolen chemicals from being discovered by the authorities.
- Mike Tallon - Killed for setting up a supposed peace deal with El Burro in order to kill him, although the protagonist went in his place and was targeted instead.
- Bryson - Killed for putting the protagonist through several life-risking trials.
- Dell - Killed for being affiliated with Internal Affairs.
- El Burro - Killed for dealing with the Rastas.
- Samuel Deever - Killed after his Limousine and house was blown up on Brother Marcus' orders.
- President of the United States - Killed in order to stop him from giving a speech on KBC TV on Brother Marcus' orders.
- Spindly Jim - Killed for pimping in Brother Marcus' turf.
- Judge Alberts - Killed for giving out harsh sentences to members of the Brotherhood of Jah Army of Love.
Optional murders[]
- Tony Dio - Can be killed after he picks up the drugs.
- Mr. Johnsane - Can be killed after he gives out information.
- Samuel Deever's Wife - Accidentally killed in a Limousine explosion if they choose to keep working for Deever instead of Brother Marcus.
- Female protagonists are not available in the PlayStation version of Grand Theft Auto. According to Visual Sciences programmer Russell Kay, this was due to VRAM issues, plus the fact that most PC characters were completed in the final months of the game's development, when the PlayStation version had already been finished due to timing issues.[12][13]
- The game's dialogue was not updated after the addition of female protagonists in the PC version. As a result, the characters will still refer to them as a "boy".
See Also[]