The mission starts off with the Vercotti Family contact ordering the protagonist drive to south Hackenslash and steal a Bike from the Angels for killing one of Bubby's dealers and stealing the drugs. Then drive the Bike to Diego's place in northeast Hackenslash. After dropping the Bike off, the protagonist has to answer the phone in the park in north Fort Law, then drive to the small park just off the main road in southeast Hackenslash and make sure that Tony Dio picks up the drugs. Alternatively, the protagonist is able to kill Tony just after he picks up the drugs for slightly different ending dialogue. (This can only be done AFTER he has picked up the package.) It is not necessary to steal a vehicle after dropping off the Bike with the drugs: the time limit allows the player to go on foot to the phone and to the meeting point.
The player is awarded 90,000 points (90,000 x Score Multiplier) and a +1 increase of score multiplier for successfully completing the mission.
Note:This is the dialogue for the PC version of the game. There may be some minor changes compared to the PlayStation and Game Boy Color versions.
The Angels shooting at the protagonist after they stole their bike.
The Angels chasing the protagonist and ramming their bikes.
The protagonist is told to deliver the Bike to Diego's place in Northeast Hackenslash.
Driving to Northeast Hackenslash.
Delivering the Bike to the garage.
The protagonist is told to answer the phone in North Fort Law.
Driving to North Fort Law.
Arriving at the phones in time.
Answering the phone. Tony tells the protagonist to hide the drugs in a park in Southeast Hackenslash so he can pick them up later.
Driving to Southeast Hackenslash.
Arriving at the park in time. An Information Pickup is available in the park.
Hiding the drugs in the designated area.
The Infomation Pickup suggests to the player that they could kill Tony instead.
Tony collects the drugs. Optionally, the player can choose to kill him.
Mission Complete!
Mission plays from 00:03:31 - 00:06:01
An Easter egg in Grand Theft Auto III seen on the computer screens of the TW@ internet cafe, showing two screenshots of GTA and GTA2, including a player starting the "Gangsta Bang - Phone 2" mission from the South Park phones on the left computer.