The mission begins with Deever telling the protagonist that Internal Affairs are onto him and that there is a Transit Van in southwest Felicity that needs to disappear. After collecting it, the protagonist needs to take it to a parking lot in west Little Bogota so that the Rastas will take the heat for it. Once the van has been dumped, the protagonist needs to head back over to east Felicity and collect a TV Van, which has the bodies of 8 dead cops in the back, and take it back to the parking lot in Little Bogota. After dumping the van, the protagonist is told of another Transit Van in central Vice Beach which needs to be dumped in the parking lot with the others, as it contains the body of Deever's ex-wife's boyfriend. The protagonist will then need to head back over to northwest Felicity and collect a peach coloured Pickup, which also contains a dead body. Once all 4 have been taken to the parking lot, they all need to be blown up in order to complete the mission.
The player is awarded 70,000 points and a +1 score multiplier for completing the mission.
Note:This is the dialogue for the PC version of the game. There may be some minor changes compared to the PlayStation and Game Boy Color versions.
Deever tells the protagonist to take the van to the Rastas' territory in Little Bogota.
Arriving at the parking lot.
Parking in the designated spot. Deever tells the protagonist to get rid of a TV Van parked in Felicity.
Finding the TV Van.
Getting in the TV Van.
Deever tells the protagonist to take the van to the same parking lot.
Parking the TV Van next to the Transit Van in the parking lot in Little Bogota. Deever tells the protagonist to get rid of another Transit Van parked in Vice Beach.
Driving to Vice Beach.
Finding the Transit Van.
Deever tells them to take the Transit Van to the same parking lot.
Parking the Transit Van in the parking lot in Little Bogota. Deever tells the protagonist to get rid of a Pickup parked in Felicity.
Finding the Pickup in Felicity.
Getting in the Pickup.
Deever tells the protagonist to take the Pickup to the parking lot.