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Internal affairs are on my ass. There's a van in Felicity that has to disappear.

Bent Cop Blues - Phone 14 is a mission in Grand Theft Auto available during Vice City Chapter 1: Bent Cop Blues, given to the protagonist by Samuel Deever. The mission is available from the phone in south Vice Beach in Vice City.


The mission begins with Deever telling the protagonist that Internal Affairs are onto him and that there is a Transit Van in southwest Felicity that needs to disappear. After collecting it, the protagonist needs to take it to a parking lot in west Little Bogota so that the Rastas will take the heat for it. Once the van has been dumped, the protagonist needs to head back over to east Felicity and collect a TV Van, which has the bodies of 8 dead cops in the back, and take it back to the parking lot in Little Bogota. After dumping the van, the protagonist is told of another Transit Van in central Vice Beach which needs to be dumped in the parking lot with the others, as it contains the body of Deever's ex-wife's boyfriend. The protagonist will then need to head back over to northwest Felicity and collect a peach coloured Pickup, which also contains a dead body. Once all 4 have been taken to the parking lot, they all need to be blown up in order to complete the mission.


The player is awarded 70,000 points and a +1 score multiplier for completing the mission.



Note: This is the dialogue for the PC version of the game. There may be some minor changes compared to the PlayStation and Game Boy Color versions.

Samuel Deever: Internal affairs are on my ass. There's a van in Felicity that has to disappear.
The protagonist gets the Transit Van in Southwest Felicity.
Samuel Deever: Take it to the car park in Little Bogota. Let the goddamn Rastas take the heat!
The protagonist drives the Transit Van to the parking lot in West Little Bogota.
Samuel Deever: Leave the van. Get to Felicity. There's a van in Felicity I don't want found.
The protagonist gets the TV Van in East Felicity.
Samuel Deever: Take it to the car park in Bogota. Let's see them explain the 8 dead cops in there!
The protagonist drives the TV Van to the parking lot in West Little Bogota.
Samuel Deever: Dump the van. There's another van in Vice Beach. Same story. Move faster this time.
The protagonist gets the Transit Van in East Vice Beach.
Samuel Deever: Stinks, huh? That's my ex-wife's dead boyfriend in there. Go to the car park!
The protagonist drives the Transit Van to the parking lot in West Little Bogota.
Samuel Deever: Leave the van. There's a pickup in Felicity that's gotta' vanish too.
The protagonist gets the Pickup in Northwest Felicity.
Samuel Deever: Another victim of those goddamn Rastas. Jesus, those guys are evil.
The protagonist drives the Pickup to the parking lot in West Little Bogota.
Samuel Deever: I gotta make sure that there's no evidence left in any of them. Blow them ALL up!
The protagonist destroys all four vehicles in the parking lot.
Samuel Deever: Smells kinda like roasting pork doesn't it. Not too bad, punk. I'll let you live.





[ ve ]Grand Theft Auto series
Grand Theft AutoProtagonists | Liberty City (and New Guernsey) | San Andreas | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: London
London 1969Protagonists | London | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
London 1961Protagonists | London | Manchester | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto 2Claude Speed/GBC Protagonists | Anywhere City (Downtown | Residential | Industrial) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IIIClaude | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityTommy Vercetti | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasCarl Johnson | State of San Andreas (Los SantosSan FierroLas VenturasRed CountyFlint CountyWhetstoneBone CountyTierra Robada) | Characters | Missions | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto AdvanceMike | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Soundtrack | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City StoriesToni Cipriani | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesVictor Vance | Vice City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IVNiko Bellic | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Episodes from Liberty City
The Lost and DamnedJohnny Klebitz | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
The Ballad of Gay TonyLuis Fernando Lopez | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsHuang Lee | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto VMichael De Santa | Trevor Philips | Franklin Clinton | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | State of North Yankton (Ludendorff) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Weapons | Vehicles | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto OnlineGTA Online Protagonist (Crews | Organizations | Motorcycle Clubs) | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | The Caribbean (Cayo Perico) | Missions | Jobs | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Reputation (Arena Points | LS Car Meet) | Content Updates | Events | Achievements/Trophies | Awards
Grand Theft Auto VILucia | Unnamed male accomplice | State of Leonida (Vice-Dale County | Kelly County | Leonard County) | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Collectibles | Multiplayer | Modifications | Controversy
[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto
Liberty City Chapter 1:
Gangsta Bang

(Vercotti Crime Family)
Phone missions
(South Park)
Phone 1 | Phone 2 | Phone 3 | Phone 4
Vehicle missionsTaxi | Bulldog | Cossie | Beast GTS | Coach | Tanker | Counthash
(North Park)
Liberty City Chapter 2:
Heist Almighty

(Vercotti Crime Family)
Phone missions
(North Fort Law)
Phone 1 | Phone 2 | Phone 3 | Phone 4
Vehicle missionsStallion | Penetrator | Bulldog | Mundano | 4 x 4 | Cossie | Porka Turbo | Itali
(South Island Heights)
San Andreas Chapter 1:
Mandarin Mayhem

(Uncle Fu's Crime Syndicate)
Phone missions
(Central Market)
Phone 1 (Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3)
Phone 2 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone 3 (Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3)
Phone 4 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone missions
(North Sunview)
Phone 5 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone 6 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone 7 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone 8 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
(Southwest Chinatown)
San Andreas Chapter 2:
Tequila Slammer

(El Burro)
Phone missions
(North Telephone Hill)
Phone 1 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone 2 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone 3 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone 4 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone missions
(Northeast Sailors Wharf)
Phone 5 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone 6 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone 7 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
Phone 8 (Mission 1 | Mission 2)
(Northeast Aye Valley)
Vice City Chapter 1:
Bent Cop Blues

(Samuel Deever)
Phone missions
(East Vice Beach)
Phone 1 | Phone 2 | Phone 3 | Phone 4
Phone missions
(Southwest Vice Shores)
Phone 5 | Phone 6 | Phone 7 | Phone 8
Phone missions
(Southwest Greek Heights)
Phone 9 | Phone 10 | Phone 11 | Phone 12
Phone missions
(West Banana Grove)
Phone 13
Phone missions
(South Vice Beach)
Phone 14
Phone missions
(Northwest Vice Shores)
Phone 15
Phone missions
(Northeast Richman Heights)
Phone 16
(West Banana Grove)
Vice City Chapter 2:
Rasta Blasta

(Brother Marcus)
Phone missions
(East Vice Beach)
Phone 1 | Phone 2 | Phone 3 | Phone 4
Phone missions
(Southwest Vice Shores)
Phone 5 | Phone 6 | Phone 7 | Phone 8
Phone missions
(Southwest Greek Heights)
Phone 9 | Phone 10 | Phone 11 | Phone 12
Phone missions
(Southwest Felicity)
Phone 13
Phone missions
(Southeast Miramire)
Phone 14
Phone missions
(West Vice Beach)
Phone 15
(Northwest Greek Heights)
RelatedKill Frenzies | Mission Pack #1: London 1969 | Mission Pack #2: London 1961
Missions in GTA | Missions | Side Missions (Category)

* denotes the final story mission.
† denotes absent in console versions due hardware limitations.