As soon as the protagonist enters the vehicle, they will get a two-star wanted level and must get to a different vehicle at the central Brix hospital. After getting in the new car, they have to take it to Mel's respray shop in central Brocklyn. Once it's sprayed, they are told to bring it to the warehouse in Brocklyn Docks in order to start the second run of the mission. Dropping the car off in the garage, they are told to take a cop car in southwest Hackenslash. Getting the cop car, they must then make it to the north Fort Law military base to pick up a guy who has stolen some files. Once they pick him up, they will be shot at by the two soldiers in the base and will receive a four-star wanted level. In the final stretch, they have to make their way through police barricades while trying to keep the car intact, and deliver the vehicle to the garage in southeast Kings to complete the mission.
Note:This is the dialogue for the PC version of the game. There may be some minor changes compared to the PlayStation and Game Boy Color versions.