Grounded Wiki

A teen, using a Shinobi Sneeze.

Consumables are special items that the player can use to gain certain temporary boosts. Some heal while others give unique effects.

Consumables are not to be confused with Edibles.


Consumable Information Materials Effects

Tier 1
"A juicy mosquito blood sack wrapped so tightly in silk rope that it could burst at any moment. Showers all entities in a small area with a healing splash of filtered blood jelly."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Mosquito Blood Sack

1 Mosquito Blood Sack
2 Silk Rope

Heals everything in a small radius for 40 health when thrown

Fiber Bandage
"Patches up scrapes and scratches. Recovers health over time."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Plant Fiber

3 Plant Fiber
2 Sap

Trickle Regen
Trickle Regen


Meals provide health regeneration, unique effects, and prevent hunger drain for a set amount of time. Each meal has a Tier that determines the potency of its benefits:

Tier Meal Duration Passive Regen Number of Meal Effects
1 12 Minutes Normal 1
2 16 Minutes x1.5 1
3 20 Minutes Double 2
Consumable Information Materials Effects

Tier 3
"Chunks and bits of antlion folded and baked into an edible semicircle."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Sandbox from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Black Anthill BURG.L Chip

2 Antlion Part
6 Salt Shard
1 Spicy Shard

Sizzle Protection



Well Fed

Black Ox Burger
Tier 3
"Perfectly seared black ox part with a lovely tough gunk aioli."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Woodpile from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Woodpile BURG.L Chip

2 Black Ox Part
2 Pupa Hide
5 Tough Gunk

+Max Health

+Damage Resist


Well Fed

Termite Delight
Tier 3
"A mysterious meat pie baked with a variety of unknown additives to create a very uniquely textured dish."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Woodpile from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Woodpile BURG.L Chip

5 Termite Part
1 Dust Mite Fuzz
1 Tough Gunk

+Rock Harvest Speed

+Grass Harvest Speed


Well Fed

Tadpoloca Pudding
Tier 3
"Surprisingly creamy blend of water-based ingredients with a bit of a chill from an Ice Caps breath mint."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Woodpile from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Pond BURG.L Chip

1 Tadpole Jerky
2 Lilypad Wax
2 Mint Shard

+Veteran Diver

+Swim Speed


Well Fed

Tier 3
"A crunchy dish that really brings out the flavor of wasps."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Brawny Boy Bin from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Forgotten BURG.L Chip

3 Wasp Shell
3 Wasp Paper
3 Spider Venom

+Exhaustion Recovery

+Poison Resist


Well Fed

Tier 3
"A spicy pocket of various creature parts."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Brawny Boy Bin from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Forgotten BURG.L Chip

4 Dust Mite Fuzz
2 Termite Part
1 Spicy Shard

+Dust Guard



Well Fed

Spider Slider
Tier 2
"A delicious burger made of various chunks of cooked spider. Hearty enough to be considered a whole meal."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Hedge from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Haze BURG.L Chip

5 Spider Chunk
1 Nectar
2 Berry Chunk

+Critical Hit Chance


Well Fed

Mac N Bees
Tier 2
"A creamy meal that warms the soul. A deliciously melty blend of objects mixed with bits of bees."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Hedge from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Hedge BURG.L Chip

2 Bee Fuzz
2 Acorn Bits
1 Pollen

+Fall Defense


Well Fed

Tier 2
"A goopy blend of fungal growths. Packed so tight with nutrients it's considered a meal."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Haze from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Haze BURG.L Chip

4 Fungal Growth
3 Mushroom Chunk
3 Toadstool Chunk

+Attack Stamina


Well Fed

Tier 2
"Black ant eggs with a bit of salt create the perfect breakfast."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Sandbox from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Black Anthill BURG.L Chip

1 Black Ant Egg
2 Salt Shard
2 Algae



Well Fed

Boatman Fin Soup
Tier 1
"A fine fin soup made from ethically sourced boatman fins. Hearty enough to be considered a whole meal."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Pond from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Pond BURG.L Chip

2 Water Boatman Fin
2 Mushroom
2 Algae

+Swim Speed


Well Fed

Tier 1
"Acorn bits combined with lilypad wax form a perfectly unique rendition of this classic dish. Completed by an assortment of water flea meatballs."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Pond from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Pond BURG.L Chip

1 Water Flea Roast
2 Acorn Bits
2 Lilypad Wax

+Junior Diver


Well Fed

Tier 1
"A deliciously baked collection of goopy and slimy bits. Hearty enough to be considered a whole meal."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cookbook: Haze from the ASL Terminal for 3500 . Requires Hedge BURG.L Chip

3 Larva Spike
1 Fresh Billy Hog Bite
2 Grub Sludge

+Critical Hit Chance


Well Fed

Tier 1
"A mysterious, chewy lump topped with a fuzzy glaze. Satisfying enough to be considered a whole meal."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cooking 101 BURG.L for 3500 .

4 Mite Fuzz
2 Mushroom
1 Aphid Jerky

+Attack Stamina


Well Fed

Tier 1
"Hot and gooey gnat meat gristle atop crunchy chips. Satisfying enough to be considered a meal."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Cooking 101 BURG.L for 3500 .

1 Gnat Jerky
2 Acorn Bits
2 Grub Sludge

+Fall Defense


Well Fed


Consumable Information Materials Repair Cost

Charcoal Canteen
Tier 3
"A high quality liquid container with the power to purify dirty water in to a deliciously drinkable flavor with the power of charcoal."

Unlocked by: Analyzing EverChar Coal Chunk

2 Pupa Leather
2 Lint Rope
3 EverChar Coal Chunk

1 EverChar Coal Chunk

Tier 2
"An extra good canteen that holds four scoops of liquid"

Unlocked by: Purchasing from the ASL Terminal for 1500 . Requires Red Anthill BURG.L Chip

3 Grub Hide
2 Crude Rope


Tier 1
"A pouch made from grub hide that can be used to carry two scoops of liquid to transfer to storage or slurp."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Crude Rope or Grub Hide


Smoothie Information Ingredients Effects

Green Machine
"A delicious blend of locally sourced greens. Boosts your stamina recovery rate."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Lilypad Wax

Lilypad Wax
Clover Leaf


Gastro Goo
"Smells almost as bad as it looks, but goes down surprisingly smooth. Makes you immune to gas damage."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Stinkbug Gas Sack

Stinkbug Gas Sack
Fungal Growth
Aphid Honeydew

Gas Guard
Gas Guard

Fuzz on the Rocks
"As literal as they come. Drinking this disgusting combination somehow makes you healthier for a while."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Mite Fuzz

Mite Fuzz

Max Health
Max Health

Boost Juice
"Filled with vitamins and nutrients! Boosts your max stamina."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Acorn Bits

Raw Aphid Meat
Acorn Bits

Max Stamina
Max Stamina

Hedge Lord
"Refreshing and nutritious. Lowers the rates of both hunger and thirst."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Berry Chunk

Berry Chunk
Aphid Honeydew
Acorn Bits


Liquid Gills
"A scientific mystery that allows you to breathe underwater for a short time."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Water Flea Meat

Water Flea Meat
Eelgrass Strand
Raw Tadpole Meat

Veteran Diver
Veteran Diver

Fluid Flippers
"A drinkable sludge that is scientifically proven to make you swim faster."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Water Boatman Fin

Water Boatman Fin
Eelgrass Strand
Lilypad Wax

Swim Speed
Swim Speed

Liquid Rage
"All sorts of dangerous things in drinkable form! Consuming this makes you feel way stronger."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Larva Spike

Larva Spike
Spider Fang
Red Ant Mandibles


Worker's Comp
"The power of an ant in the palm of your hand. Drinking this makes you feel like you can haul more."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Red Ant Mandibles

Red Ant Part
Red Ant Head
Red Ant Mandibles

Hauling Strength
Hauling Strength

Human Food
"All of the ingredients are normal every day foods; what could go wrong if you smash them all together?"

Unlocked by: Analyzing Fresh Apple Bits, Fresh Billy Hog Bite, or Fresh Cookie Sandwich Bits

Fresh Apple Bits
Fresh Cookie Sandwich Bits
Fresh Billy Hog Bite

Damage Resist
Damage Resist

"A blend of various toxins and bits that provide instant relief and lasting resistance to poison."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Wasp Paper or Wasp Shell

Wasp Shell
Wasp Paper
Spider Venom

Poison Cure
Poison Cure

Boss Sauce
"A critically acclaimed blend of the baddest bugs in the yard."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Wasp Queen Head

Wasp Queen Head
Broodmother Fang
Mantis Head

Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Chance

Soothing Syrup
"A delicious, healing mush of fine ingredients."

Unlocked by default


Trickle Regen
Trickle Regen
(When Sticky)


Consumable Information Materials Effects

Tier 3
"Disposable, throwable light."

Unlocked by: Analyzing Gunpowder Clump

1 Gunpowder Clump
1 Fire Ant Part


Shinobi Sneeze
"A pollen puff blast hides you from enemy sight for a short duration"

Unlocked by: Analyzing Pollen

3 Pollen
1 Grub Hide



-Attack Damage

Boss Items[]

Consumable Information Materials

Broodmother BLT
Tier 3
"Bait no Broodmother can resist. Not for human consumption."

Unlocked by: Discovering Broodmother Research Notes

2 Bombardier Part
2 Ladybug Part
1 Thistle Needle

Orchid Mantis Kebab
Tier 3
"A delicious delicacy fit for a mantis. Not for human consumption."

Unlocked by: Discovering Mantis Research Notes

5 Broodmother Chunk
2 Fire Ant Head
1 Wooden Splinter

Bee Bee Q Medley
Tier 3
"An array of flavor for a flying queen."

Unlocked by: Discovering MEMO: O.R.C. Wasp Queen Research

1 Bee Stinger
3 Mosquito Blood Sack
1 Tiger Mosquito Beak
3 Sour Lump

Infected Mushroom Sandwich
Tier 3
"A mold infested preparation of the red ant queen's favorite food."

Unlocked by: Discovering Infected Mushroom Sandwich Recipe

2 Apple Bits
5 Mushroom
20 Fungal Growth

Infected Gum Sandwich
Tier 3
"A mold infested preparation of the black ant queen's favorite food."

Unlocked by: Discovering Infected Gum Sandwich Recipe

2 Cookie Sandwich Bits
5 Gum Nugget
30 Fungal Growth

Tasty Toejam Sandwich
Tier 3
"The fire ant queen's favorite food."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Friendship Offering: Fire Ant Queen from the ASL Terminal.

2 Donut Chunk
2 Toenail
5 Aphid Honeydew

Poison Toejam Sandwich
Tier 3
"The fire ant queen's favorite food, but laced with deadly poison."

Unlocked by: Discover Poison Toejam Sandwich Recipe

2 Donut Chunk
2 Toenail
5 Super Spider Venom

Infected Toejam Sandwich
Tier 3
"A mold infested preparation of the fire ant queen's favorite food."

Unlocked by: Discovering Infected Toejam Sandwich Recipe

2 Donut Chunk
2 Toenail
50 Fungal Growth

Moldy Hoagie
Tier 3
"A nauseating concoction of seemingly edible items, suitable for a repulsive yet regal overlord."

Unlocked by: Discovering Moldy Note

3 Toenail
1 Mantis Head
1 Wasp Queen Head
2 Broodmother Fang

Yummy Gum Sandwich
Tier 2
"The black ant queen's favorite food."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Friendship Offering: Black Ant Queen from the ASL Terminal.

2 Cookie Sandwich Bits
5 Gum Nugget
5 Aphid Honeydew

Poison Gum Sandwich
Tier 2
"The black ant queen's favorite food, but laced with deadly poison."

Unlocked by: Discover Poison Toejam Sandwich Recipe

2 Cookie Sandwich Bits
5 Gum Nugget
5 Broodmother Venom

Juicy Mushroom Sandwich
Tier 1
"The red ant queen's favorite food."

Unlocked by: Purchasing Friendship Offering: Red Ant Queen from the ASL Terminal.

2 Apple Bits
5 Mushroom
5 Aphid Honeydew

Poison Mushroom Sandwich
Tier 2
"The red ant queen's favorite food, but laced with deadly poison."

Unlocked by: Discover Poison Mushroom Sandwich Recipe

2 Apple Bits
5 Mushroom
5 Spider Venom


  • All of the meals are references or portmanteaus of real-world foods:
    • Quesadillantlion combines "Antlion" with "Quesadilla".
    • Termite Delight references "Angel Delight"; a well known dessert in the United Kingdom.
    • Tadpoloca Pudding combines "Tadpole" with "Tapioca Pudding".
    • Wasperole combines "Wasp" with "Caserole"
    • Empanadust combines "Dust Mite" with "Empanadas"
    • Spider Slider references sliders; small-sized hamburgers.
    • Miteloaf combines "Mite" with "Meatloaf".
    • Mac N Bees references "Mac N Cheese".
    • Omelant combines "Ant" with "Omelet", likely referencing the Black Ant Egg used in it.
    • Boatman Fin Soup references "Shark Fin Soup"; a dish illegal in many places due to inhumane fishing practices.
    • Spaghetflea combines "Flea" with "Spaghetti".
    • Larvagna combines "Larva" with "Lasagna".
    • Funguspacho combines "Fungus" with "Gazpacho"; a Spanish vegetable soup. Cleverly, the in-game dish is just as vegetarian as its real-world inspiration.
    • Gnatchos combines "Gnat" with "Nachos".
