Girl Genius
Girl Genius

I'm a guy who edits on Fandom sometimes. See HERE for a list of wikis I'm active on.

Also, Forum:I read an academic paper discussing Girl Genius, if that interests you.

Sandbox 1 is a collection of Madness Place triggers. 5 is commentary on a fan theory, and 7 is a collection of fan theories. 8 is a neat project of "Live Reaction Points" on various web communities. I also have collections of funny quotes:

  • Gil and Tarvek Being My Favorite Characters - 2
  • Sparks Acting Sparky - 3
  • Castle Heterodyne Being Based and Gamer - 4

Quote formatting:

<blockquote>'''Name''': Text.<br/>'''Name''': Text.<br/>({{GG link||Vol. p.}})<br/></blockquote>

On that note ...

Two Passages From The Same Page, Which I Love But Unfortunately Don't Fit Into The Above Sandbox-Categories

Agatha: An ... an opera?
Wooster: A rather popular opera, apparently. - And not just an opera. Look at the signs.
Agatha: "Now on sale - The Lightning Loves of Lady Heterodyne - Volume Twelve?!"
"Naughty Agatha" steam pantalettes?!
Wooster: Oh, dear. "In seven scandalous colors."
Agatha: I ... I have to sit down now.
(Vol. 2-2 (15) p. 59 )

Zeetha: Obviously, we need information. And cake. Cake and information! There's a bakery right over there -
Violetta: Cake? Really?
Zeetha: Oh, yeah. You guys didn't wake me up for lunch! I'm starving!
Violetta: You were asleep because you ate too much drugged cake!
Zeetha: So it's important to face my fears!
Violetta: ... You have fears? Cake fears?
Zeetha: Of course! Now I know that any cake - any cake at all - could be full of duplicitous evil! I shall overcome this fear by eating every cake I see!
Violetta: - and how is this different from before?
Zeetha: Now eating cake counts as training!
Violetta: Ooooh. Not bad.
(Vol. 2-2 (15) p. 59 )


See also this lil thing . Oh, and also this thing too.