Girl Genius
Girl Genius

Unicycle messengers are message couriers who ride around on unicycles delivering messages. So far, this type of courier seems to be limited to the Wulfenbach forces and for a while they only seems to serve on Castle Wulfenbach. But recently one has been spotted on the HMS Titan.

Unicycle messenger appearances[]

Castle Wulfenbach[]

HMS Titan[]

Print Novels[]

In Agatha H. and the Airship City, when Agatha is escorted by Wooster to meet with Gil aboard Castle Wulfenbach, they cross paths with more than one of these messengers, who are described as being young and moving quite rapidly and agilely through the crowded corridors.

In Agatha H. and the Clockwork Princess, another such messenger brings the summons that causes Bangladesh DuPree to appear before Baron Klaus Wulfenbach to be sniffed by a Wasp eater to see if she is a Revenant. Slightly later in the same novel, Bang uses a unicycle messenger to send a note to Klaus when the projection device that generates a giant holographic image of Agatha is activated and blows the roof off of Tarvek Sturmvoraus's lab in Sturmhalten Castle.
