Girl Genius
Girl Genius
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Discussion for comic for 2013-12-20 (Friday) .

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No, sir.

Two more skulls, or rather mummified corpses with some sort of brainprobe still attached; Wednesday's skull on Gil's desk appears to have been cut open sideways, then stuck back together using sticky tape. --Stoneshop (talk) 14:08, December 20, 2013 (UTC)

Which suggests that Gil has become so desperate to recover Agatha that he is interrogating the dead. -- Billy Catringer (talk) 17:26, December 20, 2013 (UTC)

Interesting that Bang is positive that Higgs is double-dealing Zeetha, and not the Empire.  That's the problem with double-agents; one can never be certain that they aren't triple agents. johnwillo (talk) 17:46, December 20, 2013 (UTC)

I subscribe to the theory that he's the Secret Jager General, so his loyalty is ultimately to House Heterodyne. --MadCat221 (talk) 20:24, December 20, 2013 (UTC)
That is my belief as well.  (About Higgs' loyalty; I make no judgement as to his General-ship.)  I wouldn't be surprised if Gil knew it, too.  Remember how he handled Wooster, though I think that Higgs would be harder to keep in the dark. johnwillo (talk) 00:12, December 21, 2013 (UTC)

Take note of Higgs's hat. Rozen Maiden has been replaced by Wulfenbach. Guess where we are now.-- Billy Catringer (talk) 18:24, December 20, 2013 (UTC)

Why was he debarking with his dragon from some weird dual-linked airship thing earlier? I imagine we'll find out int he next strip or two (or the beginning of next year/volume) what's up with Castle Wulfenbach. It was getting trashed pretty bad by the full brunt of Castle Heterodyne's wrath... And on that note, how do people hear Castle talk when reading its dialog? I imagine it sounding a bit like Hermaeus Mora in Skyrim/Dragonborn, except less lethargic. --MadCat221 (talk) 20:53, December 22, 2013 (UTC)
Whatever else happened,Castle Wulfenbach must have undergone extensive yard availability. Castle Heterodyne's mechanical minions tore Castle Wulfenbach to tatters just prior to Klaus using the Black Level Item. -- Billy Catringer (talk) 06:05, December 23, 2013 (UTC)