Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Forums: Index > Page-by-Page > 2013-10-14 (Monday)

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Discussion for comic for 2013-10-14 (Monday) .

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Hy gotz somevun to see hyu!

Vait! Ponch?! Bourgeois rage (talk) 11:52, October 14, 2013 (UTC)

I knew they would escape Gils workshop, im now assuming that judy is there as well. Agathahetrodyne (talk) 16:22, October 14, 2013 (UTC)

Punch looks so sad that I doubt she is there. She could be anywhere, but if one was inclined to search for her, I would suggest that Castle Wulfenbach would be the place to start. -- Billy Catringer (talk) 21:15, October 14, 2013 (UTC)
Or maybe he is sad that Agatha is locked in Mechanicsburg and he's hiding in cavern (for two and a half years). --AndyAB99 (talk) 10:03, October 15, 2013 (UTC)

"The buck stopped here." LOL Tarvek (talk) 18:22, October 14, 2013 (UTC)

I have a rack very similar to that one. I am now tempted to make a sign for it. -- Billy Catringer (talk) 21:18, October 14, 2013 (UTC)