Girl Genius
Girl Genius
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Discussion for comic for 2013-08-23 (Friday) .

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Cat! Cat-cat-cat! Cat! CAT! Caat! -- Billy Catringer (talk) 06:33, August 23, 2013 (UTC)

I must admit that I really didn't expect that one. :P --Kuopiofi (talk) 11:07, August 23, 2013 (UTC)

I didn't either, but in hindsight it makes perfect sense (dogs? cats? What do you expect?). By the way, Billy, as a cat-ringer, what's your position in this situation? NathanTheRammer (talk) 13:20, August 23, 2013 (UTC)

I picked up the Catringer moniker because I was adept at telephoning catfish, not felines. Felines rather like me and I have a soft spot for them. I suppose that was because of all the fish I have netted over the years. :) So, you should not be surprised when I say that I am rooting for Krosp I, Emporer of Cats. -- Billy Catringer (talk) 16:07, August 23, 2013 (UTC)

So, how does Agatha capitalize on this? Cut Krosp loose, to draw off the pursuit? Give Krosp a schwein, to keep him out of reach of the hounds? So far, the only missile weapon we've seen on Tweedle's side was Ishtvan's rifle, and I think he's been left far behind, so Krosp might be "safe" (albeit catatonic) floating above a couple dozen ravening sparkhounds. NathanTheRammer (talk) 13:20, August 23, 2013 (UTC)

And what will Agatha see when she comes through the last pass and sees Mechanicsburg? A giant reflective bubble? A hole in the ground? What exactly does the Magic 5 Ball's effect look and feel like from the outside? NathanTheRammer (talk) 14:56, August 23, 2013 (UTC)

I am guessing Mechanicsburg reapeared the same time Agatha, Krosp, Tweedel, and Violetta came through the Portal. Agathahetrodyne (talk) 16:47, August 23, 2013 (UTC)

I have, reluctantly, come around to the point of view that the "Magic 5 Ball" probably has a five-year effect, as Agatha was halfway into the portal and came through 2.5 years on. PersephoneKore (talk) 05:26, August 24, 2013 (UTC)
That 5 may refer to the radius or circumferance in miles or kilometers from activation Agathahetrodyne (talk) 03:50, August 26, 2013 (UTC)