Girl Genius
Girl Genius

While on an archive-binge I came across this page and wondered: What did Barry really want to say when he told Agatha to always wear the locket?

He told her (to always wear it) "Because... Because as long as you do, your parents can... protect you."

While reading it the first time I thought it was just a way to make sure young Agatha always wears the locket, suppressing her Spark and thus keeping her safe. Knowing what we know now (at least about her mother), that pause before "... protect you" starts to stink like an rotten fish. 18:49, July 31, 2012 (UTC)

Huh, I hadn't considered that maybe we ought to be suspicious of Bill before, but if Barry was initially saying something like "as long as you do, your parents can't find you", that would seem to implicate Bill as well as Lucrezia as posing a threat to Agatha. 8e643 (talk) 01:23, 29 May 2024 (UTC)