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Genshin Impact Wiki

Komore Teahouse (Japanese: 木漏茶屋 Komore Djaya) is a point of interest and an instance located in Tenryou, Inazuma City, Narukami Island, Inazuma.

It is a teahouse owned by the Yashiro Commission that has a strict members-only policy. The Kamisato Clan often uses it as a local base of operations and private meeting spot.

Its boss is a Shiba Inu by the name Taroumaru, a former ninja dog in the Shuumatsuban.[1] Only people who are approved by the Kamisato Clan are allowed to enter.[2] After drinking tea, customers leave their payment in a special box.

There is a story that its employees have signed a contract with Taroumaru to work there forever.[3][4]




Komore Teahouse Advertisement Board: Sunlight leaks through wood, mottles in the courtyard.



A teahouse positioned in a prime location in the streets of Inazuma City. They seem to have strong links with the Yashiro Commission. The teahouse boss, Taroumaru, is very famous amongst dog-lovers, and they say that before the Sakoku Decree was handed down, people would flock here from overseas to look upon the... ah, glorious countenance of Taroumaru of Inazuma City.

Map description


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
22Dream of HomelandRealm of Tranquil EternityRitou (night), Komore Teahouse
Serenitea Pot



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishKomore Teahouse
Mùlòu Cháshì
Tree-Leaking Teahouse‍[※][※]
Mùlòu Cháshì
Komore Djaya[5]
Tree-Leaking Teahouse[• 1]
Komore Chatjip
Komore Teahouse
SpanishCasa de Té KomoreKomore Tea House
FrenchSalon de thé KomoreKomore Teahouse
RussianЧайный дом «Коморэ»
Chaynyy dom "Komore"
"Komore" Tea House
Thaiโรงน้ำชา Komore
Rong-nam-cha Komore
Komore Teahouse
VietnamesePhòngPhòng TràTrà KomoreKomore Tea Room
GermanTeestube KomoreTeahouse Komore
IndonesianKomore Teahouse
PortugueseCasa de Chá KomoreKomore Tea House
TurkishKomore ÇayeviKomore Teahouse
ItalianSala da tè Komore
  1. Japanese: "Komore" (Japanese: 木漏れ Komore) literally means "leaking through the trees." It is commonly found in the phrase 木漏れ日 komorebi, which refers to the sunlight streaming through the trees. In the Version 2.0 Special Program, the Head of the Creative Concept and Writing Team, Xiao Luohao, says that "Komore" itself means the light passing through the gaps between leaves.

Change History[]


  1. NPC Dialogue: Nakanishi
  2. Web Event Mysterious Voyage, Voyage Packets: Dance of Sakura Petals
  3. YouTube: Version 2.0 Special Program
  4. NPC Dialogue, after completing "Three Wishes": Kozue
  5. Archon Quest, Chapter II, Act I - The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia, Part 2: Confessions of an Outlander (Japanese Voice-Over)

