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Stadium of the Sacred Flame: Temple of Pax is a point of interest located in Stadium of the Sacred Flame, Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Natlan.

It is located along the southern side of the stadium.

Points of Interest[]

There are 4 points of interest in Stadium of the Sacred Flame: Temple of Pax:

Name Description
Speaker's Chamber
Tablet of Tona

Offering Pyro Sigils to the Tablet of Tona will increase Tona's Flame's Restitution level and provide rewards.

The Salutary Furnace

The Salutary Furnace is owned by Alom.

Xocolatl Beverages

Xocolatl Beverages is a juice bar run by Yantasar. It specializes in unconventional drinks that utilize a variety of fresh fruits and spices, which locals apparently enjoy. It is also implied to serve alcohol.[1]


Archon Quests



Outer Concourse
Inside Fair and Temple
  • Alom — Owner, The Salutary Furnace


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
09Halls of HueyteotlLand of TleyaoyotlSpeaker's Chamber
10Bequeathed to the BelovedLand of TleyaoyotlSpeaker's Chamber (display room)


  • The Temple of Pax is responsible for academic research, at least into ancient dragon relics.[2]


  • Pax is the sixteenth month in the Maya Haab’ calendar.
  • Temple of Pax might also correspond with the Temple of Peace in Rome built in honor of the Roman Goddess of peace, Pax.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishStadium of the Sacred Flame: Temple of Pax
Shènghuǒ Jìngjì-chǎng - Pàkèsī Shénmiào
Sacred Flame Arena - Temple of Pax
Shènghuǒ Jìngjì-chǎng - Pàkèsī Shénmiào
Seika Kyougijou - Pakkusu Shinden
Stadium of the Sacred Flame - Temple of Pax
Korean성화 경기장・팍스 신전
Seonghwa Gyeonggijang - Pakseu Sinjeon
SpanishArena Sacrofuego - Templo de PaxSacredfire Arena - Temple of Pax
FrenchStade du sanctifeu : Temple de PaxStadium of the Sacred FlameSacred FlameSacred FlameSacred FlameTooltip for Sacred FlameSacred Flame: Temple of Pax
RussianСтадион Священного пламени: Храм Пакса
Stadion Svyashchennogo plameni: Khram Paksa
Stadium of the Sacred Flame: Temple of Pax
ThaiStadium of the Sacred Flame: Temple of Pax
VietnameseĐấu Trường Lửa Thánh: Đền Pax
GermanArena des heiligen Feuers – Tempel des PaxArena of the Sacred Flame – Temple of Pax
IndonesianStadium of the Sacred Flame: Temple of Pax
PortugueseEstádio da Chama Sagrada: Templo de Pax
TurkishKutsal Alev Stadyumu: Barış Tapınağı
ItalianArena della Fiamma sacra: Tempio di Pax

Change History[]


  1. NPC Dialogue: Coa
  2. Point of Interest, "Saurian Relics Association" Message Board: Ancient Iktomisaurus Dragon Object

