The Golden Dusk Bulletin Board is a point of interest and a bulletin board located in Golden Dusk, "People of the Springs," Toyac Springs, Natlan.
It can be found next to Kupo Nui at the Golden Dusk. The messages randomly cycle through every time "Continue Reading" is selected.
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "Welcome to the Golden Dusk, a storied restaurant of the People of the Springs! We hope all our guests will enjoy our cuisine! E'ai kakou!"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "Guests are welcome to bring their own ingredients to cook! Our chef will go all-out to prepare every ingredient as best they can, cooking with overflowing passion! Absolutely no extra charges!"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "We also have a wide array of guest rooms available, and we can even provide tents for camping if needed, so that guests can enjoy falling asleep to the gentle lapping of the waves, and awaken to the dazzling sight of the dawn rays shining on the sea~"
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Today's Recommendations[]
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "Today's recommendations: Fresh iced milk, fresh iced mint burst, and fresh iced Grainfruit Meat Soup!"
- Guest Message: "Hey, why do you guys only have iced drinks? Got anything a bit warmer?"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "Of course! I'm happy to personally prepare some fresh hot milk, fresh hot mint burst, and fresh hot Grainfruit Meat Soup for you!"
- Guest Message: "Now that's more like it... Wait, isn't Grainfruit Meat Soup supposed to be hot in the first place?"
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In-House Singer[]
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "The in-house singer at the Golden Dusk today is still our old friend Tirda~"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "She'll be performing the Flower-Feather Clan classics 'The Sky's Intensity' and 'Red Velvet'~"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "Also, Tirda's new album 'Bubbles' will be released soon! Available at Xochicuicatl Records!"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "This album is based on Tirda's experiences during her stay here at the People of the Springs, and features rarely seen themes and styles."
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "By combining her unique voice with a rich, multilayered composition and innovative instrumentation, it creates an auditory feast for your ears to enjoy!"
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Inferno Stomach Supremo Competition[]
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "The People of the Springs regional qualifiers for the 243rd Inferno Stomach Supremo competition are starting soon!"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "The rules for the competition haven't changed: The one who eats the most of the specified dish within the time limit wins prizes!"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "In the last contest, Varesa of the Collective of Plenty downed a full 80 servings of 'Hot Spring O'Clock,' wiping the floor with the competition and claiming the mantle of champion!"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "They say those with the greatest appetites are apt to become the greatest warriors... Does anyone dare challenge her, and seize the crown of 'Inferno Stomach Supremo' in the current contest?"
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Hiring Notice[]
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "Our restaurant has been a bit shorthanded lately, so we're hiring another host or hostess to help out! No special requirements, just passion for the job and a sunny disposition."
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "If possible, we'd prefer it if you knew a little bit about medicine. After all, tourists sometimes find that the food doesn't agree with them or get upset stomachs, so they might need us to take care of them a bit."
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "Anyway, if you're interested, just leave a message or just go straight to Kupo Nui. No need for appointments, the doors of the Golden Dusk are always open to you!"
- Small Print: "Also, hosts and hostesses should enjoy cold drinks too!"
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Leisurely Puffer Promotion[]
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "A mysterious surprise~ Lucky candies~"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "The Golden Dusk~ Pomaika'i~"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "The Golden Dusk's chef will randomly add golden grainfruit kernel candies to various dishes~"
- Golden Dusk Announcement: "If you get a lucky candy, you can get 50% off watersports products at the Leisurely Puffer~"
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Change History[]
Released in Version 5.0