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This page contains information about a past event that may or may not return in a future version.

Uncover a nautical manual of unknown origin and embark on a mysterious voyage with your trusty companion, Paimon!

>>Go to the "Mysterious Voyage" Web Event Page<<

Event Details[]


  • 2021/07/13 -2021/07/20 23:59 (UTC +8)


Event Description[]

  • During the event, follow the nautical manual of unknown origin and navigate uncharted waters. Make your choices and start your voyage! Be careful, each of your decisions will affect the progress of your journey, so choose carefully.
  • >>Set Sail<<


Set Sail
  • Click the "Set Sail" button to start your voyage.
  • The nautical map shows the areas that you have already explored. Various choices made by you during the voyage will affect the route taken.
    Every time you make a choice in an unexplored area or successfully defend your boat, you can unlock the current area.
  • Unlocking a new area requires Energy. Unlocking each new area consumes 10 Energy points.
    Energy can be obtained by completing the tasks of the Energy Station.
Violent Storms Incoming, Defend Your Boat
  • Heavy rain, lightning, and huge waves incoming! Protect your boat!
    In defense challenges, an operation is considered successful if Travelers press the circular icon at the right time. Defense challenges are deemed successful when the number of successfully activated icons is 50% or more.
    If the current area is an area yet to be unlocked, the current area can be unlocked after the defense challenge is successful, and 10 Energy points will be consumed. Repeating a challenge in an unlocked area will not consume energy.
    If the defense challenge ends in failure, the current area will not be unlocked and 10 Energy points will be consumed. Share a commemorative picture of this challenge failure to obtain 10 Energy points and continue your challenge. (This Energy acquisition opportunity only exists once a day, across all defense challenges.)
Voyage Packets
  • During the voyage, you might come across some "information fragments" that are difficult to decipher.
    A certain number of information fragments can be pieced together to complete the information! In the nautical manual, you can view the information you have collected.
    *Some information is more complicated and has to be unlocked through puzzles.
Seafarer's Album
  • The memorable moments of your voyage will be captured and saved into your album.
    During your voyage, you will obtain commemorative photos that will be saved in the "Seafarer's Album" page of your Nautical Manual, and you can revisit them at any time.

Event Rewards[]

  1. For each new piece of information you unlock, you will receive a reward of 15,000 Mora. You will receive small additional rewards for certain information.
  2. Obtain 10,000 Mora when you share the event for the first time.
  3. When you unlock 8/15/25/35 areas, you can claim the corresponding Primogems in the progress pop-up window.
Areas Rewards
Primogem 30
Mystic Enhancement Ore 2
Primogem 30
Hero's Wit 2
Primogem 30
Mystic Enhancement Ore 3
Primogem 30
Hero's Wit 3
  • Sakura Mochi and Tricolor Dango will be delivered to Travelers' in-game mailbox within three days of the Version 2.0 update.
  • Once the event is over, the unlocked information and progress rewards on the event page will not be available for claiming.

Energy Station[]

Task Energy
Daily Login Event Page 60 pts
Daily Sharing Event Page 20 pts
Check out the "Taste of Summer" Fan Art Contest 20 pts
Watch the Version 2.0 trailer of Genshin Impact 20 pts
Visit the official Facebook site 20 pts
Check out the Genshin Impact Version 2.0 preview page 20 pts
Go to our official Reddit 20 pts


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
66The Realm WithinJade Moon Upon a Sea of CloudsSolitary Rampart, Fayz Trials (challenge #4-7), Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #1 and 4), Inspiration Eruption, The Great Fayz Reaction Debate (stage #5 and 8), Mysterious Voyage
Domains, Serenitea Pot
68Chasing the TorrentsJade Moon Upon a Sea of CloudsArataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp, Shuyu's Baffling Beetle Battle Bowl, Drills by Lamplight, Mysterious Voyage (defending boat)
Combat, Special Gameplay
69Gallant ChallengeJade Moon Upon a Sea of CloudsArataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp, Shuyu's Baffling Beetle Battle Bowl, Drills by Lamplight, Mysterious Voyage (defending boat)
41Wrath of Monoceros CaeliThe Shimmering VoyageMysterious Voyage (defending boat), Overture of Wandering Notes (minigame #2)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMysterious Voyage
Shénmì de Yuǎnháng
Shénmì de Yuǎnháng
Michi he no Kouro‍[!][!]
Korean신비신비로운 항해항해
Sinbiroun Hanghae
SpanishTravesía misteriosa
FrenchTraversée mystérieuse
RussianТаинственное плавание
Tainstvennoye plavaniye
Loi La Long Thong Kliao Khluen
VietnameseHành Trình Thần Bí
GermanGeheimnisvolle Fahrt
IndonesianPelayaran Misterius
PortugueseMisteriosa Jornada

Change History[]
