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Monumental stone statues that watch over the whole of Teyvat. Legends say they were sculpted in the images of The Seven who sustain this world. Travelers would pray for the statue's protection should they come across one, while it silently anticipates the arrival of a noble soul...

Statues of The Seven are structures found around all of Teyvat. Each region has Statues of their corresponding Archon. See the Teyvat Interactive Map for locations.


The world opens itself before those with noble hearts.

—Upon unlocking a Statue of The Seven

Statues of The Seven have many purposes:

  • Fill in areas (larger named regions) of the Map when found and resonated with once (one Statue of The Seven per area).
    • This also reveals most locked Teleport Waypoints. Until the Statue of The Seven is touched, only unlocked Teleport Waypoints in the area show up on the map.
  • Unlock additional expedition options corresponding to the area when found and resonated with once.
  • Serve as Teleport Waypoints for players.
  • Revive fallen characters.
  • Heal characters automatically and manually, depending on how much Restorative Power is available and settings on the Statue's Blessing screen.
  • Change the Traveler's elemental talents by interacting with them while playing as Traveler, depending on the region the statue is in, except for Natlan(if Archon Quest V: Act V is not done).
  • Offer various rewards in exchange for Oculi, varying between regions:
  • Serve as a source of warmth in Subzero Climate.
  • Clear Bonds of Life.
  • Replenish Phlogiston in Natlan regions where it is enabled.

Statue's Blessing

All Statues of The Seven share a pool of HP called Restorative Power, used to heal characters. Restorative Power regenerates itself at a rate of 1% of its maximum every 15 seconds, even while the game is paused, for a full recharge in 25 minutes. The maximum Restorative Power is 5,000 multiplied by the number of Statues of The Seven currently unlocked by the player; as of Version 5.1, the maximum possible Restorative Power is therefore 220,000 HP (5,000 x 44 Statues of The Seven.)

Restorative Power can be used manually on the Statue's Blessing interface, by clicking the displayed icons of characters obtained. Each click heals the character by 10% of their Max HP.


On the Statue's Blessing interface, players can activate an "Auto-recover when nearby" option and specify an HP percentage to enable the following effects when in the immediate proximity of any Statue:

  • Fallen characters are revived immediately with 35% of their maximum HP. This does not use Restorative Power.
  • Characters in the current party whose HP is currently under the specified HP percentage receive healing, sourced from the Restorative Power pool and up to the player-defined threshold. All party characters are healed simultaneously; if the Restorative Power pool cannot cover the needs of the entire party, characters in the first party slots are given priority.‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
    • This effect requires staying close to the Statue's base for 2 seconds while a visual effect plays; if the player moves out of the range, the visual effect plays but no healing occurs.

Bond of Life cleansing is always done upon approach regardless of the auto-recover setting, and does not consume Restorative Power.

Healing upon Teleport

Like other teleportation mechanisms, Statues of The Seven do not place players at a consistent position relative to themselves; instead each Statue teleports players to specific coordinates in their vicinity. For this reason, some statues will place the player close enough to receive healing upon loading, while others place the player far enough that the player must move closer to the Statue to enable the automatic healing. The Statues of the following areas will teleport the player close enough to receive healing upon teleporting:

Inactive Party Members

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Opening the Statue's Blessing screen applies the same revival effect‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed] to characters outside the active party. However, there is a daily limit on the total amount of HP restored for all characters combined using Restorative Power.

  • If the automatic healing for all characters exceeds this limit:
    • "Preparing for Combat" characters will not receive automatic healing, even if there is remaining Restorative Power.
    • These characters enter a "Recovering" state, where they heal 1% of their Max HP every 15 minutes ‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed] as long as their HP has not decreased.
    • Incapacitated characters in this state revive with a minimal amount of HP.
  • Players can bypass the "Recovering" state for a character by:
    • Manually healing them.
    • Adding them to the active party, which allows them to receive automatic healing again.

Under certain conditions, a "Preparing for combat" character may be revived and receive full automatic healing without using Restorative Power through this screen.‍ ‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]

Co-Op Mode

As with most open-world interactables, Statues cannot be interacted with while playing in Co-Op Mode. However, players can still receive healing by standing near it if Auto-Recover is enabled. The HP pool is tied to the world of the host and is shared by all players who are in the same world.

Players who have not yet unlocked a statue in their world will not be able to heal from that specific statue until it is unlocked in their own world.

World Map Descriptions

Element Description
A monumental stone statue that watches over Mondstadt. Legends say that it was sculpted in the image of the Anemo Archon. "Seeds brought by the wind will grow over time." The statue silently anticipates the arrival of a noble soul to arrive, while thousand winds of time will soon unfold a new story...
A monumental stone statue that watches over Liyue. Legends say it was sculpted in the image of the Geo Archon. Despite its bustling harbor which attracts many traders, Liyue's history is one of enduring stability, just like this statue.
Large statues found scattered across the islands of Inazuma. Many believe that the statues were carved in the image of the Electro Archon. "Glory to the Shogun and her everlasting reign!" Just like this statue, the islands of Inazuma may very well transcend the ages in their pursuit of Eternity.
A large stone statue that stands tall in various locations across Sumeru's jungles and deserts. It is said to have been carved in the image of the Dendro Archon. As it is said, "There is nothing new under the sun." The ancient realm of wisdom has weathered calamity just like the statue gazes down at the cycles of rebirth.
A monumental stone statue that watches over Fontaine. Legends say it was sculpted in the image of the Hydro Archon. "The law is a fortress above all the waters of the world. Neither sin nor flood may cause it to collapse." Order and fairness cover the country of the God of Justice, like the silent gaze of the statue itself over the waters and lands of Fontaine.
Monumental stone statues scattered across the mountains and plains of Natlan, said to be carved in the image of the Pyro Archon. "Just as the perpetual living flame burns on without end, so too are struggle and change the true sovereigns of all things." Marching on amid the fires of conflict and contention, the glory of Natlan will surely shine forth with an ever-renewing luster, just like the giant wheel of radiance depicted on its Archon statues.

How to Unlock

Upon beginning the game, only the Statues of The Seven of Starfell Valley (in Starfell Lake; unlocked as part of Bird's Eye View) and Galesong Hill (in Windrise) can be unlocked, as the map is initially limited to about half of Starfell Valley plus, roughly, Windrise, Falcon Coast, and Springvale.

Upon completion of the Archon Quest Prologue: Act I - The Outlander Who Caught the Wind, the rest of the map becomes available, but not all Statues of The Seven can be immediately unlocked.

The following Statues can only be unlocked after clearing obstacles:

The following Statues are in areas or subareas that are unlocked upon completion of certain quests:

Statue Levels

Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 02 Qiqi 2
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Verify exact stamina amounts per level at the statues outside of Mondstadt and Liyue

Upon first unlocking a statue, you are rewarded with Adventure EXP Adventure EXP ×50 and Primogem Primogem ×5 much like a Teleport Waypoint. Statues start at Level 1. All statues of the same region share the same level, meaning that leveling up one statue will also level up all other statues of the region.

Note that the open world contains one extra Anemoculus, Geoculus, Electroculus, Dendroculus and Hydroculus, which means players can find a total of 66, 131, 181, 271 and 271 of those oculi, respectively.

Stamina gained from leveling up the Statues is added to the player's Maximum Stamina until a total of 240 Maximum Stamina is reached.


Level Anemoculus Anemoculus
Offering [subtotal]
Anemo Sigil Primogem Adventure EXP Stamina
1 → 2 1 [1] 5 10 80 7
2 → 3 2 [3] 5 10 120 7
3 → 4 4 [7] 5 10 160 8
4 → 5 6 [13] 10 10 200 8
5 → 6 7 [20] 10 10 240 8
6 → 7 8 [28] 10 10 280 8
7 → 8 10 [38] 15 10 320 8
8 → 9 12 [50] 15 10 360 8
9 → 10 15 [65] 15 10 400 8
Total 65 90 90 2,160 70


Level Geoculus Geoculus
Offering [subtotal]
Geo Sigil Primogem Adventure EXP Stamina Other
1 → 2 2 [2] 5 10 80 7 Stone of Remembrance Stone of Remembrance ×1
2 → 3 4 [6] 5 10 120 7 Stone of Remembrance Stone of Remembrance ×1
3 → 4 8 [14] 5 10 160 8 Stone of Remembrance Stone of Remembrance ×1
4 → 5 12 [26] 10 10 200 8 Stone of Remembrance Stone of Remembrance ×1
5 → 6 14 [40] 10 10 240 8 Stone of Remembrance Stone of Remembrance ×1
6 → 7 16 [56] 10 10 280 8 Stone of Remembrance Stone of Remembrance ×1
7 → 8 20 [76] 15 10 320 8 Stone of Remembrance Stone of Remembrance ×1
8 → 9 24 [100] 15 10 360 8 Stone of Remembrance Stone of Remembrance ×1
9 → 10 30 [130] 15 10 400 8 Stone of Remembrance Stone of Remembrance ×1
Total 130 90 90 2,160 70 Stone of Remembrance Stone of Remembrance ×9


Level Electroculus Electroculus
Offering [subtotal]
Electro Sigil Primogem Adventure EXP Stamina Other
1 → 2 10 [10] 5 60 80 7 Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key ×1
2 → 3 12 [22] 5 60 120 7 Memory of Violet Flash Memory of Violet Flash ×1
3 → 4 15 [37] 5 60 160 8 Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key ×1
4 → 5 18 [55] 10 60 200 8 Memory of Violet Flash Memory of Violet Flash ×1
5 → 6 20 [75] 10 60 240 8 Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key ×1
6 → 7 22 [97] 10 60 280 8 Memory of Violet Flash Memory of Violet Flash ×1
7 → 8 25 [122] 15 60 320 8 Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key ×1
8 → 9 28 [150] 15 60 360 8 Memory of Violet Flash Memory of Violet Flash ×1
9 → 10 30 [180] 15 60 400 8 Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key ×1
Total 180 90 540 2,160 70 Memory of Violet Flash Memory of Violet Flash ×4
Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key ×5


Level Dendroculus Dendroculus
Offering [subtotal]
Dendro Sigil Primogem Adventure EXP Stamina Other
1 → 2 20 [20] 5 60 80 7 Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key ×1
2 → 3 22 [42] 5 60 120 7 Memory of Flourishing Green Memory of Flourishing Green ×1
3 → 4 25 [67] 5 60 160 8 Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key ×1
4 → 5 28 [95] 10 60 200 8 Memory of Flourishing Green Memory of Flourishing Green ×1
5 → 6 30 [125] 10 60 240 8 Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key ×1
6 → 7 32 [157] 10 60 280 8 Memory of Flourishing Green Memory of Flourishing Green ×1
7 → 8 35 [192] 15 60 320 8 Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key ×1
8 → 9 38 [230] 15 60 360 8 Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key ×1
9 → 10 40 [270] 15 60 400 8 Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key ×1
Total 270 90 540 2,160 70 Memory of Flourishing Green Memory of Flourishing Green ×3
Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key ×6


Level Hydroculus Hydroculus
Offering [subtotal]
Hydro Sigil Primogem Adventure EXP Stamina Other
1 → 2 20 [20] 5 60 80 7 Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key ×1
2 → 3 22 [42] 5 60 120 7 Memory of Running Stream Memory of Running Stream ×1
3 → 4 25 [67] 5 60 160 8 Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key ×1
4 → 5 28 [95] 10 60 200 8 Memory of Running Stream Memory of Running Stream ×1
5 → 6 30 [125] 10 60 240 8 Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key ×1
6 → 7 32 [157] 10 60 280 8 Memory of Running Stream Memory of Running Stream ×1
7 → 8 35 [192] 15 60 320 8 Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key ×1
8 → 9 38 [230] 15 60 360 8 Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key ×1
9 → 10 40 [270] 15 60 400 8 Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key ×1
Total 270 90 540 2,160 70 Memory of Running Stream Memory of Running Stream ×3
Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key ×6


Level Pyroculus Pyroculus
Offering [subtotal]
Pyro Sigil Primogem Adventure EXP Stamina Other
1 → 2 20 [20] 5 100 80 7 Natlan Shrine of Depths Key Natlan Shrine of Depths Key ×1
2 → 3 22 [42] 5 100 120 7 Acquaint Fate Acquaint Fate ×1
3 → 4 25 [67] 5 100 160 8 Natlan Shrine of Depths Key Natlan Shrine of Depths Key ×1
4 → 5 28 [95] 10 100 200 8 Acquaint Fate Acquaint Fate ×1
5 → 6 30 [125] 10 100 240 8 Natlan Shrine of Depths Key Natlan Shrine of Depths Key ×1
6 → 7 32 [157] 10 100 280 8 Acquaint Fate Acquaint Fate ×1
7 → 8 35 [192] 15 100 320 8 Natlan Shrine of Depths Key Natlan Shrine of Depths Key ×1 (currently unreachable)
8 → 9 0 [192] 15 100 360 8
9 → 10 0 [192] 15 100 400 8
Total 192 90 900 2,160 70 Acquaint Fate Acquaint Fate ×3
Natlan Shrine of Depths Key Natlan Shrine of Depths Key ×4


Statues of The Seven start out as stone statues that only have a gold plate at the bottom. As more and more oculi are offered, the Statue of The Seven for that particular region becomes more and more ornate, from replacing broken stones at level 2, to gaining protruding & accented gold parts & fixing all cracks at level 6, lastly upon maxing out a Statue of The Seven at 10, the Statue gains a floating gold ring under the Archon's figure and designs with the Celestial motif at the base and near the top.

Statues of The Seven depict the region's current Archon[Note 1] dressed in a hooded cloak and holding an object whose shape roughly matches the shape of the region's Vision or Vision gem. There are no variations between Statues of The Seven that are found in the same region.

The figures depicted on Statues of the Seven seem to always depict the current Archon. For nations that had an Archon change, it is unknown how the Statues of that nation transform from the figure of the previous Archon into the new Archon.


According to fairytales, the Statues of the The Seven originally had gem eyes that were taken by swallows.[1]

Areas that are not under the rule of any Archon, such as Enkanomiya and the Golden Apple Archipelago, do not have Statues of The Seven. Watatsumi Island, which was previously under the rule of Orobashi and not the Electro Archon, became home to a Statue of The Seven after Orobashi was slain.[2]

Lost Statue of The Seven

Long ago, Mondstadt lost a Statue of The Seven. The Traveler later finds a Defiled Statue hanging upside down in the ruins Call of the Abyss.


Single-Player Mode

(Interact with any Statue of The Seven)
(If this Statue of The Seven is locked)
Statue of The Seven: The world opens itself before those with noble hearts.
(Statue of The Seven is unlocked)
Statue of The Seven: ...
Icon Dialogue Worship Statue Worship Statue
(Opens the Worship Statue screen)
Icon Dialogue Talk Resonate with (Anemo/Geo/Electro/Dendro/Hydro) (Only available if the active character is Traveler and their element does not match the Statue of The Seven's)
(The Traveler's element is changed)
Icon Dialogue Talk Resonate with Pyro (Only available if the active character is the Traveler and the player has not completed step 5 of When All Becomes a Monument)
Statue of The Seven: Cannot resonate with Pyro...
Icon Dialogue Talk Resonate with Pyro (Only available if the active character is the Traveler and the player has completed step 5 of When All Becomes a Monument)
(The Traveler's element is changed)
Icon Dialogue Talk Statue's Blessing
(Opens the Statue's Blessing screen)
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave
(Ends dialogue)

Co-Op Mode

(Interact with an unlocked Statue of The Seven)
Statue of The Seven: ...
(If the active character is Traveler and their element does not match the Statue of The Seven's)
Icon Dialogue Talk Resonate with (Anemo/Geo/Electro/Dendro/Hydro)
(The Traveler's element is changed)
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave
(Ends dialogue)
(TravelerTraveler): Leave[Note 2]


(Upon approaching the Statue of The Seven in Windwail Highland, guarded by an Eye of the Storm)
Media:vo tips goddess paimon 06.ogg Paimon: This Statue of the Seven [sic] seems to be affected by a monster nearby.
Media:vo tips goddess paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Defeating that monster might remove the strange wind current seal thingy around the Statue of the Seven [sic].


(Upon interacting with a Statue of The Seven in Liyue for the first time)
Media:Vo tips geogoddess paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Did... did you just feel the power of Geo?
Media:Vo tips geogoddess paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Your connection to the elements is so different from the Vision bearers'! Seems like you can physically switch between elements...
Media:Vo tips geogoddess paimon 03.ogg Paimon: If so, then you just need to make an offering to a Statue of The Seven and the elements will respond — just like they did in Mondstadt.
Media:Vo tips geogoddess paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We're now in Liyue, which is ruled over by the Geo Archon. That's why the statues here look a bit different.
Media:Vo tips geogoddess paimon 05.ogg Paimon: If you ever miss using your Anemo powers, you can just get them back from a Statue of The Seven in Mondstadt.


(Upon interacting with a Statue of The Seven in Dharma Forest for the first time prior to Step 4 in Further Observation in Chapter III)
Paimon: Eh? What were those?
Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), did you see them?
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you talking about?
Paimon: Those little round, plantlike things! Gone just like that!
Icon Dialogue Talk I saw them.
Icon Dialogue Talk You mean cabbages?
Paimon: No! They're creatures. You know, little fairies or something...
Icon Dialogue Talk You're seeing things, Paimon.
Paimon: No! They're creatures. You know, little fairies or something...
Paimon: Stop patronizing Paimon! They were not hallucinations!
Paimon: Anyway, we should ask around when we get a chance...
Icon Dialogue Talk I saw them.
Paimon: Little round, plantlike things, right? Gone just like that!
Paimon: We should ask around when we get a chance.
Icon Dialogue Talk What are those...?
Paimon: Little round, plantlike things, right? Gone just like that!
Paimon: We should ask around when we get a chance.


(Upon interacting with a Statue of The Seven in Fontaine for the first time)
Paimon: Eh? Did light just start flooding from that Statue of The Seven just now...?
Paimon: That's so weird! Did anything like this ever happen before?
Icon Dialogue Talk It's normal for a Statue of The Seven to glow.
Icon Dialogue Talk A rush of water?
Paimon: It certainly is the nation of the Hydro Archon! Even the Statues of The Seven are water fountains... YEAH RIGHT! That light wasn't normal at all!
Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), you didn't feel uncomfortable at all?
Icon Dialogue Talk Huh? Water... the water is speaking to me...
Paimon: Like Paimon's gonna believe you! If you can crack jokes like that, you must be fine.
Icon Dialogue Talk Wow, I feel like I'm using gills to breathe...
Paimon: Good for you! First try growing a pair of gills and show Paimon! Hmph! Seems like you're feeling pretty good! Paimon can't believe Paimon was actually worried about you for a moment there...
Paimon: Though, after it lit up like that, the air does feel a lot more humid. Maybe it's because of all that Hydro energy that was released?
Paimon: Hehe, Paimon heard that in Fontaine, if you can use Elemental Energy properly, you can even swim underwater! Maybe you can even find sunken treasure!
Paimon: Paimon'll leave diving for treasure to you. Paimon will... stand on the shore and wait for you!
Icon Dialogue Talk It'll be lonely, going underwater alone...
Icon Dialogue Talk You could try doing something for once, Paimon.
Paimon: Waaah! But... but... being in the water is scary!
Paimon: What if Paimon accidentally gets swept in a current and gets all turned around and dizzy, and then she won't be able to fly away no matter what...
Paimon: Just like before Paimon met you, back in Mondstadt...
Icon Dialogue Talk Then I'll fish you out again!
Paimon: ...Really? Th—Then maybe Paimon can try going underwater with you. Hmph! You'd better not go back on your word!


(Upon interacting with a Statue of The Seven in Natlan for the first time before Step 6 of Natlan! A New Adventure in Chapter V)
Paimon: Huh? Is it just Paimon, or are the Statues of The Seven in Natlan a bit weird?
Paimon: Shouldn't it be more... intense the first time you touch it? Like, there's a "schwing"-y sound, that kinda feeling?
Icon Dialogue Talk Eh, seems normal enough to me?
Paimon: But it really is kinda strange...
Icon Dialogue Talk Actually, the "schwing" before was me.
Paimon: Oh! So you just forgot to "schwing" this time, then? Well, next time, try to pay more attention...
Paimon: AS IF! You better add your own sound effects every time you touch a Statue of The Seven!
Paimon: Hmm, how should Paimon put it... Well, she always felt that before, there'd be a stronger connection established when you touched Statues...
Paimon: This time, it feels more like hitting a switch, like all that happened when you touched the Statue was that it lit up.
Paimon: Right, right! Before, when you touched the Statues, you could feel the elemental power. But this time...
Paimon: Does it have that Pyro feel, all lively and intense?
Icon Dialogue Talk (You carefully search within yourself...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (There's none of the scorching sensation you expected...)
Paimon: Huh... Nothing at all...?
Paimon: That seems kinda weird no matter how you look at it...
(Upon interacting with a Statue of The Seven in Natlan for the second time if the first interaction was during Step 6 of Natlan! A New Adventure)
Paimon: ...Yeah, it's definitely off. You still can't get elemental power from the Statue of The Seven?
Paimon: Geez! Just what's with the Statues?
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe it's just old and needs some maintenance.
Paimon: But it totally glowed when you touched it!
Paimon: Hey! C'mon, Statue of The Seven... Are you doing your job properly?
Icon Dialogue Talk Perhaps Natlan's just special...
Paimon: Now you mention it, it does sound like Natlan's constantly been affected by the influence of the Abyss... Could that be why?
Paimon: Paimon hasn't got a clue...
(Upon interacting with a Statue of The Seven in Natlan for the first time after completing step 5 of When All Becomes a Monument)
Paimon: Hehe, that's the way it should be! That's the kind of stable connection with the Statue of The Seven we're looking for.
Paimon: So that issue we were having before was due to that baddie in the Night Kingdom, huh? The Statue of The Seven sure must've been having a hard time back then... Great job, Statue!
Paimon: Though, it's not like you could've granted the power to resonate with Pyro even if you wanted to...
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, that happened while I was fighting alongside the Pyro Archon...
Paimon: Yeah, Paimon was super scared then... But as it turned out, you were too strong for that!
Paimon: Either way, it's great that we managed to get rid of all those Abyss monsters and restore the Statues!


There are 12 Achievements obtainable from Statue of The Seven:

Achievement Category Description Primogem
Of Mountains High Mortal Travails: Series I Mortal Travails: Series I Obtain the power of Geo. 5
Let the Wind Lead Mondstadt: The City of Wind and Song Mondstadt: The City of Wind and Song Upgrade the Statues of The Seven in Mondstadt to their maximum level. 20
Unmovable Mountain Liyue: The Harbor of Stone and Contracts Liyue: The Harbor of Stone and Contracts Upgrade the Statues of The Seven in Liyue to their maximum level. 20
Unlimited Power! Mortal Travails: Series II Mortal Travails: Series II Obtain the power of Electro. 5
Eternal Thunder Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity - Series I Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity - Series I Upgrade the Statues of The Seven in Inazuma to their maximum level. 20
Fluorescent Bloom Sumeru: The Rainforest of Lore Sumeru: The Rainforest of Lore Upgrade the Statues of The Seven in Sumeru to their maximum level. 20
Land of Fair Springs Mortal Travails: Series IV Mortal Travails: Series IV Obtain the power of Hydro. 5
The Essence of Flora Mortal Travails: Series III Mortal Travails: Series III Obtain the power of Dendro. 5
Like Waters Clear Fontaine: Dance of the Dew-White Springs (I) Fontaine: Dance of the Dew-White Springs (I) Upgrade the Statues of The Seven in Fontaine to their maximum level. 20
Radiant As Fire Natlan: The Land of Fire and Competition (I) Natlan: The Land of Fire and Competition (I) Upgrade the Statues of The Seven in Natlan to their maximum level. 20
Memory of Fire Mortal Travails: Series V Mortal Travails: Series V Obtain the power of Pyro. 5
Let the Wind Lead Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Obtain the power of Anemo. 5


Switch Element
Tutorial Switch Element
Resonate with Geo at the Statue of The Seven in Liyue to convert your element to Geo, and acquire Geo Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst.
Return to the Statue of The Seven in Mondstadt and resonate with Anemo to reacquire Anemo abilities.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
33Statue of The SevenCity of Winds and IdyllsStatue of The Seven (Statue's Blessing), Wishes
34Acquaintance (Statue of The Seven)City of Winds and IdyllsStatue of The Seven (offering, in Mondstadt and Liyue)



Leveling up Anemo Statue of The Seven
Resonating with Element


  • As seen in the Commission Grateful to the Gods, the Statues of The Seven can get dusty. Due to the Statues' power, the dust ends up with elemental energy and cannot be wiped off easily without elemental powers.
  • When trying to interact with a statue in another player's world, it returns the message "Leave." This is because when there is only one dialogue option, it is sometimes replaced with plain dialogue while in Co-Op Mode. In this case, the "Leave" message corresponds to the "Leave" dialogue option, and the other dialogue options — Worship Statue and Statue's Blessing — are not available while in somebody else's world.
  • In Co-Op Mode, players can heal even at a Statue of The Seven that the host has not yet unlocked, as long as players have unlocked the Statue in their own world.
  • There are no underground Statues of The Seven, besides the Defiled Statue.
  • Mt. Laixin is the only Area on the Teyvat World Map to not have a corresponding Statue of The Seven.
  • Unlike all previous regions, the Traveler does not immediately gain the Pyro element upon first resonating with a Statue of the Seven in Natlan.[3]


  • A ring of circles, with the Electro symbol on each, can be found on the statues in Inazuma. This resembles the Shinto god of lightning, thunder, and storms, Raijin, and the Taiko thunder drum scaffold that surrounds him, which he uses to make the sound of thunder. They are also similar to the design around Inazuma Visions.
  • The Fontaine Statue of The Seven alludes to Lady Justice, a court symbol that is commonly depicted holding a sword and scale meant to represent authority and swift justice. In the Statue of the Seven the sword and scale are combined into one.


  1. Fontaine's Statues of The Seven only match Focalors, and also Furina's Pneuma stance, yet Egeria has only been depicted with an entirely different hairstyle.
  2. This corresponds to the "Leave" dialogue option, which appears to be converted into normal dialogue when it is the only dialogue option available while in Co-Op Mode.

Other Languages

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishStatue of The Seven
Qītiān Shénxiàng
Qītiān Shénxiàng
Ilgop Sinsang
SpanishEstatua de Los Siete
FrenchStatue des Sept
RussianСтатуя семи Архонтов
Statuya semi Arkhontov
ThaiStatue of The Seven
VietnameseThất Thiên Thần TượngThất Thiên Thần Tượng
GermanStatue der Sieben
IndonesianPatung The Seven
PortugueseEstátua dos Sete
TurkishYedilerin Heykeli
ItalianStatua dei Sette

Change History

Version 5.0

Version 4.8

  • Added '"<name>" can be offered to' prompt when the player has sufficient offerings to level up.

Version 4.6

  • Added 1 Statue of The Seven - Hydro within the area Nostoi Region in Fontaine.
    • Total amount of Hydro Statues is now 8, for a total of 40 Statues of The Seven.

Version 4.4

Version 4.2

  • Added 2 Statues of The Seven - Hydro within the areas Erinnyes Forest and Morte Region in Fontaine.
    • Total amount of Hydro Statues is now 7, for a total of 37 Statues of The Seven.

Version 4.1

Version 4.0

Version 3.6

Version 3.4

  • Added 1 Statue of The Seven - Dendro within the area Desert of Hadramaveth.
    • Total amount of Dendro Statues is now 11, for a total of 28 Statues of The Seven.

Version 3.1

Version 3.0

Version 2.6

  • The interaction between Tsurumi Island's fog, Teleport Waypoints, and Statue of The Seven was updated so that Teleport Waypoints within foggy areas no longer show up on the map if the Statue of The Seven has not yet been touched. Previously, Teleport Waypoints inside foggy areas showed up on the map if the Statue of The Seven had not yet been touched, allowing players to bypass that aspect of Tsurumi Island's fog.
  • Added 1 Statue of The Seven - Geo to The Chasm in Liyue.
    • Total amount of Geo Statues is now 6, for a total of 17 Statues of The Seven.

Version 2.2

  • Added 1 Statue of The Seven - Electro to Tsurumi Island in Inazuma.
    • Total amount of Electro Statues is now 6, for a total of 16 Statues of The Seven.

Version 2.1

Version 2.0

Version 1.3

  • The map description of the Statue of The Seven - Geo was changed.
    • Old description: A monumental stone statue that watches over Liyue. Legends say it was sculpted in the image of the Geo Archon. Despite its bustling harbor which attracts many traders, Liyue's history is calm and peaceful like its archon.
    • New description: A monumental stone statue that watches over Liyue. Legends say it was sculpted in the image of the Geo Archon. Despite its bustling harbor which attracts many traders, Liyue's history is one of enduring stability, just like this statue.

Version 1.2

  • Added 1 Statue of The Seven - Anemo to Dragonspine in Mondstadt.
    • Total amount of Anemo Statues is now 5, for a total of 10 Statues of The Seven.

Version 1.0


  1. World Quest: The Blessings of The Seven
  2. NPC Dialogue: Mochizuki
  3. YouTube: Genshin Impact Version 5.0 Special Program
  4. Archon Quest, Prologue, Act I - The Outlander Who Caught the Wind, Part 1: Bird's Eye View (Japanese Voice-Over)

