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Genshin Impact Wiki

Natlan: The Land of Fire and Competition (I) contains Achievements related to Natlan and rewards the Namecard: Natlan: Return of the Flame.

Achievement List[]

There are 18 Achievements in Natlan: The Land of Fire and Competition (I):

Achievement Description Requirements Primogem
Continental Explorer: Pyre Plains (I) Light up the maps of the following areas in Natlan: Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 5
Scaling the Scorching Sacred Mountain (I) Unlock all Teleport Waypoints in the following areas in Natlan: Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 5
Sanctuary Pilgrim: Pyre Plains (I) Unlock all the Shrines of Depths in the following areas in Natlan: Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 10
Radiant As Fire Upgrade the Statues of The Seven in Natlan to their maximum level. 20
Offerings to the Night: Pyre Plains (I) Unlock all the seals on the secret spaces of the tribes in the following areas in Natlan: Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 10
The Firey Hue of the Scorching Sun Raise the Tablet of Tona in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames to the maximum level. 20
Monetoo Will Guide You Home (I) Follow 8 Monetoo and complete the graffiti in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 5
Monetoo Will Guide You Home (I) Follow 16 Monetoo and complete the graffiti in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 10
Monetoo Will Guide You Home (I) Follow 32 Monetoo and complete the graffiti in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 20
Ignited Treasure Hunter (I) Open 80 chests in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 5
Ignited Treasure Hunter (I) Open 160 chests in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 10
Ignited Treasure Hunter (I) Open 320 chests in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 20
Ignited Adventurer (I) Complete 3 Open World Time Trial Challenges in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 5
Ignited Adventurer (I) Complete 6 Open World Time Trial Challenges in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 10
Ignited Adventurer (I) Complete 12 Open World Time Trial Challenges in the Basin of Unnumbered Flames, Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, and Toyac Springs. 20
Ancestral Reminiscence Helped Titu liberate the souls of the tribe's ancestors. Complete Peace to the Slumbering 10
Not All Treasure Is Silver and Gold Failed to find the "panacea." Complete Seeker No Finding 10
Gold of the Sun, Together with his Blood Obtain the token needed for the pilgrimage to the volcano in the ruins of the Sage of the Stolen Flame. Complete Revelations from the Past 10

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishNatlan: The Land of Fire and Competition (I)
Nata - Honoo to Kakuchiku no Chi - Ichi
Natlan - The Land of Fire and Competition - One
Korean나타・불타는 각축과 맹약의 땅・첫 번째
Nata - Bultaneun Gakchukgwa Maeng'yagui Ttang - Cheot Beonjjae
SpanishNatlan: La tierra del fuego y la competición (I)Natlan: The Land of Fire and Competition (I)
FrenchNatlan : Terre d'alliance du feu et de compétition - INatlan: Land of Alliance of Fire and Competition - I
RussianНатлан: Земля огней и состязаний I
Natlan: Zemlya ogney i sostyazaniy I
Natlan: Land of Fire and Competition I
ThaiNatlan - ดินแดนแห่งไฟและการแข่งขัน: ตอนที่ 1
VietnameseNatlan - Vùng Đất Của Lửa Và Tranh Đấu (I)
GermanNatlan – Land der Allianz aus Feuer und Wettkampf INatlan – Land of the Alliance of Fire and Competition I
IndonesianNatlan: Tanah Api dan Persaingan (I)
PortugueseNatlan: A Terra do Fogo e da Competição (I)
TurkishNatlan: Ateş ve Yarışma Diyarı (I)
ItalianNatlan: Una terra di fuoco e competizione (I)

Change History[]

Version 5.2
  • The category icon was updated:

Version 5.0

  • Natlan: The Land of Fire and Competition (I) was released.

