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Icewind Suite is a Normal Boss challenge found in Court of Fontaine Region, Fontaine.

There are 2 versions of this challenge, "Dirge of Coppelia" and "Nemesis of Coppelius," each with a different set of abilities and rewards. The challenge can be initiated by talking to Maillardet and choosing either version.



"Dirge of Coppelia"[]

Claiming the Trounce Blossom for Original Resin Original Resin ×40 after defeating the boss offers the following possible rewards:

  • Basic Drops
  • Ascension Gems
  • Artifacts
Adventure EXP
Character EXP
Companionship EXP
Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelia
0362003,450138301 + 61.85%
1372003,450138301 + 61.85%
2412003,650144301 + 70.37%
3502003,850155351 + 87.41%
4622004,125166352 + 4.45%
5722004,450178402 + 21.49%
6832004,725189402 + 38.52%
7912005,200200452 + 55.56%
8932006,000200452 + 55.56%
Ascension Gems
2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Range Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg.
3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
0362 + 77.2%
1372 + 77.2%
2412 + 77.2%
3503 + 78%42%
4623 + 36%84%
5722 + 94%1 + 5%21%
6832 + 52%1 + 26%42%
7912 + 10%1 + 47%63%
8932 + 10%1 + 47%1

Artifact and material drop ranges are primarily sourced from the Genshin Data Gathering team.

"Nemesis of Coppelius"[]

Claiming the Trounce Blossom for Original Resin Original Resin ×40 after defeating the boss offers the following possible rewards:

  • Basic Drops
  • Ascension Gems
  • Artifacts
Adventure EXP
Character EXP
Companionship EXP
Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelius
0362003,450138301 + 61.85%
1372003,450138301 + 61.85%
2412003,650144301 + 70.37%
3502003,850155351 + 87.41%
4622004,125166352 + 4.45%
5722004,450178402 + 21.49%
6832004,725189402 + 38.52%
7912005,200200452 + 55.56%
8932006,000200452 + 55.56%
Ascension Gems
2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
Range Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg.
3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
0362 + 77.2%
1372 + 77.2%
2412 + 77.2%
3503 + 78%42%
4623 + 36%84%
5722 + 94%1 + 5%21%
6832 + 52%1 + 26%42%
7912 + 10%1 + 47%63%
8932 + 10%1 + 47%1

Artifact and material drop ranges are primarily sourced from the Genshin Data Gathering team.


Energy Drops
TypeHP ThresholdDrop(s)
Non-Elemental75%Orb ×1
50%Orb ×1
25%Orb ×1
0%Particle ×3; Orb ×1


State Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
Base 10% 10% 10% 10% 70% 10% 70% 10%
Beginning of Fight 310% 310% 310% 310% 370% 310% 370% 310%
Coppelia's Climax 35% 35% 35% 35% 95% 35% 95% 35%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.


"Dirge of Coppelia"[]

Double Spin
Coppelia and Coppelius each performs a melee attack with their fan and cape, dealing 60% ATK as Anemo DMG and Cryo DMG.
Stationary Lift
Coppelius skates in a small circle, dealing 70% ATK as Cryo DMG and leaving a trail of ice shards. The ice shards detonate shortly after, dealing 80% ATK as Cryo DMG.
Glacial Flourish
Coppelius raises his cane before tapping it on the ground, sending out a trail of ice, dealing 80% ATK as Cryo DMG.
Shard Spray
Coppelius spins his cane to shoot forward many icicles, each dealing 75% ATK as Cryo DMG.
Coppelia's Climax
Coppelia and Coppelius move to the center of the arena and initiate Climax. Climax will trigger when 30 seconds have passed since the beginning of the fight or the last Climax, upon reaching 71% of their Max HP, or at the beginning of the fight while in the Spiral Abyss.
  • Three Whirlwinds of Dirge will spawn on the arena and slowly move in a clockwise direction.
    • Whirlwinds of Dirge are initially Anemo-infused. However, if hit by Coppelius's ice blades, they will become Cryo-infused.
    • Anemo-infused whirlwinds deal 15% ATK as Anemo DMG every 0.5 seconds and continuously drags players towards the center.
    • Cryo-infused whirlwinds deal 25% ATK as Cryo DMG and Anemo DMG simultaneously every 0.5 seconds.
  • Coppelia will perform the following sequence of attacks, dealing Anemo DMG:
    • 2 swipes with her fan (60% ATK, 60% ATK, second hit deals half DMG if first hit lands)
    • A pulse of wind (90% ATK)
    • 2 swipes with her fan (92% ATK, 92% ATK, second hit deals half DMG if first hit lands)
    • 2 pulses of wind (90% ATK, 90% ATK)
  • Coppelius will perform the following sequence of attacks, dealing Cryo DMG:
    • 2 swings of his cane (60% ATK, 60% ATK)
    • Skates in a small circle, dealing DMG to players in his path, then skates to the edge of the arena (80% ATK)
    • Fires 2 ice blades at the player after a bow (100% ATK, 100% ATK, second hit deals 0.25× DMG if first hit lands)
    • Skates in a full circle around the arena, dealing DMG to players in his path, then returns to Coppelia (40% ATK)
  • The above sequences will repeat 3 times if Climax is not interrupted.
  • During Climax, the duo will increase their RES to all DMG by 25% during every sequence. Hitting them with a Pneuma attack will remove this RES increase. Additionally, the pulses of wind released by Coppelia will have a much smaller AoE and have their DMG reduced to 60% ATK. Hitting them with 3 Pneuma attacks during a single Climax will interrupt the Climax and stun the duo for a short period of time.

"Nemesis of Coppelius"[]

Double Spin
Coppelia and Coppelius each performs a melee attack with their fan and cape, dealing 60% ATK as Anemo DMG and Cryo DMG.
Death Spiral
Coppelius spins Coppelia around himself, dealing 30% ATK × 5 as Anemo DMG.
Throw Jump
Coppelius throws Coppelia airborne, who deals 60% ATK as Anemo DMG upon landing before returning to Coppelius while rapidly spinning, dealing 15% ATK as Anemo DMG every 0.3s to players that come in contact.
Salchow Jump
Coppelia shoots 3 orbs at the player with her fan, each dealing 75% ATK as Anemo DMG.
Coppelius's Climax
Coppelia and Coppelius move to the center of the arena and initiate Climax. Climax will trigger when 30 seconds have passed since the beginning of the fight or the last Climax, upon reaching 71% of their Max HP, or at the beginning of the fight while in the Spiral Abyss.
  • Three Retributive Frosthearts will spawn. They will periodically unleash a blast, dealing 60% ATK as Cryo DMG.
  • Coppelius will perform the following sequence of attacks, dealing Cryo DMG:
    • 3 sweeps with his cape (90% ATK, 90% ATK, 100% ATK, subsequent hits will deal 0.2× DMG if first or second hit lands)
    • Gains a Frozen shield. The shield can be damaged normally using Elemental Reactions, but will also immediately break upon being hit by an Ousia attack.
      Ward Data
      GU Required to BreakPoise DMG
      Required to Break
    • Swings his cane, skates in a small circle, then sweeps with his cape (100% ATK, 100% ATK, 100% ATK, subsequent hits will deal 0.2× DMG if first or second hit lands)
  • Coppelia will perform the following sequence of attacks, dealing Anemo DMG:
    • Fires 3 wind blades at the player (100% ATK, 100% ATK, 100% ATK)
    • Spins as she returns to Coppelius (25% ATK per 0.3s)
  • The above sequences will repeat 3 times if Climax is not interrupted.
  • Hitting the duo with 3 Ousia attacks during a single Climax will interrupt the Climax and stun them for a short period of time.


There are 4 Achievements obtainable from Icewind Suite:

Achievement Category Description Requirements Primogem
Funerary Storm Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Use a Pneuma attack to weaken the whirlwind Coppelia creates during the performance's climax. 5
Icebound Oath Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Use an Ousia attack to remove the shield that Coppelius deploys during the performance's climax. 5
Shackle Me, That I Might Willingly Be Destroyed Challenger: Series VIII Challenger: Series VIII During the climax of "Icewind Suite: Dirge of Coppelia," use Coppelius's attack to make all the Dirge's whirlwinds undergo Elemental Conversion. 5
The Power of Science is Staggering! Meetings in Outrealm: Series IV Meetings in Outrealm: Series IV Complete one form of the "Icewind Suite" challenge in Co-Op Mode. 10

Gear and Clockwork Roundelay[]

A gift from the Fontaine Research Institute, this frosty performance is put on by exquisite clockwork meka. Upon the garden dance floor on the north side of Erinnyes, Coppelius and Coppelia are waiting for anyone willing to join in their eternal waltz.

Your decisions when speaking with Maillardet will determine if you will challenge the Ousia "Dirge of Coppelia" or the Pneuma "Nemesis of Coppelius," as well as the Character Ascension Materials obtained from the Ley Line Blossom after completing the challenge.

Gear and Clockwork Roundelay


Icewind Suite Drops
Tutorial Icewind Suite Drops
Next up are fantastical performances to be delivered by clockwork meka Coppelia and Coppelius, brought to you by Maillardet. Before you begin the challenge, you must speak with Maillardet and select the play you are challenging:
Dirge of Coppelia: A play with the ousia charged clockwork meka Coppelia as the protagonist. Alternatively, in Nemesis of Coppelius, the charge emitted by the protagonist, Coppelius, is pneuma.
The eventual resources claimed from the Ley Line Blossom after completing the challenge will also differ based on which challenge you select.
Icewind Suite: Dirge of Coppelia
Tutorial Icewind Suite Dirge of Coppelia
Next up is a fantastical performance to be delivered by the clockwork meka Coppelia. At the climax of the performance, Coppelia will halt at the center of the dance floor and expose her artificed clockwork component charged with ousia, thereby drastically increasing the efficiency of her exertions and summoning countless whirlwinds of dirge. During this phase, using pneuma-imbued attacks will reduce her offensive capabilities and overload her, thus progressing the performance.
Icewind Suite: Nemesis of Coppelius
Tutorial Icewind Suite Nemesis of Coppelius
Next up is a fantastical performance to be delivered by the clockwork meka Coppelius. At the climax of the performance, Coppelius will halt at the center of the dance floor and expose his artificed clockwork component charged with pneuma, thereby drastically increasing the efficiency of his exertions, granting him a shield, and generating three retributive Frosthearts. During this phase, using ousia-imbued attacks will effectively break his shield and overload him, thus progressing the performance.


A gift from the Fontaine Research Institute, it is composed of two pieces, Dirge of Coppelia and Nemesis of Coppelius.

The dialogue choices selected determine the challenge and the reward attributes.

Artificed Dancers developed by the Fontaine Research Institute.
Bossuet originally intended for Artificed Dancers to be works of art that transcended the era of mechanical reproduction. But after Bossuet was forced to resign, the project was taken over by Maillardet, who had his own unique understanding of what he wanted to achieve. As a result, while their features were perfected during the course of its development, the Artificed Dancers gradually strayed from Bossuet's original vision.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
95Aubade of CoppeliaFountain of BelleauCombat in Fountain of Lucine: Icewind Suite Icewind Suite (base stance)

Event Gameplay
96Envoi of CoppeliusFountain of BelleauCombat in Fountain of Lucine: Icewind Suite Icewind Suite (climax)



  • The in-game Icewind Suite ballet was created by Bossuet, with Coppelia and Coppelius being modeled after the roles of Claire and Lothair.
  • The Icewind Suite are currently the only boss in-game which are not aggressive towards players in their arena in the overworld; the fight is only initiated upon talking to Maillardet.


  • Coppelia and Coppelius are two characters that appear in the ballet Coppélia, in which Dr. Coppelius creates Coppelia, a mechanical doll so lifelike that it is mistaken for a real woman.

Video Guides[]

How to EASILY Beat Icewind Suite in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!
EVERYTHING You Need to Know about Icewind Suite - Detailed Boss Guide

Other Languages[]

Icewind Suite

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishIcewind Suite
Bīngfēng Zǔqǔ
Ice and Wind Suite
Bīngfēng Zǔqǔ
Hyoufuu Kumikyoku‍[!][!]
Ice and Wind Suite
Korean얼음 바람 모음곡
Eoreum Baram Mo'eumgok
Ice Wind Suite
SpanishSuite CriocéfiroCryo Zephyr Suite
FrenchSuite cryolienneCryolian Suite[• 1]
RussianСюита ледяного ветра
Syuita ledyanogo vetra
Icewind Suite
ThaiIcewind Suite
VietnameseLiên Khúc Gió BăngIce and Wind Medley
GermanEiswind-SuiteIcewind Suite
IndonesianIcewind Suite
PortugueseSuíte Criozéfira
TurkishBuzul Rüzgarı SüitiIcy Wind Suite
ItalianSuite del Vento glacialeIcewind Suite

"Dirge of Coppelia"

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
English"Dirge of Coppelia"
"Gēpéilìyà de Zàngsòng"
"Coppelia's Funeral"
"Gēpéilìyà de Zàngsòng"
"Kopperia no Sousou"
"Coppelia's Funeral"
Korean「코펠리아의 장송」
"Kopellia-ui Jangsong"
"Coppelia's Funeral"
SpanishFuneral de CoppéliaFuneral of Coppelia
French« Inhumation de Coppelia »"Burial of Coppelia"
Russian«Погребение Коппелии»
"Pogrebeniye Koppelii"
"Burial of Coppelia"
Thai"ฝังมรณะแห่ง Coppelia"
Vietnamese"Bi Ca Của Coppelia"
GermanCoppelias Begräbnis"Coppelia's Burial"
Indonesian"Dirge of Coppelia"
Portuguese"Inumação de Coppelia"
Turkish"Coppelia'nın Cenazesi""Coppelia's Funeral"
ItalianTrenodia di CoppeliaThrenody of Coppelia

"Nemesis of Coppelius"

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
English"Nemesis of Coppelius"
"Kēpéiliúsī de Jiéfá"
"Kēpéiliúsī de Jiéfá"
"Koperiusu no Goubatsu"
Korean「코펠리우스의 겁벌」
"Kopelliuseu-ui Geopbeol"
"Coppelius' Nemesis"
SpanishCondena de CoppéliusCondemnation of Coppelius
French« Châtiment de Coppelius »"Punishment of Coppelius"
Russian«Воздаяние Коппелиуса»
"Vozdayaniye Koppeliusa"
"Retribution of Coppelius"
Thai"ทัณฑ์นิรันดร์ของ Coppelius"
Vietnamese"Quả Báo Của Coppelius"
GermanCoppelius Bestrafung"Coppelius's Punishment"
Indonesian"Nemesis of Coppelius"
Portuguese"Castigo de Coppelius"
Turkish"Coppelius'un İntikamı""Coppelius's Vengeance"
ItalianNemesi di CoppeliusNemesis of Coppelius
  1. French: Portmanteau of Cryo and éolienne "aeolian." Cryolienne is almost an anagram of crinoline (replacing Y with I, and removing an E), fitting with Coppelia's outfit.

Change History[]

Version 4.2
  • Fixes an issue whereby the duration of Cryo application had a chance of being abnormally long when certain skills cast by "Icewind Suite" hit the character consecutively.

Version 4.1

  • Fixes an issue whereby during the "Dirge of Coppelia" challenge, the AoE of some of Coppelius' attacks was inconsistent with the attacks' actual special effects.

Version 4.0

  • Icewind Suite was released.

