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Give Her Sweetness is the second part of the Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Event.


  1. Wait until the following morning (08:00 – 10:00)
  2. Look for Dori
  3. Go to the scene of the crime
  4. Follow Candace
  5. Ask the caravan about the situation
  6. Return to Caravan Ribat
  7. Meet up in Port Ormos
  8. Go to the gathering spot


Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 19 Layla 3
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There is missing dialogue that can only be obtained by using Nahida's All Schemes to Know on certain NPCs.
UI Quest Quest Description

Some would seek to cause trouble during the festival. They cannot be allowed to ruin this surprise...
(Pass time)
Media:vo hseq002 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Time to meet up with Candace! Hopefully Dori got the intel we asked for!
Media:vo hseq002 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Let's head over and check!
(Approach Candace)
Media:vo hseq002 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Candace, you're here! Have you seen Dori?
Candace: She just left. I got here early, and she had already started doing business, so we wrapped things up right away.
Candace: She left the city as soon as I handed her the travel permit and tax waiver I promised.
Media:vo hseq002 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wow, she sure didn't waste any time...
Media:vo hseq002 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: So, how'd it go? Did she tell you where the gem came from?
Candace: Yes. According to the local gem merchants, the ore was retrieved from a nameless ruin in the desert several months ago. The ruin is in very poor condition. Even the writing on the walls is nearly impossible to read.
Candace: Dori mentioned something even more concerning, though. Apparently, the craftsman made another gem just like this one.
Media:vo hseq002 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: So, there's two?
Candace: Yes. The ore had a crack down the middle. The craftsman believed it would be impossible to repair, so they turned it into two gems instead.
Media:vo hseq002 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: So, where's the other gem now?
Candace: That's exactly what I'd like to know. If this gem truly provides the power of foresight, the consequences could be detrimental in the wrong hands.
Candace: Funny enough, I heard a caravan was robbed just this morning, in a remote part of the desert.
Media:vo hseq002 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: You think it's related to the other gem?
Candace: I can't say for sure, but I do know this... Only small-scale caravans or ones carrying important goods travel on remote paths like that, and their routes are highly confidential...
Icon Dialogue Talk So what you're saying is...
Icon Dialogue Talk Whoever attacked the caravan was able to "predict" its exact location.
Candace: It's certainly possible.
Media:vo hseq002 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Sounds like we need to investigate the site of the robbery... But, what about the preparations for the Sabzeruz Festival?
Candace: Dehya said we can meet up with everyone later. If we hurry, we should be able to get back in time.
Candace: Of course, if you have other plans, please don't feel obliged to come with me.
Media:vo hseq002 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hey, we're in this together! There's no way we're backing out now!
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's head out!
Candace: I should've known you would say that. Thank you for all your help.

(Approach the marked location)
Candace: I believe the robbery took place not too far from here.
Media:vo hseq002 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wow, we really are in the middle of nowhere...
Candace: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, over here.
Candace: Do you sense that?
Icon Dialogue Talk I sense a trace amount of elemental energy.
Candace: Exactly. Many among the desert tribes are capable of wielding elemental energy. The same is true for the Eremites. Some use that power to attack caravans and earn some quick Mora.
Media:vo hseq002 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wait, are those... broken planks over there?
Candace: Yes. All that's left of the transport wagon, I would imagine. Strange... the wood looks charred. Was there an explosion?
Candace: I see traces of activity over there. Let's follow the road and see what we can find.
(Follow Candace to the round package on the ground)
Icon Dialogue Idle Candace: Looks like something left behind by the caravan...
(Follow Candace to the waterskin on the ground)
Candace: The traces are pointing this way...
Candace: Let's go up.
(Follow Candace to more round packages on the ground)
Icon Dialogue Idle Candace: These too...
Icon Dialogue Idle Candace: Shouldn't be far now...
(Approach the caravan members with Candace)
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 01.ogg Yakup: *sigh* I can't believe this. We made sure to pick a remote path, and we still got ambushed...
Candace: Excuse me, sorry for the interruption...
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 02.ogg Yakup: Ahhh...! Who's there?
Candace: I'm Candace, the guardian of Aaru Village. I'm trying to learn more about the robbery that took place this morning.
Media:vo hseq002 5 hizir 01.ogg Hizir: G—Guardian!?
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 03.ogg Yakup: Calm down, I think we're safe. Pretty sure stealing's not in a guardian's job description.
Media:vo hseq002 5 hizir 02.ogg Hizir: Oh, yeah... right...
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 04.ogg Yakup: Don't mind him. Some of our guys are still on edge after the robbery this morning...
Candace: I can sympathize, of course. There's no need to be nervous. Although... is this where you plan to set up camp? Caravan Ribat isn't far, you know...
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 05.ogg Yakup: *sigh* The robbery took everything from us. We can't just let that slide. So, I'm taking my men to confront them, and get back some of what they stole, at least.
Candace: I would caution against that, especially when it looks like you're low on rations as it is. In the desert, impulsivity and overconfidence can be fatal.
Candace: What was it that you were transporting?
Media:vo hseq002 5 hizir 03.ogg Hizir: Hazardous materials.
Candace: Excuse me?
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 06.ogg Yakup: For the love of... You can't just say that! Listen, it was just some firecrackers and fireworks, that's all!
Media:vo hseq002 5 hizir 04.ogg Hizir: But, that's what the crates had written on them...
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 07.ogg Yakup: They're fireworks. What else would they be labeled as? "Perishable goods"?
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 08.ogg Yakup: *sigh* Just... ignore him, please. As you can see, some of my guys aren't particularly bright. If the guards at Caravan Ribat hear of this, we'll get questioned all over again...
(TravelerTraveler): (So the charred marks on the planks... are from the fireworks?)
Candace: And where were you sending those goods?
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 09.ogg Yakup: To some tribal camps in the desert. Everybody's looking to celebrate with the Sabzeruz Festival coming up.
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 10.ogg Yakup: Even small businesses like us got a share of the orders, mostly the long-distance transports that no one else wanted.
Candace: I see... Could you describe the robbery to us?
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 11.ogg Yakup: Well, it was like this... We had just set out on the remote path when—
Media:vo hseq002 5 hizir 05.ogg Hizir: A web of thorns and vines suddenly blocked our way!
Media:vo hseq002 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Vines?
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 12.ogg Yakup: What? No, why would there be vines in the desert? Our wagon got stuck in the sand, that's what happened. I'm sure it was a trap!
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 13.ogg Yakup: After that—
Media:vo hseq002 5 hizir 06.ogg Hizir: Bombs started falling from the sky!
Media:vo hseq002 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Bombs?
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 14.ogg Yakup: Just... stop talking. That robbery messed you up more than I thought.
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 15.ogg Yakup: Don't listen to his nonsense. He's just a bit... shaken up by what happened.
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 16.ogg Yakup: Anyway, as we were trapped, the bandits started firing rockets at us, which made a lot of the fireworks go off. In the middle of all the chaos, they ran off with the rest of our stuff.
Candace: Did you see what they looked like?
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 17.ogg Yakup: Ah, no... we couldn't really see anything. There was sand everywhere, and we were more preoccupied with getting out alive...
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 18.ogg Yakup: Although, I did notice that one of the bandits had this green stone...
Candace: ...
Candace: Did it look anything like this?
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 19.ogg Yakup: Yes! Exactly like that! I just couldn't make sense of it... If you already have something that valuable, why go after our cheap firecrackers?
(TravelerTraveler): (Unless the "hazardous materials" were targeted for some other reason...)
Candace: Alright, I think I understand the situation. Thank you for your cooperation.
Candace: I would still urge you to head to Caravan Ribat and report the incident. For your own safety, don't let your anger lead you to do something foolish.
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 20.ogg Yakup: Well... alright. We'll just take another quick break before we head over...
Candace: Good. Let's go.
Candace: Alright, we should be out of ear-shot. So... what do you think, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...I'm not sure about their goods.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...I'm not sure about their identity.
Candace: Yes, I feel the same way. Their leader was clearly hiding something. I think we can safely say those weren't simple firework shipments.
Candace: And now, whatever "hazardous materials" they were transporting have fallen into the hands of another group of bandits.
Media:vo hseq002 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: So one group of bad guys attacked the other...
Candace: It's very possible. In any case, our biggest concern right now is the group that currently has the goods, and what their goal may be...
Icon Dialogue Talk The Sabzeruz Festival is coming up...
Candace: I see what you mean. Their methods were precise and effective. It's very likely they're exploiting the visions granted by the gem.
Candace: The situation could be even more precarious than we thought. Mmm... I don't think we should hide this any longer. Let's head back to Caravan Ribat and explain the situation to the guards.
(Talk to Hizir or Yakup, optional)
Media:vo dialog hseq002 yakup 01.ogg Yakup: If you don't know what to say, then don't say anything at all! You have to stop interrupting me!
Media:vo dialog hseq002 hizir 01.ogg Hizir: But, I was just telling the truth...
Media:vo dialog hseq002 yakup 02.ogg Yakup: *sigh* You're hopeless...
(Talk to Aruj, optional)
Media:vo dialog hseq002 aruj 01.ogg Aruj: Ugh... my leg...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Yakup, optional)
Media:vo hseq002 5 yakup 21.ogg Yakup: (It's hard enough transporting all these goods, and I'm stuck with this idiot... *sigh* It's just one thing after another...)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Hizir, optional)
Media:vo hseq002 5 hizir 07.ogg Hizir: (There were bombs falling from the sky! I saw them!)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Aruj, optional)
Media:vo hseq002 5 aruj 01.ogg Aruj: (It hurts...)
(Approach Caravan Ribat)
Candace: Rest here for now, you two. I'll be back as soon as I've spoken to the guards.
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon hopes the Sabzeruz Festival doesn't get ruined. Things are turning out to be more complicated than we expected...
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 01.ogg Cyno: Oh? And what "things" would those be? Sounds like something the General Mahamatra should know about.
(If the player has not met Cyno yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Cyno IconCyno — Judicator of Secrets
Known across Sumeru for his ruthlessness, the General Mahamatra Cyno strikes fear into the hearts of countless researchers.
But those who know Cyno well would understand that such an image is only meant to deter ones with malicious intent. Researchers, with their propensity to exaggerate, are more or less biased against Cyno.
In his private life, Cyno is neither rigid nor cold. Instead, he is a passionate TCG player who enjoys sharing joy using his unique sense of humor.
Therefore, it's best not to think too much of the occasional and incomprehensible sharpness in his words that might send shivers down the spine.
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Cyno! What are you doing here?
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 02.ogg Cyno: I'm here on business, investigating an unusual robbery case.
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wait, could it be the same one we've been investigating!?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds like you've been hard at work.
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 03.ogg Cyno: Just doing my duty. By the way, I brought something that I think might help with the investigation. Here, have some Padisarah Pudding.
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Um... okay! Thanks!
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 04.ogg Cyno: Well, find any clues? They say the "proof is in the pudding," after all.
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: *coughing*...! Did you have to tell that joke when Paimon had a mouthful of pudding! She almost choked...
Icon Dialogue Talk Very funny...
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't tell me you did all that just to make a joke...
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 05.ogg Cyno: Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Tell me about this robbery case of yours.
(They tell Cyno about the case)
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 06.ogg Cyno: ...I see, so you and Candace already did a preliminary investigation.
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Yep! Candace can tell you the rest when she gets back. That merchant group was really suspicious!
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 07.ogg Cyno: Alright, you can leave the rest to me.
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 08.ogg Cyno: On a different note, do you have any other plans for the day?
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Oh, we'll probably head back with Candace! We're meeting up with everyone to prepare for the su—
Icon Dialogue Talk P—Paimon!
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Su—... Super awesome dinner we're planning tonight!
(TravelerTraveler): (Cyno's working quarters aren't too far from Nahida's... Did Tighnari tell him about the surprise?)
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 09.ogg Cyno: ...Strange. Sounds like you're hiding something from me.
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: What? N—No, not at all! We'd never do anything like that!
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 10.ogg Cyno: ...
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 11.ogg Cyno: Do you know why Henna Berries can't tell a lie?
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Um... Wh—Why?
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 12.ogg Cyno: Because... they're always going to be "read" straight through.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 13a 1.ogg Cyno: Get it? Like the color... I can explain it if you need.
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 11a 1.ogg Paimon: We get it! We get it!
Icon Dialogue Talk Haha, good one.
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 13b 1.ogg Cyno: You think so? Then, tell me your secret!
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: S—Seriously! There's no secret!
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 14.ogg Cyno: Is that so? You're not afraid of ending up like the bass in the lake?
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: What...?
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 15.ogg Cyno: Because, they always wind up eating their "worms."
Icon Dialogue Talk I can't do this anymore...
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Yeah... Who knew being interrogated by the General Mahamatra was this miserable...
Candace: Hmm? Someone's being interrogated? Did I miss something?
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Candace! Thank goodness you're back! Please save us!
Candace: What happened? Can't be anything too bad, if Cyno's grinning from ear to ear.
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 16.ogg Cyno: Nice to see you, Candace.
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 17.ogg Cyno: (TravelerTraveler) already updated me on everything, so you can leave the robbery case to me.
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 18a.ogg Cyno: But, when I asked about their plans this afternoon, they started dodging my questions.
Candace: This afternoon... Aren't we heading back to Port Ormos to work on the "surprise"?
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: C—Candace! It... It's supposed to be a secret!
Candace: It's alright. Cyno has always been part of the plan.
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: What!? Why didn't you say something sooner!?
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 19.ogg Cyno: Well, once you told me about the case, I realized I might not make it this afternoon. I was going to ask you to tell the group, but you decided to end the conversation.
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Seriously!? So, we had to listen to a couple of Cyno jokes for nothing?
Icon Dialogue Talk It was three jokes, actually...
Candace: Right, we never told you who was involved... Apologies. That was our mistake.
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 20.ogg Cyno: Well, with that resolved, could you tell the group I've got a case?
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 21.ogg Cyno: Oh, and these are the items I was supposed to get. Could you take them back with you?
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Sure thing! We've got this!
Media:vo hseq002 6 cyno 22.ogg Cyno: I would hope so. I just handed it to you.
Media:vo hseq002 6 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: Enough already!

(Approach the marked location in Port Ormos)
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Phew... We're back. Finally free from all those terrible jokes...
Candace: Haha, I rarely get to spend time with Cyno outside of work. I'm sure he's just happy you came back for the Sabzeruz Festival.
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: That explains why he had all those jokes ready to go, even while on the job... Paimon will never understand how he doesn't give himself a cringe attack...
Candace: Ah...! Ugh...
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Candace? Did you have another vision?
Candace: Yes... I saw... two people enter the alley over there...
Candace: They seemed suspicious... I think they were talking about something dangerous...
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Dangerous!? Maybe they're the bandits from earlier!
Icon Dialogue Talk Did you see what they looked like?
Candace: No... Unfortunately, the visions are very blurry. I could only catch a few words and some vague images...
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Then, let's sneak up on them! If they're the ones looking to cause trouble during the Sabzeruz Festival, we should catch them in the act!
???: ...know nothing...
???: ...secret signal...
???: ...explosion goes off...
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Hey, did you hear that? Sounds like they're talking about something dangerous...
Candace: Let's try to get closer.
???: ...when... passes by on the Flower Carriage... we'll launch it...
???: ...factor in the object's trajectory...
???: ...completely foolproof.
Candace: Stop your planning at once!
Kaveh: ...Huh? I—Is something wrong?
(If the player has not met Kaveh yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Kaveh IconKaveh — Empyrean Reflection
Kaveh, known as the light of Kshahrewar, is an architect famous throughout Sumeru. He is a sensitive, even delicate soul, and he lives a simple, even impoverished life.
Kaveh's architectural attainments are indeed great, with the Palace of Alcazarzaray within the rainforest being his masterpiece, though his unique ingenuity does come with its costs.
The building of that great mansion was simultaneously the zenith of his aesthetic ideal and the nadir of his real living, and he has faced much hardship on account of the debt accrued from its creation.
But though he often complains about his present state, the glimmer in Kaveh's eyes when he talks about his ideals remains undimmed.
(If the player has not met Alhaitham yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Alhaitham IconAlhaitham — Admonishing Instruction
Alhaitham, the current Scribe of the Akademiya, is a person of keen insight and great knowledge, known deservedly by all to be an intelligent man.
However, he prefers to live a low-profile, free life, doing things based on his personal choices. As such, it can be difficult to say where you might find him for sure.
Alhaitham is no lover of social activities, and is not very close to his colleagues. He is also seemingly uninterested in advancement.
Rather than pursuing glory of Mora, the pinnacle of enjoyment for him seems to be having the free time to quietly read within the House of Daena.
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Wait, it's you two? What kind of terrible plan were you talking about just now?
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Something about explosions, and the Flower Carriage...
Alhaitham: The connections we make reveal a lot about the mind. The fact that you went to a dark place simply shows the way you think.
Kaveh: Honestly, Paimon, what did you think we were doing? We were just discussing the birthday surprise.
Not long ago...
Kaveh: Like I said, that's not it! We have more than just a heartless, transactional relationship... You're overthinking the whole thing!
Alhaitham: It was your theory in the first place... that Mehrak disappeared after working for you all this time without anything in return.
Kaveh: I think I'm allowed some dramatics! Mehrak hasn't come back since I sent it out for coffee!
Alhaitham: Perhaps seeing the underlings at the Akademiya pick up coffee for their seniors taught Mehrak something about its own situation.
Kaveh: You're saying I treat Mehrak like my inferior? I would never! I'm just worried Mehrak had some sort of awful experience and decided to run away.
Kaveh: Maybe something triggered an existential crisis, and Mehrak became so angry about its mechanical existence... it decided to never come back!
Alhaitham: That's certainly an... imaginative conclusion.
Kaveh: No, that's impossible... I created Mehrak myself, and I perform regular maintenance every week. There's no way Mehrak would be that heartless...
Alhaitham: And here you are in Port Ormos, telling me all this when I'm supposed to be working.
Kaveh: It's good I ran in to you, actually. I was hoping you could take a look at my proposal.
Alhaitham: Huh, I thought you were confident in your abilities.
Kaveh: It's not like that! I just wanted to confirm the route for the Flower Carriage.
Alhaitham: Unfortunately, I know nothing about the route for the Flower Carriage.
Kaveh: What? You're not involved in the Festival at all? The Akademiya couldn't convince you to help out?
Alhaitham: Organizing festivals is not part of my job description. You really think the Akademiya could convince me otherwise?
Kaveh: You've got a point... Well, could you at least take a look at the final explosion?
Alhaitham: Explosion?
Kaveh: Yep. The candy tower I designed is going to hit the Flower Carriage at a designated time and explode into pieces, shooting candy in all directions.
Kaveh: Not the dangerous kind of explosion, though. It's supposed to look like fireworks.
Kaveh: I consulted a bunch of food engineering papers, so it's completely safe. The candy is soft, and the packaging is as smooth as Silk Flower fabric.
Kaveh: Once I receive the secret signal, Mehrak will activate the mechanism from afar. That way, I can make sure the explosion goes off at the right time and place.
Alhaitham: And when is that supposed to be?
Kaveh: When the Dendro Archon passes by on the Flower Carriage. Once we receive the signal, we'll launch it, and... KABOOM!
Alhaitham: Don't forget to factor in the object's trajectory and the humidity level.
Kaveh: Already done! The mechanism inside the candy tower controls for those factors. The plan is completely foolproof.
(Flashback ends)
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Okay... So that's what all this was about...
Alhaitham: You had your mind set on a very different interpretation.
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Um, well... about that...
Candace: It's alright. Let me explain.
(Candace explains the situation)
Kaveh: The ability to see the future? That's incredible...
Alhaitham: Fascinating.
Alhaitham: You formulated a hypothesis based on your interpretation of the gem's abilities, yet the results fail to corroborate it.
Alhaitham: Perhaps this calls for a different postulation.
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Um, maybe you could dumb that down a little?
Alhaitham: You assumed you were seeing the future. But, what if you were actually seeing the past?
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: The past?
Alhaitham: Jahangir said this was the second time his wind generator broke down. Mechanical failures of that nature come with predictable consequences. His lack of surprise suggests something similar happened in the past.
Alhaitham: As for the falling crates... During a busy time like the Sabzeruz Festival, people often stack their crates on both sides of the street, likely leading to similar accidents.
Alhaitham: Seeing people have a private conversation in a secluded place is even more common.
Candace: So, you're saying... we just happened to witness events that have occurred before?
Alhaitham: It's easy for mundane events to appear special.
Kaveh: So, either you can predict the future and make it deviate off course, or you happened to witness the past... Yeah, the second option seems a bit easier to swallow.
Alhaitham: That's not why I brought it up. I was simply trying to offer a change in perspective.
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Well, it does explain what we saw...
Alhaitham: The conditions and actions required to trigger this power are still unclear. If you plan to investigate further, you should pay attention to those two factors.
Kaveh: Speaking of a change in perspective... Maybe YOU were the one that scared Mehrak off!
Alhaitham: An ingenious thought... if Mehrak and I had never met before.
Kaveh: Yeah, Mehrak should be used to you, especially after I programmed it to recognize your voice... Something else must have happened.
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Kaveh, if Mehrak is missing, what's that thing coming towards us right now?
Kaveh: Hm? Mehrak!? Where have you been!?
Mehrak: Beep-beep.
Kaveh: You went to look for more coffee beans because the shop was out of stock? Hey, if they're out, they're out. You don't have to go that far...
(TravelerTraveler): (Mehrak sure is persistent...)
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Candace? Something on your mind?
Candace: I was just thinking about Mr. Alhaitham's theory. It makes sense, until we factor in the robbery in the desert...
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: ...
Tighnari: Oh, you're all here. Something wrong? You look troubled...
Kaveh: Just trying to work through some mysteries... Oh, right! It's almost time for our meeting. We'll catch you up on the way.
Alhaitham: I'm needed at the House of Daena. See you later.
Media:vo hseq002 7 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Yep! Bye-bye!
Tighnari: ...Huh?
(Approach Faruzan at Djafar Tavern)
Faruzan: Nice of you to finally show up! All young and capable, and yet not one of you could get here before a senior such as myself.
(If the player has not met Faruzan yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Faruzan IconFaruzan — Enigmatic Machinist
Faruzan, the researcher from a hundred years prior, is a household name in Haravatat, but she is better known in Sumeru at large for her work in mechanics.
Once, she was trapped within a strange ruin, and only escaped after much peril. Yet a century had passed for the world she emerged into, and it was no longer the place she remembered.
Whether it be due to academic disagreements or the passage of time, she has quite a few things to say about the current state of the Akademiya, and is not afraid to put her sharp tongue to use in commenting about other researchers.
However, she can be quite easy to talk to... so long as you call her "Madam," that is.
Tighnari: Apologies, Madame Faruzan. We, uh, got caught up in a discussion...
Faruzan: A discussion more important than the candy tower? Finding a suitable material for the candy — that was supposed to be the priority, or we might not make it in time for the Parade.
Faruzan: Well? Did you figure something out?
Kaveh: Yes. Took me several dozen papers, but I got it in the end.
Faruzan: Well, at least you young people work fast... Alright, now's no time to slack off. We need to focus, or we still might not make it in time.
Tighnari: You're right... We should leave the other case to Cyno. There's not much we can do from here, anyway.
Faruzan: Well, then let's get to it — don't make me order you around like little kids.
Faruzan: Oh, and Kaveh... You wanted a mechanism to simulate the Parade, right? I finished it.
(Faruzan gestures to the scale model Flower Carriage on the table)
Kaveh: Already!? That's amazing!
Faruzan: Hmph! No more difficult than Haravatat's standard curriculum a hundred years ago.
Faruzan: Here, let me know if it works.
Kaveh: Thank you so much, Madame Faruzan!
Kaveh: (TravelerTraveler), mind helping me test this out? I need to observe the Carriage to make adjustments to the candy tower.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure, just leave it to me.
(Enter the Rocking Carriage minigame)
Tutorial Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage 1
While the Flower Carriage is in motion, you can change its route to avoid obstacles. The Flower Carriage will lose HP when it hits any obstacles, and if HP is fully depleted, you will fail the challenge. Additionally, collect as many flowers as possible to fulfill the score requirements.
(If the Rocking Carrige minigame was failed)
Faruzan: If this was the actual Carriage, the Dendro Archon would have been thrown off by now...
Kaveh: Um, well... the simulation was a little questionable, but I still managed to come up with a few ideas for the tower.
(After successfully completing the minigame)
Faruzan: Oh! Not bad. Looks like a successful simulation.
Kaveh: Thanks to you two, I already have a pretty good idea of how the tower should look.
Faruzan: Alright, now it's time for the production phase. Go ahead and sketch out the design — we'll deal with the candy part.
Faruzan: Where are Collei and Dehya?
Candace: They've been at Miss Dunyarzad's house the past couple of days, working on the candy decorations. I'm sure they have it under control.
Media:vo hseq002 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wait, now that you mention it... Why aren't we meeting in the city? Wouldn't that be more convenient?
Kaveh: Because we'd be right under the Dendro Archon's nose. It would be too easy to run into her.
(Camera shows a particular pair of child-like bare feet approaching the table...)
Kaveh: Being further away from Sumeru City means our chances of getting caught are lower.
Kaveh: The last thing we want is for the Dendro Archon to discover the surprise...
Nahida: Huh? What's going on here? I thought I just heard my name.
(If the player has not met Nahida yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Nahida IconNahida — Physic of Purity
Buer, the "Blessed One of Wisdom, Mahakusaladhamma," was once a bird caged within the Akademiya's Sanctuary of Surasthana.
Filled with curiosity about the world, she once constructed it using her imagination alone, but in truth, she prefers to experience its joys in person.
Those who pursue knowledge within the city of academics honor her as the God of Wisdom, and the many beings that enjoy the blessings of nature know her as the Lord of Dendro.
But in a little corner within the Dendro Archon's heart of hearts, she'd much rather you call her "Nahida."
(Faruzan and Kaveh reluctantly turn around, hoping that it's not Nahida, only to confirm it is)
Crowd: ...!
(Obscured by Faruzan and Kaveh standing in front, Candace quickly hides the carriage model behind the table)
Nahida: ...Huh?
Faruzan: ...K—K—Kaveh!
Kaveh: M—Madam Faruzan?
Faruzan: You call this a design! What possessed you to use that kind of material for the roof!?
Kaveh: Oh, um... I...
Faruzan: (Play along!)
Faruzan: This design overturns centuries of Sumeru architectural tradition! The Dendro Archon would be devastated if she saw it.
Kaveh: Oh, uh... Yes! You're right. I mean, just look at the... the facade! Completely unacceptable, haha...
Faruzan: I'm sure you can come up with a new design in a few days, right?
Kaveh: Of course! I'll get something to you first thing tomorrow!
Nahida: Oh, so it was a conversation about architecture. Hmm... I think innovation can be a good thing.
Faruzan: Don't mind us, Archon. Kaveh is an intelligent young man. He just goes overboard sometimes. Really lets his imagination run wild... Don't worry. It's a simple fix.
Nahida: I see...
Icon Dialogue Talk Nothing to worry about...
Icon Dialogue Talk He'll revise the design right away...
Nahida: Alright, if you say so...
Nahida: Still, I'd be happy to take a look at the plans. I might be able to give some pointers.
(As Nahida steps closer to the table, Faruzan and Kaveh tense up)
Faruzan & Kaveh: ...!
Nahida: Oh, is this not a good time?
Kaveh: Um, well... about that...
Nahida: (They all look extremely uncomfortable... Are they afraid to show me their work? Or embarrassed to talk about the problem?)
Kaveh: The plans... Oh, I almost forgot! My friend has them! That guy's always causing trouble, hahaha... I'll fetch them in a bit.
Nahida: (Hmm... They're definitely up to something.)
(Their attention drawn to movement on the road, the Traveler spots Nilou about to walk by the tavern)
(TravelerTraveler): (...! Nilou!)
(Nilou stops when she notices her friends just standing there)
Nilou: ...Huh?
(If the player has not met Nilou yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Nilou IconNilou — Dance of Lotuslight
People from Sumeru often tell travelers that there is no dearer stage to miss than that of Zubayr Theater, and that Nilou is their greatest dancer.
One might compare her presence on stage to that of a pure lotus steeped in a dreamlike world — a vision of mesmerizing beauty.
Nilou puts on no airs in her day-to-day life, however. Indeed, she is a gentle yet passionate soul, innocent and good-hearted.
As such, feel free to greet her if you meet her offstage. That would definitely make her very happy!
(Catching Nilou's eye, the Traveler waves as urgently and discreetly as possible)
(TravelerTraveler): (Save us! Noooooow!)
Nilou: Uh...
(The Traveler points and gestures their head at Nahida)
Nilou: ...Ah!
(Nilou realizes the situation and runs over to help)
Nilou: Archon!
Nahida: Oh, Nilou! Did you need something?
Nilou: Yes! I've been looking for you all over! The folks at Zubayr Theater had some questions about the program for the Sabzeruz Festival.
(Nahida's attention diverted away from them, the group gives Nilou a thumbs up)
Nahida: Oh, then I'll head over right away. Thank you for coming all this way, Nilou.
Nilou: No, thank YOU for taking time out of your busy schedule to pay us a visit!
Nahida: It's no trouble! I've had a lot of free time lately. I heard things were getting lively at Port Ormos, so I decided to come take a look.
Nahida: Well, I guess we should head back, Nilou. See you all some other time.
(Nahida waves to the group and walks off. Nilou gives the Traveler a wink, who nods in thanks, before catching up to Nahida. The group sags in relief)
Media:vo hseq002 11 together 03.ogg Crowd: Phew...
Media:vo hseq002 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: That... That was too close...
Faruzan: Sorry for yelling just now, Kaveh. Don't worry — I have nothing but absolute confidence in your design.
Faruzan: I don't make a habit of speaking like that to a capable junior.
Kaveh: It's alright. I understand...
Nahida: Oh, Kaveh! By the way...
(Given another small fright, the group tenses up again)
Faruzan: AHEM! Hop to it, Kaveh! We need those plans! Do I really need to watch you do the revisions for this to get done!?
Kaveh: ...I'm going, I'm going!
Nahida: Oh, uh... I just wanted to say, you can always come to me if you ever need guidance or help with anything.
Kaveh: Don't worry, Archon! This is all under control!
(Nahida waves farewell and walks away again)
Tighnari: Take care, Archon.
(The group watch Nahida and Nilou walk off down the road together)
Media:vo hseq002 11 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Ahh... Paimon's heart can't take much more of this...
Tighnari: Let's move our meeting spot to Pardis Dhyai, just in case. Port Ormos was a good choice in terms of location, but we forgot to factor in the festivities...
Candace: Should we go now?
Tighnari: I think that's the best choice. Kaveh can focus on designing the candy tower. The rest of us will transport the materials.
Faruzan: Don't worry, Kaveh. I'll support you no matter what design you come up with!
Kaveh: Thanks...
Kaveh: (Madame Faruzan said she doesn't normally yell at her juniors, but I feel like I just got a glimpse of a true senior researcher...)
Kaveh: (Even though there's nothing "senior" about her appearance...)
(At the sudden pondering look on Kaveh's face, Faruzan wonders what that was about)
Tighnari: Alright, it's decided. Let's meet tomorrow at Pardis Dhyai.

Post-Quest Dialogue[]

Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 19 Layla 3
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(Talk to Kaveh at Djafar Tavern, Port Ormos)
Kaveh: We were just acting, but now I can't stop thinking about all the changes I could make to the design... *sigh* Maybe I need a break from commissions...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Kaveh)
Kaveh: (How should I structure the candy tower...)


(Talk to Faruzan at Djafar Tavern, Port Ormos)
Faruzan: Poor Kaveh, getting scolded by a senior like that... I should treat him to a nice meal next time.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Faruzan)
Faruzan: (What a talented junior...)


(Talk to Candace in Port Ormos, near Fariba)
Candace: I hope the Dendro Archon didn't see through us just now... I wish we got the chance to ask her about the gem.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Candace)
Candace: (This gem is really something...)


(Talk to Tighnari in front of Roya)
Tighnari: I should find someone to keep watch near Pardis Dhyai tomorrow...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Tighnari)
Tighnari: (We haven't been found out... right?)


The dialogue changes from the one in "Give Her Surprises"

(Talk to Layla outside of Puspa Cafe)
Layla: Wait... did I miss a variable? Don't tell me... I have to start from scratch...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is everything okay, Layla?
Layla: Oh... yep! I'm fine, just kinda feels like I'm seeing stars...
Layla: Gotta get it together! I have to finish this paper before the Festival so I can watch the Parade...
Icon Dialogue Talk The Dendro Archon wouldn't want you to push yourself.
Icon Dialogue Talk The Dendro Archon can already tell how hard you work.
Layla: Yeah... you're right...
Layla: Even the tiniest stars possess their own light. Keep shining, and eventually there will be people who see it... I just need to pick myself up and use another method to run the numbers.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Layla)
Layla: (Time to start all over again...)

Wanderer and Cyno[]

The dialogue changes upon completing step 4 "Follow Candace"

(Talk to Cyno or the Wanderer outside of the Akademiya)
Media:vo dialog hseq002 cyno 01.ogg Cyno: Ah, you must be Hat Guy. I've heard Sethos talk about you recently.
Media:vo dialog hseq002 wanderer 01.ogg (WandererWanderer): And you must be the General Mahamatra. Don't tell me you're also in the habit of convincing people to go to festivals...
Media:vo dialog hseq002 cyno 02.ogg Cyno: No, just had to check something at the Akademiya and thought I would stop by.
Media:vo dialog hseq002 cyno 03.ogg Cyno: But... I am rather curious about you.
Media:vo dialog hseq002 wanderer 02.ogg (WandererWanderer): ...
Media:vo dialog hseq002 cyno 04.ogg Cyno: Do you play Genius Invokation TCG?
Media:vo dialog hseq002 wanderer 03.ogg (WandererWanderer): No.
Media:vo dialog hseq002 cyno 05.ogg Cyno: That's good.
Media:vo dialog hseq002 wanderer 04.ogg (WandererWanderer): Huh?
Media:vo dialog hseq002 cyno 06.ogg Cyno: Do you know what would happen if you did play?
Media:vo dialog hseq002 wanderer 05.ogg (WandererWanderer): I don't play.
Media:vo dialog hseq002 cyno 07.ogg Cyno: You'd beat me three times in a row... a real "hat trick."
Media:vo dialog hseq002 wanderer 06.ogg (WandererWanderer): ...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Cyno)
Media:vo hseq002 17 cyno 01.ogg Cyno: (That was a good one.)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Wanderer)
Media:vo hseq002 17 wanderer 01.ogg (WandererWanderer): (Did he seriously think that was funny?)


(Talk to Aravedana near the house the Traveler stayed in during The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings)
Aravedana: *sob* So many Nara...
Icon Dialogue Talk Hey there.
Aravedana: Eek...! Aravedana doesn't know anything! Aravedana's gotta go!

Aravedana will disappear after this interaction


(Talk to Arakaya on the other side of the street to Aravedana, in the direction of Alhaitham's Home)
Arakaya: Secret... Secret...
Icon Dialogue Talk Secret?
Arakaya: Ah! Arakaya didn't say anything!

Arakaya will disappear after this interaction


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
18Village Surrounded by GreenForest of Jnana and VidyaThe Warm Rhythm of the Streets, Give Her Sweetness (Rocking Carriage challenge)
25With Witty WitThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Lost in Prosperity, A Gathering of Outlanders, Opening Festivities, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, Receiver of Friends From Afar: Part II, After Repose, Give Her Sweetness
Event Gameplay
28A Wicked PlotThe Shimmering VoyageInvoluntary Sacrifice, A Herald Without Adherents, Dishonorable Trial, A Flower Blooms in a Prison, Jade Chamber Rising, The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes, Foregone Conclusion, As by a God's Side, Jnagarbha Day, The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis!, Pride and Prejudice, Shade Upon Red Silk, It's What He Deserves, The Woven and the Cut, Underground Crime, Give Her Sweetness
60Now and ThenThe Unfathomable Sand DunesGive Her Sweetness
Locations, Domains, Event Gameplay

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGive Her Sweetness
Kanojo ni Amasa wo
Give Her Sweetness
Korean그녀에게 달콤함을
Geunyeo'ege Dalkomhameul
SpanishDulces que ofrecerSweets to Offer
FrenchDes sucreries comme cadeauCandies as Gift
RussianСладость для неё
Sladost' dlya neyo
Sweetness for Her
VietnameseDành Sự Ngọt Ngào Cho Cô Ấy
GermanSchenke ihr SüßeGive Her Sweetness
IndonesianBerikan Dia Kemanisan
PortugueseDê Doçura a ElaGive Sweetness to Her
TurkishOna Tatlılık Ver
ItalianDolcezza per lei

Change History[]
