Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Go with the wind!
Be gone!
Prepare to be blown away!
To dust!
Crumble apart!
Thunder Clap!
Bellowing Thunder!
Thunder Clap!
Bellowing Thunder!
Spring forth!
Spring forth!
Bombs away!
Bombs away!
AlbedoAlbedo Moment of birth.
 Feel this ancient power.
 Witness my great undertaking.
AlhaithamAlhaitham Scatter.
 A process of elimination.
AloyAloy You're stuck now!
 This is a new one.
 The hunt is on!
AmberAmber No one escapes my sights!
 Let it rain!
 No escape!
Arataki IttoArataki Itto Oni, comin' through!
 Who wants some of this!
ArlecchinoArlecchino This is where you fall.
 Witness my rise.
 Everlasting as the moon.
BaizhuBaizhu Seems like an emergency.
 Remember, health comes first.
 Taking a turn for the better.
BarbaraBarbara ♪La la-la-la-la~
 Ready, steady, go!
 Come on, we can do it!
BeidouBeidou Power that ended Haishan!
 Eyes on me!
 To ashes!
BennettBennett Everybody stand back!
 I'm going in!
 Teamwork is dreamwork!
CandaceCandace Hear my prayer!
 Grant us your blessing!
 We shall prevail!
CharlotteCharlotte Truth bomb!
 Breaking news!
 Hard-hitting exclusive!
ChascaChasca Fire in the hole!
 Hold on to your hats!
 Knock 'em down.
ChevreuseChevreuse You asked for it!
 Justice will prevail!
 Hands where I can see them!
ChioriChiori I am the cutting edge of fashion.
 Delicate as silk.
 Scraps of color, scatter!
ChongyunChongyun From whence you came!
 Spirit blade, attack!
 Submit for judgment!
CitlaliCitlali You two — time to end them!
 Citlalin, Itzpapa, get 'em!
 Suffer the wrath of Itztli!
ClorindeClorinde Hunt them down!
 Time to testify.
 Where evil lurks, shoot on sight!
ColleiCollei Cuilein-Anbar, help!
 Try this on for size!
 Just like we rehearsed!
CynoCyno Through me, justice is served!
 Judgment is upon you.
 Your sins weigh upon your soul.
DehyaDehya Gloves off!
 You're dead meat!
 You asked for it!
DilucDiluc Your verdict is...!
 Time for — retribution! Flames, purge!
 Lay waste to the wicked!
 Dawn, break forth!
DionaDiona Diona Special!
 Can't handle your drink? Hmph!
 Look at you, boozehound!
DoriDori Magic lamp!
 Here's the goods!
 Let's sweeten the deal!
EmilieEmilie Fresh and floral.
 This'll brighten up the place.
 A little ambience.
EulaEula Flood of frost!
 Freeze to the core!
 Vengeance will be mine!
FaruzanFaruzan Gears of the storm!
 Have fun with this gift!
 Truth repeats its course.
FischlFischl Wings of Darkness, come, sever the night from day!
 Midnight Phantasmagoria!
 Shadow raven, let night fall!
 Oz: As you wish, mein Fräulein!
 Oz: Midnight Phantasmagoria!
FreminetFreminet Going under.
 Commencing cleanup.
 Dead reckoning.
FurinaFurina Let the world come alive, hehe!
 Time to shine!
 Let my name echo in song!
GamingGaming Many happy returns.
 Hop to it, Man Chai!
 Mighty mythical beast!
GanyuGanyu All hail!
 Glaze over!
 This is long overdue.
 For Rex Lapis!
GorouGorou Everyone on me!
 Press the advantage!
Hu TaoHu Tao Time to go!
 Cross over!
 Pyre, pyre, pants on fire!
JeanJean Wind, hear me!
 I swear by my sword!
 Barbatos, guide us.
KachinaKachina Clear the area!
 Drilling down!
 Get back.
Kaedehara KazuhaKaedehara Kazuha Clouds hide... the bird's call!
 As one with wind and cloud.
 Fallen leaves... adorn my night.
KaeyaKaeya Don't get frostbite.
 Oh, so sorry!
 This moment will be frozen in time.
Kamisato AyakaKamisato Ayaka Embrace the ice.
 Sakura swirl.
 Kamisato Art: Soumetsu!
Kamisato AyatoKamisato Ayato Mind the deluge.
 Hmph... The depths beckon.
 Kamisato Art: Suiyuu!
KavehKaveh Watch and learn!
 Breaking new ground.
 Feast your eyes!
KeqingKeqing Nowhere to hide!
 With sword comes shadow!
 Cut to the chase!
KinichKinich For the Lord of the Night.
 Claim these souls.
 Shadow of the past, mine to command.
 Ajaw: Bow before your King!
 Ajaw: Full glory!
 (During Elemental Burst duration) Ajaw: Let the dead wood blaze in dragon-fire!
Ajaw: I burn it all, ALL!
Ajaw: Ahh, it feels good!

 (During Elemental Burst duration) Ajaw: Submit your souls in sacrifice.
Ajaw: Hah? Scared speechless?
Ajaw: Then forever hold your peace!

 (During Elemental Burst duration) Ajaw: Ours is a glory to which none can compare!
Ajaw: Especially not when I'm in a bad mood.
Ajaw: Measly insects, now you must pay!
KiraraKirara Express delivery~!
 Service with a smile!
 Sign here please~ Meow!
KleeKlee Sparks 'n' Splash!
 Blazing Delight!
 Blow them aaaalll up!
Kujou SaraKujou Sara Glory to the Shogun!
 No turning back!
 Storm the front!
Kuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu I'll settle this!
 Lightning... purifies!
 Out of my way.
Lan YanLan Yan Ills, be gone!
 Swift as the swallow.
 Dancing in the wind~
LaylaLayla Stars, shine for me.
 Cold, mine to command.
 Don't be scared.
LisaLisa Let's spark things up a little.
 Surrender and I'll be gentle.
 Try not to enjoy this too much.
LynetteLynette Let the magic begin!
 Cue the spotlight!
 Be amazed!
LyneyLyney Here comes the finale!
 Let's get this show on the road!
 A round of applause!
MavuikaMavuika Light of the blazing sun!
 Wrath from the skies!
 Pyroclastic surge!
MikaMika Let's keep going, team!
 Leave the wounded to me!
 Now's our chance!
MonaMona Fate is upon you.
 Written in the stars!
 Decided by destiny!
MualaniMualani Catch an epic wave! Woosh~!
 Let's shred, Sharky!
 Check this out! Best of luck!
NahidaNahida Make yourselves at home~
 Share in my knowledge.
 The Temple of Wisdom.
NaviaNavia Fire!!! ...Well, with rocks.
 A proper sendoff! From the Spina, with love.
 Attack! Mm-hmm, that's the way.
NeuvilletteNeuvillette The tides beckon.
 Be sanctified.
 Let the mighty be humbled.
NilouNilou Dance with the waves!
 All eyes on me!
 This dance is for you.
NingguangNingguang Your life is mine.
NoelleNoelle Time to clean up.
 As a good knight should.
 As a dutiful maid would.
OroronOroron Go, you're free now.
 Time to say hello.
 Tell me what you see.
QiqiQiqi Orders given. Orders received.
 Sacred name: Fortune Preserver.
 Opening box of Adepti tricks.
Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun Torn to oblivion!
 Now, you shall perish!
 Inazuma shines eternal!
RazorRazor Raaaarrr!
RosariaRosaria Punishment!
 Lights out...
Sangonomiya KokomiSangonomiya Kokomi Covenant of the Deep!
 Billowing surge!
 Torrents, bring refuge!
SayuSayu Twinjutsu!
 Come on out!
 Hah! ...Phew...
SethosSethos By the sages' wisdom.
 Glory to Al-Ahmar!
 Move, or be moved!
ShenheShenhe By ordinance divine!
 Cryo incarnate!
 Do your master's bidding!
Shikanoin HeizouShikanoin Heizou Confess!
 Can't fool me!
SigewinneSigewinne I swear, it's for medical research.
 Don't be nervous! Just relax.
 You might feel a little prick.
SucroseSucrose Swirl, Mark II!
 Enhanced Anemo Module 75!
 Anemo Hypostasis Emulation!
TartagliaTartaglia (Ranged Stance) Riptide!
 (Ranged Stance) You can run, but you can't hide!
 (Melee Stance) Shouldn't let your guard down!
 (Melee Stance) Brace yourself, this is gonna hurt!
ThomaThoma Here's backup.
 Supporting fire!
 I got you covered.
TighnariTighnari I'll uproot you!
 Let's nip that in the bud!
 I hear everything!
VentiVenti Think you can get away?
 Time for takeoff!
WandererWanderer Unsightly insects!
 Wretched vermin!
 Cry louder!
 (In Windfavored State) Bow your head!
 (In Windfavored State) Know your place!
 (In Windfavored State) You dare to gaze upon me!?
WriothesleyWriothesley Have a safe trip.
 This could get a little chilly.
 Stay cool and face your guilt!
XianglingXiangling Hey... Yah!
 You're toast!
 Eat this!
XianyunXianyun Seize the skies.
 Make way for the adeptus!
 Stray clouds, converge.
XiaoXiao Disappear!
 Evil conquering!
XilonenXilonen Hear the echoes of the valley!
 Let the mountain's veins boil!
 Let engraved names echo!
XingqiuXingqiu Witness the power of Guhua!
 Let me weave you a verse.
XinyanXinyan Time to rock!
 Shred 'til I'm dead!
 Amp it up!
Yae MikoYae Miko I'm always watching.
 Nothing lasts forever.
 A sight to behold.
YanfeiYanfei Time for your arraignment!
 Wrath of the Flame!
 Inadmissible evidence!
YaoyaoYaoyao Ready... Go!
 Pain, pain, go away!
 Go get 'em, Yuegui!
YelanYelan Game's up, fun's over!
 Here comes the catch.
 Things are about to get dicey.
YoimiyaYoimiya A festive reprise!
 Goldfish of doom!
 Here come the fireworks!
Yumemizuki MizukiYumemizuki Mizuki Bad dreams, be gone!
 Ya-chan, Te-chan, let's go!
 Cast your worries to the wind.
Yun JinYun Jin Break a leg!
 Strike as one!
 Your grand finale!
ZhongliZhongli Order guide you.
 This is order.
 I will have order!