Media:VO_Xingqiu Hello.oggXingqiu at your service, my liege! I humbly trust that even one such as I, a mere bookworm, may yet prove to be of some utility under your wise leadership. Nice, I don't often get a chance to speak with such formality. It felt pretty good!
Media:VO_Xingqiu When It Rains.oggMy family makes ornate umbrellas that block neither rain nor shine. Their sole purpose is for decoration upon a wall.
Media:VO_Xingqiu When It Snows.oggOnly when it snows like this would I prefer to be at home than in a book store. For there is a well-stocked fireplace at home, while there is no fire allowed in book stores.
When the Sun Is Out
When the Sun Is Out
Media:VO_Xingqiu When the Sun Is Out.oggGreat weather for practicing martial arts, but perfect weather for reading. Hey, what's that ridiculous look for? You look as if you're trying to decipher some strange text written on my forehead.
Media:VO_Xingqiu Good Afternoon.oggI am uninclined to eat a heavy meal this luncheon, but instead indulge in some baked treats. As long as I eat in the study, my father and brother never have to know! Oh, you want to join me? Well... As long as you don't get crumbs on the books, I suppose it's fine.
Good Evening
Good Evening
Media:VO_Xingqiu Good Evening.oggWhat say you we snatch a few fireflies and read in the light they give? Hehe... Hey, I'm joking. Seriously, don't, it's bad for your eyesight.
Good Night
Good Night
Media:VO_Xingqiu Good Night.oggYou will find me in the same place as ever tomorrow. So I'll see you then. Unless you manage to get lost on the way.
About Xingqiu
Friendship Lv. 3
About Xingqiu
Friendship Lv. 3
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Xingqiu.oggI always have to put on an act around other people, because they see me only as the second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. It's a relief that I can just be myself around you. I think it's because you don't see me in the same way.
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Us - Swornship.oggWe should become sworn siblings, let's go to the altar at Jueyun Karst. Nope, no ifs, no buts, you know too much about me! You know the real me, the one I normally have to hide. I simply can't let you go until you promise me you will go through with it!
Media:VO_Xingqiu About the Vision - Ancient Books.oggThere aren't many records on matters concerning Visions, but I do have a passage dedicated to the topic in my collection of ancient texts. I can lend it to you if you want.
About the Vision: Realization
Friendship Lv. 5
About the Vision: Realization
Friendship Lv. 5
Media:VO_Xingqiu About the Vision - Realization.oggI've come to an epiphany based on some things I've been reading — ultimately, the arts of both the polearm and the sword are just the art of the hand-eye coordination. Ugh, it's a little difficult to explain... If you want to know more, come with me to Wangshan Hall. But first, you have to promise me you won't laugh.
Something to Share
Something to Share
Media:VO_Xingqiu Something to Share.oggMust-see places in Liyue? That's a tough question. Hmm... The place I would miss the most if it disappeared would be Wanwen Bookhouse, first and foremost. The Guhua Sect would be in the top ten, too.
Interesting Things
Friendship Lv. 4
Interesting Things
Friendship Lv. 4
Media:VO_Xingqiu Interesting Things.oggI used to like rabbits, but I'm more a fan of stags now. To me, the saying "May my final stand be a monument to chivalry" is about abandoning worldly possessions and reaching enlightenment. But the stag's final resting place represents the hope for life anew. Oh, how I'd love to see it again.[TN • 1]
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Beidou.oggI have great respect for Lady Beidou. I just wish she wouldn't call me "kid" and ruffle my hair each time she sees me.
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Ningguang.oggIn her capacity as the Tianquan, I am obliged to respect her. Otherwise, it could create issues for my father and brother. On a personal level? Let me think... I think I will go with "no comment." I shan't speak ill of others.
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Chongyun.oggAh, dear Chongyun. Though he understands me quite well, one has to exercise caution when teaming up with him to go on a quest. He is making good progress in the martial arts, but I would say he hasn't quite internalized the chivalric code yet... He needs more practice. Especially at eating spicy food...
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Yun Jin.oggWhen Yun Jin drinks a beverage she is fond of, she will be inspired to write a new play. So, I keep a jar of tea leaves under my bed at all times, ready to deliver to her on the day that her inspiration dries up. This way, I shall never run out of heroic tales to listen to!
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Hu Tao.oggAh yes, the young lady who is now the Master of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. If you're asking what I think about her as a person... Well, there are all sorts of rumors about the way she works. But I think if you really want to understand someone, you need to find out what they are really after.
(Actual Voice-Over: Ah yes, the young lady who is now the master of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. If you're asking what I think about her as a person... Well, there are all sorts of rumors about the way she works. But I think if you really want to understand someone, you need to find out what they are really after.)
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Qiqi.oggI've always thought that there is more to Qiqi than meets the eye. But it's impossible to have a conversation with her when Baizhu's around. Hmm... We could wait till Baizhu makes a home call to one of his other patients and corner her...
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Xiangling.oggWhen you first spot Xiangling out and about, the first thing you should do is check the look on her face. Especially when she's just coming back from collecting new ingredients — the more excited she looks, the more dangerous it is to approach. Because if she sees you, she'll force you to taste-test her latest concoction... I usually get Chongyun to handle these situations, hehe...
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Xinyan.oggWhere does Xinyan perform? Anywhere from Chihu Rock to Yujing Terrace — no spot is untouched by her disruptive presence... A quiet day when I can curl up with a good book is a rare treasure indeed.
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Albedo.oggI've thought of all the illustrations I want for each of the major event in the next three volumes! I should write my thoughts down before I forget them, and send them to Mr. Kreideprinz...
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Zhongli.oggMy father and brother entertained that gentleman as a guest once. From the way they were acting, he must be a very high-profile figure indeed. I also heard that he directs funerals for adepti, so he must surely have great depth to his character. We should do some digging and see what we can find out about him!
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Shenhe.oggI find that Miss Shenhe seems to look at me somewhat fiercely, so I daren't approach her lightly. Bizarre, did I inadvertently upset her? Or maybe... upset someone close to her?
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Yelan.oggHave you heard the expression "same person, different face"? Ms. Yelan gives me precisely this feeling. When she came to visit my family, my father and brother treated her with respect, and she was pleasant and polite in return. She seemed like a kind and mature young lady to me. But when I saw her elsewhere, she gave a completely different impression.
Media:VO_Xingqiu About Gaming.oggGaming's work has all the trappings of a chivalric hero. Picture the scene — on a dark and moonless night, a lone young figure clad in black stands fearless on a secluded country road. They say his mastery of the martial arts is unparalleled, and the mythical beast by his side always does his bidding... Bandits and brigands beware, for none who challenge him come away unscathed... When he has the time, I'd love to hear more about his experiences as a guard. You should come along too.
Media:VO_Xingqiu More About Xingqiu - 02.oggYou ask me why I enjoy reading in solitude? ...Studiousness can hardly be considered a bad habit. There's not much more to it than that. Really.
More About Xingqiu: III
Friendship Lv. 4
More About Xingqiu: III
Friendship Lv. 4
Media:VO_Xingqiu More About Xingqiu - 03.oggYour schedule is free today? Wonderful. I am ready to leave whenever you are. ...My book? Oh, never mind that! I can always pick up where I left off when I get back. But those in distress who need our assistance cannot afford to wait.
More About Xingqiu: IV
Friendship Lv. 5
More About Xingqiu: IV
Friendship Lv. 5
Media:VO_Xingqiu More About Xingqiu - 04.oggYou feel inspired, you say? You want to write a martial arts detective novel based on our adventures together? And you want to call it the "Chronicles of Wanwen"? Hahaha... It's a good idea, it really is. But I'll have to decline, I'm sorry. Yes, really...
More About Xingqiu: V
Friendship Lv. 6
More About Xingqiu: V
Friendship Lv. 6
Media:VO_Xingqiu More About Xingqiu - 05.ogg"A weaver of verses who draws from an ocean of expression..." That's the reputation I aspire to. But you're the only person I can share that with. I am actually writing a novel... but I can't let you see it. Not yet. The time will come, though... You'll be able to read it when it's on sale in book stores all over Liyue.
Xingqiu's Hobbies
Xingqiu's Hobbies
Media:VO_Xingqiu Hobbies.oggEvidently, my hobby is reading. I'll read anything and everything. ...What's that mischievous grin for? Oh. That's between the two of us, okay? It's not appropriate to discuss it out loud. There's no point in bringing it up anyway.[TN • 2]
Xingqiu's Troubles
Xingqiu's Troubles
Media:VO_Xingqiu Troubles.oggWhat annoys me? Hmm... Well, one day my brother will inherit the family business. What will happen to me then? I fear my current carefree existence would... Oh — no no no, it's not about my status or anything like that. I don't care for that kind of thing. I think my brother is something of a simpleton and I would probably end up having to do most of his job for him...
Media:VO_Xingqiu Birthday - Customs.oggAccording to historical records, Tiancheng's stone bridge was formed by a fallen rock spear thrown by the Geo Archon Morax in battle. If you walk along the bridge on your birthday and throw some Mora into the sea from both sides, you will be blessed in the coming year... Your birthday only comes once a year, so be quick about it if you wanna go... I'm not kidding, it's true! Go try it and you'll see!
Media:VO_Xingqiu Feelings About Ascension - 02.oggHad I no moral compass, my efforts would have been misguided. Doomed to grasp at shadows while missing the substance, I would have become a philistine that seeks only violence.
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
Ascension Phase 4
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
Ascension Phase 4
Media:VO_Xingqiu Feelings About Ascension - 03.oggThere is a cause that I seek to champion, yet few in Liyue share my aspiration. This I have known for a long time, for it is a path I have walked for many years.
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
Ascension Phase 6
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
Ascension Phase 6
Media:VO_Xingqiu Feelings About Ascension - 04.oggI am most grateful for your company on my journey. I am proud of my achievements, both in the martial arts and in championing the cause so dear to my heart. ...Ah, I guess there's no need to euphemize any longer. Chivalry! That is the cause that inspires me, and that I seek to champion. Why should I shy away from it? I am sure my father and brother are under no illusion as to what I stand for by now. ...But of course, I still need to be somewhat discreet in the way I go about my business.
↑The phrase "But the stag's final resting place represents the hope for life anew" is a mistranslation; it is better translated as "But the stag represents the hope of being unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation."
↑Based on his original Chinese line, "There's no point in bringing it up anyway" is better translated as "If we talk about it openly, then there's no point in it," referring to Xingqiu's interest becoming a hero like the ones in the martial arts novels he reads.