Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

94 Characters match the category selection:

AetherAether This is not the end...
Maybe... I wasn't meant for this world...
LumineLumine This is not the end...
Maybe... I wasn't meant for this world...
AlbedoAlbedo Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...
My... experiment... failed...
Seems my research... is over...
AlhaithamAlhaitham I didn't... foresee this...
I... miscalculated...
A grave... oversight...
AloyAloy I failed...
I'm down... I'm sorry...
Can't get up... It's over...
AmberAmber Tired...
Must keep... training...
You got me...
Arataki IttoArataki Itto See you at the... rematch...
At least I'm going down... with style...
My boys... I've let you down...
ArlecchinoArlecchino The hearth is now... extinguished...
I hear... the children singing...
This shall not be my fate...
BaizhuBaizhu I shed... this mortal coil...
I'm sorry... Changsheng...
Some doctor... I am...
BarbaraBarbara I feel... a little weak...
Why has everyone stopped singing?
BeidouBeidou This isn't good...
Men... Fall... back...
Crew... Set sail for home...
BennettBennett Benny's Adventure Team... I have failed you...
This is just my luck...
Couldn't break... the curse...
CandaceCandace Need to... train harder...
I have failed... I'm sorry...
The shield... has broken...
CharlotteCharlotte Take these photos to The Steambird...
At least I documented everything...
Headline... Still needs a headline...
ChascaChasca Momma... Bird...
Couldn't... transcend...
I'm... falling...
ChevreuseChevreuse The arc of justice... is broken...
They're still... out there...
This can't be... the end...
ChioriChiori I wasn't cut out... for this...
I'll never... accept defeat...
But what about... my brand...
ChongyunChongyun After all that training...
The scourge of evil remains...
This spells the end of exorcists...
CitlaliCitlali Take me... stars above...
Take me... earth below...
I'm... sorry...
ClorindeClorinde The victor... is declared...
I am... defeated...
You've cleared your name...
ColleiCollei A Forest Ranger... forever.
No... not like this...
I knew... this day would come...
CynoCyno Has my... time come...
In death... a new cycle begins...
My judgment... has failed...
DehyaDehya They got me good...
I done messed up...
Merc down...
DilucDiluc Where did I go wrong...
There can be no excuse... for defeat...
My flame... has been... extinguished...
DionaDiona Bleugh... I smell wine.
Spring fairy... ugh... Don't leave me...
Can't keep my eyes... open...
DoriDori Must earn... more Mora...
Not... again...
Guess there's some things... Mora can't buy...
EmilieEmilie I can smell... blood...
The lantern is... extinguished...
Is it... my time to go?
EulaEula What a sorry sight...
I'll be back... with a vengeance...
Guess I got my comeuppance...
FaruzanFaruzan The puzzle... is still unsolved...
A scholar's journey... shouldn't end...
Time... didn't stop for me...
FischlFischl This realm is no home for a princess...
One shall... descend... once again...
Oz: Mein Fräulein!
FreminetFreminet No home... to return to...
Sinking... feeling...
FurinaFurina Am I... free?
I still... couldn't do it...
Don't look at me... like this...
GamingGaming I gotta... run...
Show's over, folks...
Forget about me, just go...
GanyuGanyu Rex Lapis... I am sorry!
My contract goes... unfulfilled...
Must... press... on...
GorouGorou We're... defeated...
For... Watatsumi Island...
All forces... retreat...
Hu TaoHu Tao Is it... my time?
I'll remember that...
JeanJean Mondstadt...
Everyone has their limits...
I have failed...
KachinaKachina Sorry... I pushed myself... too hard.
My name... I must honor it...
No... I messed up... again...
Kaedehara KazuhaKaedehara Kazuha So many regrets...
Never... again...
This is... the end...
KaeyaKaeya I'm not done...
That was unexpected...
This doesn't look good...
Kamisato AyakaKamisato Ayaka Pardon my indiscretion...
Much remains... unfinished...
I have dishonored... our clan...
Kamisato AyatoKamisato Ayato But the plan... was watertight...
I'm feeling a little washed-out...
Such is life...
KavehKaveh So many things... I never accomplished...
Don't... crush my dreams...
KeqingKeqing Right idea, wrong time...
I will not go quietly...
What a let-down...
KinichKinich Don't... turn back...
Everything... has a price...
Ajaw: Hehe, pleasure doing business with you...
KiraraKirara Customers... are still waiting...
I'll be... in my box...
I'm gonna get fired...
KleeKlee Yay, I did it! Oh wait, no I didn't...
I wanna go home now...
It was an accident...
Kujou SaraKujou Sara Life is not eternal...
I willingly yield...
Huh! I am... Defeated...
Kuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu Sorry... for the trouble...
Take care of... the gang...
What a humiliation...
Lan YanLan Yan Can't... fall now...
The bell rings... no more...
Grounded... for good...
LaylaLayla Sweet sleep... at last...
I'm sorry, Professor...
This is just a... bad dream...
LisaLisa Going out is tiring...
Looks like I got carried away...
I knew I should have stayed home...
LynetteLynette What detail... did I miss...
Saw through... my trick...
LyneyLyney Lynette...
My show... mustn't fail...
Quick... drop the curtains...
MavuikaMavuika The flame... burns on...
The end... of our legacy...
Is this... our fate?
MikaMika Should have... tried to flank them...
I'm sorry... everyone...
No... I blew it...
MonaMona The stars... are fading...
Destiny cannot be... denied.
My reckoning... has come...
MualaniMualani What kinda guide... falls behind...
"No one fights alone"...
The journey's... over...
NahidaNahida No life... lasts forever...
I'm... withering...
I don't... understand...
NaviaNavia Guess I'm... going home...
Sorry, partner...
No... not me, too...
NeuvilletteNeuvillette When the tide comes in, I shall return...
I see the temperate waters of eons past...
A silence fills the air...
NilouNilou It's time for the curtain... to fall...
The show... can't go on...
Beauty... Don't leave me...
NingguangNingguang We are all but pawns...
The victor has been decided...
Is this the end of Tianquan?
NoelleNoelle I am a disgrace... to the knights...
But they still need me...
It was my honor to serve you...
OroronOroron See you... in the Night Kingdom.
It's getting... dark.
The voices... are calling...
QiqiQiqi Don't want... to be sealed... back up...
Cold... So cold...
Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun The mortal plane... a fleeting dream...
Detached from the world...
The thunder falls silent...
RazorRazor Can't... breathe...
Take me back...
Lupical... my Lupical...
RosariaRosaria At least... no more... work.
Maybe this is just... fate's dark design.
Is this... my final job?
Sangonomiya KokomiSangonomiya Kokomi New strategy needed...
A lapse in judgment...
Must learn from my mistakes...
SayuSayu Almost. Got. Away...
Uh, sw—sweet dreams...
My fault for being so lazy...
SethosSethos It was all... in vain...
The sun sets... forever...
Grandfather... I'm sorry...
ShenheShenhe No escape... From fate.
My time has come...
My curse to bear...
Shikanoin HeizouShikanoin Heizou The truth... will come out...
From detective... to victim...
I've been... outsmarted...
SigewinneSigewinne But my patients need me...
So cold... It hurts...
My wounds are incurable...
SucroseSucrose My research... has failed.
Need to make... adjustments.
I should... sleep on it.
TartagliaTartaglia How... I had only just...
I'm... quite impressed...
ThomaThoma Time to go home...
Take care, everyone...
I couldn't save everybody...
TighnariTighnari Dust... to dust...
I've not finished... my research...
Flowers haven't bloomed yet...
VentiVenti Let me sleep a while...
Oh no, my lyre is broken...
Ah... Ugh...
WandererWanderer Falling... into the abyss...
Everything... was futile...
The price... for my sins...
WriothesleyWriothesley Sorry... I couldn't protect...
Instead of going big, guess I'm going home...
I have... no objections.
XianglingXiangling Dinner's gonna burn...
No... Did I ruin everything?
XianyunXianyun Doesn't count... I hadn't eaten...
Wait, my mechanical masterwork...
XiaoXiao Is this... retribution?
The day... has finally come.
XilonenXilonen The flames... have gone out...
The forge... grows cold...
Heh, it's time... to sleep...
XingqiuXingqiu I have taught you... everything... I know...
The brightest flames... burn fastest...
I am outplayed...
XinyanXinyan The beat's all... messed up.
Didn't make it... to the chorus...
Went... out of tune...
Yae MikoYae Miko The fun's over...
What a dreadful ending...
So much for "eternity"...
YanfeiYanfei It's a... hung jury...
The law... has loopholes...
I... object...
YaoyaoYaoyao I can't look after you anymore...
Sorry, Master...
Spear getting heavy...
YelanYelan What are... the odds?
How was l... so wrong...
But the truth... is still unknown...
YoimiyaYoimiya Burned... too... brightly...
Ohh... fizzled out...
The festival... ends.
Yumemizuki MizukiYumemizuki Mizuki Is this... a nightmare?
Darkness... closing... in...
I can still feel... the pain.
Yun JinYun Jin Thank you... And goodnight...
A true tragedy...
The show... Must go on...
ZhongliZhongli Ugh... I'm feeling a little... off...
You shouldn't see me like this...
Even bedrock can be turned to dust...