The renowned Captain of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol, always true to her own sense of "justice."
—Description from the Official Website[1]
The captain of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol, who wears justice as an ever-present seal upon her heart. Her musket shall only ever point at the guilty.
—In-game character attributes and profile page text
Chevreuse grew up in Fleuve Cendre.[2] She is the present Captain of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol and a frequent customer at Beaumont Workshop, often purchasing expensive materials to maintain her musket. According to Riqueti, Chevreuse has commented about the Patrol's scarce usage of Gardemeks while under her command, claiming that "Gardemeks will only block our bullets!"[3]
Chevreuse has a strong sense of upholding the law, mainly in part due to her childhood when her father, Donatello, served in the Gardes. Donatello intended for her to be his successor, submitting her through rigorous trials that were meant to frustrate and vex her which she completed without much issue, making him see her even more suited to uphold "justice" than him. Unlike the other members of Fontaine's law enforcement, Chevreuse is fairly lax, allowing members to act freely from the others. She is particularly distasteful of Gardemeks, due to them blocking their musket's shots and the potential to turn against their allies in an instant. She shares a strong bond with her subordinates, refusing to accept the idea that one of them would act outside the law without sufficient proof, and when she became Captain of the Special Patrol, some of its members began using muskets and expressing a similar dislike of Gardemeks.
Despite upholding the law, Chevreuse does occasionally stoop to seemingly unlawful acts; she bribed Emerald for information regarding a mystery shooter[2], and turns a blind eye to Chiori throwing people out her store and driving out malignant competitors in Fontaine's fashion industry in return for intelligence.[4] Her colleagues in the Maison Gardiennage also disapprove of her method of hiring felons as "special consultants" for cases that she personally investigates.
In her spare time, Chevreuse enjoys reading, particularly books in which justice prevails over evil.[5] She also has an unhealthy obsession with junk food particularly while on work, even storing them in her uniform[2]; when off, she considers them to be her worst enemy. She also shows disdain towards uncooked food.
Chevreuse uses the medium female model. She has pale skin, violet eyes fading to pink, and long violet hair with the tips all swept upwards. Her front bangs have three strands that are white, and she wears an eyepatch over her left eye.
Official Introduction[]
...Captain Chevreuse, once again I implore you, we must tighten up the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol's entry requirements. Right now, we count among our members petty crooks who have burgled all over the Court of Fontaine, street fighters whose only concern is getting rich, and even a bandit whose band of cronies almost succeeded in robbing a bank! If you hadn't personally caught him red-handed — scoping the place out under the guise of being an investor — they might very well have pulled it off... For pity's sake, we're supposed to be the Maison Gardiennage! Even if just to preserve our image, please consider doing something!
—The ninth in a series of pleading letters sent to Chevreuse by Captain Grosrochard of the Gardes
"Behave yourself or the Patrol will get you!"
— A warning often issued to naughty Fontainian children from exasperated parents
Of course, those children are too young to understand how ridiculous such a thought is — that you might be dragged off by the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol for going to bed too late, eating snacks after brushing your teeth, or getting bad grades. In reality, the only people that the Patrol are really after are notorious criminals. As children grow older and come to learn this, these warnings quickly lose their effect.
...But some members of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol can't help but resent this type of "education" when they notice children on the street quietly slipping away as they approach. As they see it, painting such a picture of the Patrol couldn't be more inappropriate. If people are allowed to keep saying such things, then the Patrol's infamous reputation will loom like a shadow over the children of Fontaine, and who knows how long it will stay there?
"What's wrong with that?"
This was Special Security and Surveillance Patrol Captain Chevreuse's response as she sat there dealing with official documents.
"I hope they'll always remember our 'infamous reputation,' and understand the meaning behind it..."
"...That way, perhaps there won't need to come a day when I have to drag them away for real."
Character Stories[]
Character Details
In the Court of Fontaine, where the corpus juris is exceedingly well-developed — some might even say convoluted — there are many odd ordinances that can confound and confuse foreign tourists.
For example, fruit tarts may not be placed directly on unheated platters, unfinished Fonta may not be intentionally placed in the middle of roads, and one must not forget to trim the claws of pet felines...
Violations are thus difficult to avoid. But Fontainians are quite familiar with such matters, quickly ascertaining the gravity of an offense and deciding on a course of action based on the identity of the one sent to deal with the matter.
If it is only a member of the establishment's staff, then perhaps a simple debate will be sufficient to resolve the issue; who doesn't enjoy a lively atmosphere? If it is a uniformed Gestionnaire, then all onlookers will have to suffer through an insufferably long-winded admonishment, and it's best to vacate the premises. If it is an officer of the Maison Gardiennage, then the parties involved won't get off scot-free, and may even have to pay fines. In this case, it's best to immediately clarify that you are an innocent bystander, and are in no way involved with the case.
However, if the one to come calling is the Captain of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol with her tall cap and musket slung across her back, along with a squad of Special Patrol officers...
Well, that means a particularly vicious case is unfolding, or perhaps a hoodlum is to be violently apprehended, or some fiendish felon has kidnapped a hostage... In any case, the only thing to do in such a situation is to quickly evacuate in accordance with the instructions given by the Special Patrol and give these "Felon Management Specialists" room to work their magic. At the same time, keep a tight leash on your curiosity and do not attempt to conceal yourself in a nearby hidey-hole. seeking to observe their law-enforcement activities from a close distance. Even if you wish to interview them, then wait until their work is done.
Most importantly, there's no need to feel unsafe, and even less cause for fear.
For as all Fontainians know, any hope criminals have to escape the long arm of the law flees whenever Captain Chevreuse is on the scene.
Character Story 1
Friendship Lv. 2
"If you don't behave, the Special Patrol's going to take you away!"
Such is the start of many a scolding given by Fontainian parents to a troublemaking child.
Children who have grown up with such threats from their parents, understand very clearly that the Special Patrol will never take action because a child didn't brush their teeth, slept in, broke a window, or swiped a slice of cake. Still, though they have long since matured into adults, they cannot help but stand up a bit straighter when they see Captain Chevreuse, averting their gaze and instinctually wringing their hands, mortally afraid that they might have committed some offense worthy of arrest without having even been aware of the nature of their crime. Yet despite being crystal clear that these fine officers are fighting crime, and regardless of their reverence for such upstanding upholders of the law, it is truly difficult to suppress the urge to tense up...
As for this "fearsome, infamous reputation," the Special Patrol themselves are quite exasperated. A member once suggested to Chevreuse that allowing such an "infamous reputation" to circulate is damaging to the Special Patrol's image: "The Special Patrol is an official law enforcement office under the Maison Gardiennage, after all, and if our methods of enforcing the law are more forceful, and the process thereof more intense, it's only because the criminals we deal with are the most vile and violent of them all. So to use the Special Patrol's good name to frighten children really is a bit..."
"Why not let Chevreuse give The Steambird an interview? Let our Captain stress that the Special Patrol is a law enforcement organization only focused on dealing with the worst offenders, and everything it does is to safeguard Fontaine's safety and stability, in pursuit of which it would never accost citizens without good cause..."
Yet Chevreuse vetoed this suggestion.
"If such a reputation has really become so deeply embedded in the minds of the people, and it sticks with them for a lifetime, then there's a chance that when someone considers taking things a step too far, fear inspired by our 'infamous reputation' may pull them back from the edge."
"...If so, then there'll be no need for us to actually take them away someday."
Character Story 2
Friendship Lv. 3
As one of the departments central to upholding the binding nature of Fontaine's laws and decrees, the "Court of Fontaine Grand Maison Gardiennage" is a solemn and dignified institution, and all law enforcement personnel must undergo rigorous examinations and instruction. Their every word and action reflects on the Maison Gardiennage, and represents the laws of the Court of Fontaine, so there is zero room for errors or negligence.
However, the way the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol of the Court of Fontaine does things is markedly different from other law enforcement agencies. Members are not required to use standardized weapons, nor must they wear uniforms outside of formal occasions... Additionally, after Chevreuse took command of the Special Patrol, many of its members began using muskets as part of their law enforcement arsenals, and some even began to refuse to go on missions with Gardemeks on the basis that not only can an immobile meka block their line of fire, but there's a distinct danger of criminals taking control of said meka and turning them against the squad. Furthermore, when selecting recruits, the Special Patrol will even accept the descendants of criminals whose households had been stripped of all honor...
For the sake of quickly solving the most heinous of cases, the Maison Gardiennage is willing to overlook all those issues, displaying great forbearance towards Chevreuse and the Special Patrol. But what they simply cannot abide is how Chevreuse is willing to invite serious felons to participate in cases she is handling as "special consultants."
Though Chevreuse stridently maintains that this is purely to catch vicious criminals as soon as possible, many colleagues still believe that relying on lawbreakers to help arrest lawbreakers is an insult to both the laws of Fontaine and those who enforce them. Should such humiliations continue, what dignity would remain for the Maison Gardiennage and the law itself?
Faced with such pointed questions, Chevreuse always gives the same simple response:
"The greatest insult to the law is a criminal roaming free and unpunished."
"And as for the 'dignity' of the Maison Gardiennage, it isn't even worthy of comparison with the safety of the Court of Fontaine."
This, too, is one of her father's teachings.
Character Story 3
Friendship Lv. 4
"Monsieur Donatello is an upstanding officer of the law."
When Chevreuse discusses her father with others, she always offers this simple, curt evaluation. This is also one of the only two impressions she has of her father from her childhood.
Donatello was always busy, leaving hurriedly in the mornings and returning exhausted at night before giving Chevreuse and her mother a hug, gently apologizing for making them wait so long. Sometimes he would return exceptionally late, bringing his daughter sweet treats. Alas, having long since already brushed her teeth, it was also too late for her to have any more sugar.
Such gifts were a rare treat, and yet their luster would fade by morning, and so Chevreuse's mother would allow little Chevreuse to lick a bit of cream off before sending said dessert to her father's bedroom along with a cup of coffee.
At this time, her father would always be facing a wall covered in pictures and thumbtacks, at times staring blankly at it, at others pacing in circles, smoking, tousling his hair, and sometimes raising his fists in sudden triumph, before slowly lowering them and helplessly pounding the table— Chevreuse bore silent witness to all this, peeping in from behind the door.
Sometimes, when she ran into her father on the street, she would excitedly wave, but at most he would return a slight smile before throwing himself back into his myriad tasks.
"He's an upright, good man."
Her mother, neighbors, his colleagues, and even the kids next door all praised her father thusly.
But one day, those colleagues who were always praising her father as an upstanding man suddenly came knocking at her door.
Her mother was at a complete loss as she watched them come and go from her home. Though Chevreuse stayed in her room, from the commotion outside her door, she had already vaguely guessed that her father had become a "sinner" like those he had once pursued, and was at that moment awaiting sentencing, and might even be banished to the Fortress of Meropide.
"Did Papa... do something wrong?"
This was the question she asked the strange adults beside her. After much choking back of tears, the reply finally came:
"...Nonetheless, he is an upstanding officer of the law."
An upstanding sinner.
This became Chevreuse's second impression of her father from her childhood.
Character Story 4
Friendship Lv. 5
Even the most acclaimed authors of Fontaine would struggle to explain to a child why a suspect to whom all the evidence clearly pointed could not be convicted. Why everyone maintained their silence as an innocent officer of the law was falsely accused. Why many who witnessed the crime refused to speak the truth. And why the victim of the miscarriage of justice must pay with their own reputation and future for justice to finally make an appearance.
Even harder to explain is why the path to justice must be paved with crime.
But for Chevreuse, what was most concrete were the changes in her life wrought by her entire family moving to the Fleuve Cendre.
A narrow room, the food less tasty, friends who now never contacted her, and a mother growing more fatigued by the day... Her father's colleagues often came by in plainclothes, bringing all kinds of gifts with them. In addition to their presents, they brought news as well. They told her mother of the appeal they were all working so hard on — not just the Gardes and the members of the Special Patrol, but even several Gestionnaires who oft worked with them — and how despite the fact Donatello had broken the law was indisputable and established fact, and legally speaking his sentence could not be commuted or shortened, they at least could ensure he didn't need to endure further castigation. It was all of scant comfort to her mother, whose worries did not subside.
To take care of her mother, Chevreuse didn't hesitate to take up burdens that one as young as she should never have had to shoulder, stepping into the dark currents that swirled through the Fleuve Cendre.
Perhaps it was because the residents of the Fleuve Cendre had heard tell of or been on the receiving end of her upright father's care that so many helping hands were extended to her. A well-meaning shop owner gave her a job, and the couple next door often took care of her infirm mother.
And when the children of the Fleuve Cendre heard that the child of a Garde had come to live among them, they flocked to her like plaintiffs and defendants, seeking her arbitration on all manner of quarrels and disputes.
"Chevreuse! You gotta uphold justice, y'know!"
So cried the children with one voice, before laughing as one. They did not truly intend to allow Chevreuse to determine who was at fault, but rather saw it all as merely another game.
Yet the next day, Chevreuse brought a thick stack of legal materials when she went to see them, along with a notebook newly opened to the first page, and began speaking to the chortling children in a tone most serious.
"Very well. Let both sides present their evidence."
And from that day forward, the Fleuve Cendre had one more enforcer of the law — the littlest one around. But unlike the law enforcement officers aboveground, all judgments rendered by Chevreuse were executed under her personal supervision.
There in the sewers, she learned many ways to ensure that "justice" would be upheld.
Character Story 5
Friendship Lv. 6
"...Then, Ms. Chevreuse, in accordance with the findings of this court, your father did indeed violate the regulations of the Gardes, leaking secret intelligence regarding a serious case, and for this reason, he was exiled to the Fortress of Meropide."
"From that moment onward, you followed your mother and moved to the Fleuve Cendre... As for your father's charges, and your experiences while living in the Fleuve Cendre, please provide a supplementary statement for this court."
"Regarding my experiences living in the Fleuve Cendre, my statement is as follows..."
Her father, Donatello, exiled for violating the law. Her poverty-stricken family forced to move to the Fleuve Cendre. A child of a sinner, unable to work for the Maison Gardiennage, and thus seeking to fight crime as a member of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol...
As the Captain of the Special Patrol was hearing her case, Chevreuse found herself explaining herself and reading her statement over and over. Having finished serving his sentence, her father Donatello was now serving in the Special Patrol. He had pored over her statement, and it had nary a single mistake or blemish.
Though it had been a long time since he was ousted from his former post, Donatello still understood the Maison Gardiennage's thinking. If Chevreuse was to take up the post of Captain of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol without issue, she would need to provide the good folks at the Maison Gardiennage with a sufficiently "decent" statement, such that they might clearly and firmly — yet with a bit of wiggle room — announce her appointment.
Chevreuse was no longer a child. She knew full well that her father had leaked classified intelligence regarding a major case to utilize the resulting interest from the press to assist in investigating that criminal. After her family moved to the Fleuve Cendre, the Gardes who visited — ranking officers among them — had surreptitiously provided aid, so their situation could not be considered too dire. Furthermore, the officers and members of the Special Patrol had made preparations ahead of time for Chevreuse to learn from them in the field, learning all about the relevant work in advance...
But saying all of that would be of no help to Chevreuse in taking over as Captain.
Though Donatello was still uneasy about his daughter following in his footsteps, she had completed all the training he had prepared for her. Chevreuse had given it her all, passing even those trials designed expressly to frustrate and vex her.
As Chevreuse plunged forward in the bone-chillingly freezing winter seas, it seemed to take every last ounce of Donatello's willpower to stand still and watch instead of running forth to cradle her in his embrace. As Chevreuse swam back to his side, trembling and shivering, Donatello knew that his daughter was stronger than he was, and even more suited to uphold "justice."
But today, let all of that be washed away into eternal silence amid the waters of the Fleuve Cendre.
For this father and daughter who long ago had swum together in the icy winter seas, it was now time to take a step forward.
"...My father violated Gardes regulations. The evidence of his guilt is conclusive, and the results of the hearing were correct."
With her final assertion of the facts of the case, Chevreuse folded up the draft of her speech.
Hereafter, justice would make its appearance, all in good time.
The Special Security and Surveillance Patrol Type-II Standard Musket
Friendship Lv. 4
Compared to the initial configuration, the improved version of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol's standard musket features a modified butt stock that better fits human shoulders, as well as a longer barrel. Some specialized Type-II muskets feature all-purpose rails attached below the barrel and to the stock. Scopes, grenade launchers, smokescreen launchers, sonic boom launchers, and all kinds of melee weapons are among the various accessories that can be attached to the mounts, allowing them to be adapted for virtually any kind of combat mission.
However, while she was modifying muskets to improve the team's combat capabilities, Chevreuse also raised the evaluation standards for firearms proficiency, adding several requirements not related to firearms themselves, such as unarmed combat.
"The raison d'etre for the Special Patrol is capturing criminals, not strutting around showing off your gun!"
"What are you gonna do, refuse a mission if you can't bring your musket?"
And thus, thanks to the Type-II Standard Musket, the amount of training required vastly increased once more.
Naturally, Chevreuse herself completed 100% of every single training program.
Seeing their captain standing strong like an ironwoman in the middle of the practice field, the members of the patrol spoke out spontaneously, yet with one heart and one voice:
"Captain, please have mercy on us...!"
Friendship Lv. 6
The Captain of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol, Chevreuse, rarely discusses how she obtained her Vision of her own accord. To others, she says the reason is because the authority and prestige of the Special Patrol comes from the law and justice. By focusing too much on "Visions," it would only create misunderstandings. To preserve the law's standing, it is better not to discuss such things.
But those close to Chevreuse know that this Vision is much more akin to a heavy burden for her.
After Chevreuse joined the Special Patrol, she used her extraordinary talent and perseverance to complete all kinds of internal training programs, memorizing every rule, regulation, and standard for Special Patrol operations along with the related statutes. Without question, she was first in her class, and her pursuit of "justice" was widely admired by other members.
But the officer in charge of them, Vice Captain Grizzetti, disagreed, and he never selected Chevreuse for field missions. Other members could only guess why: Perhaps it was to protect her? After all, he was once close with her father Donatello, and had taken care of her. They were so close that Chevreuse was said to call him "Uncle Grizzetti." Or maybe he was planning to groom her to take on some particularly important job?
Chevreuse didn't think about such complicated matters. After the sixth time she was excluded from a mission, she could bear it no longer and finally asked the usually amiable Uncle Grizzetti why he never chose her for fieldwork.
"You're not ready."
Came the reply.
"Fix your conception of justice first, Chevreuse. If your understanding of it is limited to an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, then it would be best for you to leave this place. This is not some lynching site. This is where the voice of justice must ring true."
At the time, Chevreuse had not yet grasped this, nor did she even know just when she would be ready. Perhaps she would spend her entire life trying to understand. Or perhaps she would have to be ready the very next second.
Soon, Grizzetti found himself shorthanded during an urgent mission hunting down a gang of notorious criminals. With no choice but to call on Chevreuse, he repeatedly warned her to stay close, follow orders, and not act without permission. And then it was time to move out, and the various members filed out into the howling tempest to close off every possible route the gang of criminals could take.
Chevreuse and Grizzetti concealed themselves behind some shrubbery, but the criminals did not appear. Just as the two of them began to think their intelligence was mistaken and were preparing to withdraw quietly, a shot rang out from a hidden position, and Grizzetti was struck. Chevreuse counterattacked nearly instantly, using the muzzle flash in the darkness to sight the criminal's position before hitting them with a single precise bullet. But Uncle Grizzetti had already sunk into eternal silence.
Now, only Chevreuse and the killer remained. The howling wind and torrential downpour would conceal the sound of another gunshot, and the Special Patrol... They might not inquire too closely in the case of how this fiend who had murdered one of their colleagues had been shot dead.
But more importantly, the killer was right in front of her. If she wished to carry out justice, now was the time. She lifted her musket, aimed right between his eyes... and then lowered the gun.
The Special Security and Surveillance Patrol speaks only in the name of justice, and true "justice" can only be decided by the courts. Perhaps this was what it meant to be "ready" to become a member of the Special Patrol.
"This is the Court of Fontaine Special Security and Surveillance Patrol. You are under arrest."
No sooner had she finished speaking than the killer began to hobble away, seeking to flee without the slightest hesitation. With the crack of a musket, the man was struck squarely in his right leg. He cried out in agony, cursing as he rolled on the ground, finally coming to a stop before the feet of the other Patrol members who had rushed over.
The "justice" of the law is meted out by the courts, but as for Chevreuse's own personal justice, that is carried out by her alone.
As Chevreuse finally completely lowered her musket, she had yet to notice a Vision was now hanging from the stock.
In the lashing wind and rain, its glow was not readily apparent, much like justice yet to be revealed — pale and dark.
Chevreuse: Type II | |
![]() |
Obtain: Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Chevreuse Description: The standard issue weapon of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol is known as the "Special Security and Surveillance Patrol Type II Standard Musket." Yet, though there may be countless flowers in this world, the one you treasure is special, even if it should be known to the world as nothing at all special. |
Sclopetum Ensiferum | |
![]() | Meaning: Sword-Bearing Rifle |
Quests and Events[]
Story Quests
Hangout Events
- Roses and Muskets
- Act I: The Crack of Muskets Breaking the Silence
- Act II: Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame
- Act III: The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog
- Act IV: Where the Roses Bloom
- Afterword: The Two Musketeers' Triumph
- Springtime Charms
Character Mentions[]
Character Stories
Character | Stories |
Character Voice-Overs
Character | Voice-Overs |
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- Chevreuse holding her pistol with her left hand in Where the Roses Bloom, while holding her rifle with her right, is a reference to a military pistol training prior to the 20th century. Officers are trained to use a sword with their dominant hand while a sidearm is held with a non-dominant hand; a sword requires a dominant hand for a primary (and precise) sword strikes, while a pistol is normally used to surprise their opponents and catch them off guard.
- The last sentence of her Namecard description is a reference to both the first line of the Rifleman's Creed: "This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine." and a paraphrasing of a moral from The Little Prince: "To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you... But in herself alone she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses... Because she is my rose."
- The design of Chevreuse's rifle appears to be inspired by the Colt Model 1855 Revolving Carbine, rather than a single-fire musket.
- Chevreuse is mentioned in the description of the following Furnishing:
- Chevreuse is the name of a character in The Three Musketeers, whose life is based on that of Marie de Rohan, Duchesse de Chevreuse.
- In the event Roses and Muskets, Chevreuse played one of the lead roles in Xavier's film adaptation of the in-game book "The Two Musketeers".
- Chevreuse's name may stem from the French word chevrotine "buckshot," a type of bullet made of lead shot and originally used for animal hunting.
- Chevrotine itself stems from French chevrotin "young roe deer."
- Thefore, her name can be deconstructed into two parts: chevreuil "roe deer" or chèvre "goat"; and -euse, the feminine form of -eur "-er" or -eux "-ous."
- Chevrotine itself stems from French chevrotin "young roe deer."
- Chevreuse is a commune in France near Paris.
- Chevreuse's constellation, Sclopetum Ensiferum, is Latin for "Sword-Bearing Rifle." This is possibly a reference to the bayonet, a firearm with a blade or spike mounted at the end of its muzzle; however, in the case of Chevreuse's constellation, the blade and firearm are crossed, forming an 'X' shape.
Other Languages[]
Character Title: Executor of Justice[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Executor of Justice | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 明律决罚 Mínglǜ Juéfá | Manifest Law, Execute Punishment |
Chinese (Traditional) | 明律決罰 Mínglǜ Juéfá | |
Japanese | 厳罰を与える法の通暁者 Genbatsu wo Ataeru Hou no Tsuugyousha | Expert of the Law Delivering Severe Punishment |
Korean | 엄정한 법의 집행자 Eomjeonghan Beob-ui Jiphaengja | Disciplined Executor of Law |
Spanish | La Ejecutora de la Ley | The Executor of the Law |
French | Exécutrice de la justice | Executor of Justice |
Russian | Вершитель правосудия Vershitel' pravosudiya | Executor of Justice |
Thai | ผู้ผดุงความยุติธรรม | |
Vietnamese | Người Thực Thi Công Lý | |
German | Vollstreckerin des Gesetzes | Executor of the Law |
Indonesian | Executor of Justice | — |
Portuguese | Executora da Justiça | |
Turkish | Adaletin Tecellisi | |
Italian | Braccio armato della legge | Armed Arm of the Law |
- ↑ Official Genshin Impact Website: Chevreuse
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Event Roses and Muskets Quest: Act II - Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame, Part 1: Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame
- ↑ NPC Dialogue: Riqueti
- ↑ Chevreuse's Voice-Over: About Chiori
- ↑ Event Roses and Muskets Quest: Act I - The Crack of Muskets Breaking the Silence, Part 1: The Crack of Muskets Breaking the Silence