"Pirate Plunder Blunder" is the first segment of the thirty-ninth episode of Spidey and his Amazing Friends. It premiered on February 24, 2023 alongside "Bad Bot" and is the first segment of the fourteenth episode of the second season.
Team Spidey must save Aunt May when Green Goblin’s device makes people think they’re pirates.
The episode begins at the boardwalk, where Peter's Aunt May is taking the kids on a trip to learn about pirates and is particularly excited to learn about Captain Web-beard and his ship the Mutton Chop. As Mr. Von Carnegie tells the kids stories about Web-beard, Aunt May is with a few others putting on a pirate hat, but it turns out to be a mind-control device created by Gobby. Once enough adults have put on their mind-control pirate hats, Gobby activates them and they soon are under Gobby's control. As the kids realize that the adults around them are acting like pirates and plundering the boardwalk, they morph into the Spider forms.
Team Spidey tries to talk some sense into the adults but they don't listen. They instead web up some of the adults to immobilize them but Spidey finds himself unable to web Aunt May and Spin and Ghost are unable to web up Mr. Von Carnegie and Mr. Kielbasa. Soon, Spin and Ghost are tied up with a rope. Spidey realizes the hats are controlling everyone's minds but is unable to take them off with his webs. When he discovers Gobby, he is immediately goo-ed to the deck as he the villain and his minions take the tied-up Ghost and Spin aboard the Mutton Chop before sailing away. Spidey finally frees himself before boarding the ship.
Spidey secretly frees his friends and they come up with a plan to take down Gobby and rescue everyone. Spin and Ghost disguise Spidey as one of the pirates so he can blend in as they distract the pirates. As Gobby makes the mind-controlled adults recapture Spin and Ghost, Spidey reveals himself and fights Gobby for the remote control. Spin grabs it and frees everyone. As the angry adults confront Gobby for mind-controlling them, Team Spidey webs him to the railing. The Mutton Chop ports back at the boardwalk as Team Spidey secretly de-morphs. The episode ends with the kids regrouping with Aunt May, agreeing wholeheartedly they have had enough of pirate adventures for the day.