Kengo's blog

Technical articles about original projects, JVM, Static Analysis and TypeScript.


My acts on the WWW in 2013

I will summarize my online actions in this year. Old articles are below: My acts on the WWW in 2011 (Japanese) My acts on the WWW in 2012 personal products I have released several personal products, and 4 of them are important to explain m…

had a session at talk.js

If you are English user, visit to find my slide. 昨晩マイクロソフト@シンガポールでtalk.jsに参加してきました。レベルが高そうなJSプログラマが集う場所にJavaプログラマが潜り込むという構図を活かして笑いを取るなどしました。 前回*1は…


[for English user] This article is a simple introduction about my project for Japanese developer. You do not have to read this, reading this project directly would be enough. RequireJSの応用方法について調べた内容をGitHubでまとめています。…

log: 2013/Feb/25 ~ Mar/3

Interests Nexus 7 has come! Now I got a Nexus 7 (32G Wifi/3g)! I have rooted it and configured some useful applications. I will think how to use it as a terminal for development. I wish browser-base IDE like Cloud9 IDE supports tablet, but…

log: 2013/Feb/4~15

Interests FireFox OS Currently I do not like Android and iOS, so I hope that this OS (or Ubuntu) become popular and make the market actively. But they would be minor... Outputs This week is long holiday (the head of lunar new year), so I d…

Drawing graph about dependency between AMD modules

Sometimes I want to know dependency between AMD modules graphically, because it might be helpful to understand complexity. Today I have tried to realize it. AMDモジュール間の依存関係をおおまかに把握したい時って結構あります。規約どおりの依…

requirejs reading

I found that RequireJS has became one of my favorite library, so I need to know it deeply to make it my strong point. This article is log of code reading for 2.0.4. require.js it has many helper like bind(), mixin() and each(). IE6 support…

How to improve interface for JavaScript

Do you still use argument to give information for other components? It's the most simple way, but sometimes it's too long to read. We can use other approach like named parameter, chain and deferred. Named parameter function foo(param) { al…

RequireJS 2.0による依存関係の明示、フォールバック、複数バージョンの混在

旧ブログのRequireJSネタがひそかにブクマされつづけているので需要があるかなと思い、最近調査したバージョン2.0の機能についてまとめます。元ネタはこちらです。 Upgrading to RequireJS 2.0 · jrburke/requirejs Wiki · GitHub 依存関係の明示 従来のバー…