Content-responsive space
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Start drawing, then put the box around it Remember the Hockney photos? The size of what we’re making is unknown until we know what we’re putting there. So, it’s better to come up with an arrangement of elements and assign them to a size, rather than the other way around. We need to start drawing, then put the box around it.
In defense of asymmetric grids Robin Rendle CSS Grid has made me lazy. Whenever I start a new project I tend to pick a 12 column grid and move on to other’s almost too easy! This is probably also out of laziness in the design, too. I’d often pickup the Bootstrap grid and after years of use I began to see every page built out of 12 columns. So layouts, and the grid systems they’re built out of, felt like a solved problem to me.
...[But] CSS grid is just a tool and it doesn’t have to be perfect or simple or make everything line up in equal measure. But I also realized here that the grid should always be subservient to the content.
Or: content first, grid last.
Incut notes Side-notes which are let into the text, instead of being in the margin. [A subset of marginalia.]
Sentences and words do not exist by themselves Sentences and words do not exist by themselves, but have natural, inevitable, unavoidable interactions with their surrounding spaces, words, and other sentences. Sentences are not independent of their spatial context, and interactions can create meanings and harms. Sentences survive content-indifferent and content-hostile spacings, but surviving is not thriving. Text space should not be owned and governed by generic productions grids, which make for convenient production but inconvenient meaning. Space can and should be content-responsive, actively contributing to meaning – forever practices in poetry, maps, math, computer code, comics, theater/movie scrips, posters. Subtle visual spacing differentiates and clarifies sentences, and meaning becomes more consequential, memorable, retrievable.