The Gulf Between Design and Engineering ☁️ I believe the way most organizations produce digital products is fundamentally broken. The elephant in the room is a dated understanding of the role of both design and engineering, which in turn shapes how organizations hire, manage, and produce digital things. These companies invest billions of dollars building teams, processes, and tools on top of an immature discipline and an outdated waterfall model that ends up being detrimental to productivity, team happiness, and ultimately, the resulting experiences we bring to life. An Essay by Rune Madsen Division of tools vs. division of labor The Figma to Browser ChasmNo Handoff: close the gap between product and engineeringWhy I moved on from Figma Lean Development and the Predictability ParadoxJust-in-time design +3 More agileautomationcollaborationdesigndesign systemsengineeringgardensmanagementmaterialprocesssoftwaresystemstechnologytoolsux
Bureaucracy's Playthings ☁️ Toys for Serious Business. Then it struck me: the flair of filing was still here in Records Management—but it was in the implied aesthetic nature of the filing enterprise: in the alignment of tabs and arrangement of drawers. That pizzazz was to be found, too, in the style of the book itself—in its liberal use of diagrams and illustrations and photographs of state-of-the-art office equipment and fashionably dressed, well-coiffed office ladies. I figured, why not read Records Management against the grain, focusing less on the staid instruction and more on the aesthetic and even ludic nature of filing work? Why not read this textbook as a toy catalogue, or as a set of rules for a Monopoly-esque administrative game? A Review by Shannon Mattern McBee Key-Sort (or, Auto-Mobility)The administrative macro-order Records ManagementGifts and occupationsCubed bureaucracyrecordsofficesadministrationmanagementaestheticsdiagramsgamessystems
Control and Correlation ☁️ If control is perfect — if Frank’s car stays at exactly 35 mph — then the system is leaking literally no information to the outside world. You can’t learn anything about how the system works because any other variable plotted against MPH, even one like gas or brake, will look something like this: This is true even though gas and brake have a direct causal influence on speed. In any control system that is functioning properly, the methods used to control a signal won’t be correlated with the signal they’re controlling. Worse, there will be several variables that DO show relationships, and may give the wrong impression. You’re looking at variables A, B, C, and D. You see that when A goes up, so does B. When A goes down, C goes up. D never changes and isn’t related to anything else — must not be important, certainly not related to the rest of the system. But of course, A is the angle of the road, B is the gas pedal, C is the brake pedal, and D is the speed of the car. An Article by Slime Mold Time Mold The trend is your friend 'til the bend at the endUndesirable CorrelationKnowing Something vs. Knowing the Name of Something: Some Points about Causal Analysis statisticsfeedbackcontrolsystems
Squish Meets Structure: Designing with Language Models ☁️ I find it helpful to think about language models as a “squishy”... What do I mean by “squishy”? Language models feel like something organic and biological rather than something mechanical. It feels like we grew them, rather than built them. ...So given that these models are untamed, squishy, biological things, we have a core tension we need to navigate when we’re designing and building with them: squish vs. structure We’re trying to make an unpredictable and opaque system adhere to our rigid expectations for how computers behave. We currently have a mismatch between our old and new mental models for computer systems. An Article by Maggie Appleton Bridging the hard and the softGetting creative with embeddingsEmbeddings: What they are and why they matter aidesignstructuresystems
When Customer Journeys Don’t Work: Arcs, Loops, & Terrain ☁️ Thinking [in terms of loops and arcs] allows us to let go of a specific journey or sequence, and imagine dozens of scenarios and possible sequences in which these skills can be learned. This doesn’t mean there aren’t more fundamental skills that other skills build upon, but we can let go the tyranny of how, precisely, a person will move through a system. We’re free to zoom in and obsess on these loops, which does two things for us: Approach the design of a system as the design of these as small but significant moments of learning. Consider the many ways these loops might be sequenced, with the exact order being less important. An Article by Stephen Anderson Three Analogies For the Aggregate Nature of Service DesignLoops, arcs, and terrain gamesproductsuxloopssystemslearning
Notes Against Note-Taking Systems ☁️ It’s not that I advocate for no note-taking. I just strongly believe in keeping it as elementary as possible, such that the note-taking itself doesn’t become the thrust of the endeavor. Leonardo da Vinci kept all of his notes in one big book. If he liked something he put it down. This is known as a commonplace book, and it is about how detailed your note-taking system should be unless you plan on thinking more elaborately than Leonardo da Vinci. Taping a bunch of cryptic phrases to the walls is also acceptable, or keeping a shoebox full of striking phrases on a jumble of papers, as Eminem did. An Article by Sasha Chapin You do not need to worry about your note-taking systemWhy note-taking apps don't make us smarterControversial thoughts on networked note-taking notetakingthinkingsystemswritingcreativitynotesproductivityinterestmaking
Situated Software ☁️ Situated software isn't a technological strategy so much as an attitude about closeness of fit between software and its group of users, and a refusal to embrace scale, generality or completeness as unqualified virtues. Situated software…is personal from its inception. Teachers on the Run worked this way. Everyone knew that Paul and Keren built it. You could only rate Clay and Marianne and Tom and the other ITP professors. You didn't even know it even existed unless you were on the ITP mailing list. The application's lack of generality or completeness, in other words, communicated something – "We built this for you" – that the impersonal facade of doesn't have and can't fake. An Essay by Clay Shirky The Handcrafted Artisanal WebSmall communities are the best communitiesAmbient Co-presence contextdesignidentityinteractionscalesmallnesssoftwaresystemsweb
What can we remove? ☁️ Our bias is to always add more. More rules, more process, more code, more features, more stuff. Interdependencies proliferate, and gradually strangle us. Systems want to grow and grow, but without pruning, they collapse. Slowly, then spectacularly. ...A good system is designed to be periodically cleared of cruft. It has a built-in counterbalance. Without this pressure, our bias drives us to add band-aid after band-aid, until the only choice is to destroy the whole system and start from scratch. Why is it so much easier to add than to remove? Maybe because we attach our identity to what is visible. But there is a difference between the ornamentation that defines our style and the vestigial burdens we carry. Remember those who did the invisible work of removing. Their legacy was not to build a sand castle, but to care for the beautiful beach on which we play. A Note by Steph Ango SubtractAdding is favoured over subtracting in problem solvingWhat else can I remove? systemsmaintenancewastegrowthsubtraction
Death by a thousand microservices ☁️ An Article by Andrei Taranchenko Death by a Thousand MeetingsMicroservices aren't the problem. Incompetent people are codecomplexitymicroservicesproductsscalesystems
Why Can’t We Make Simple Software? ☁️ The degree of complexity of a system is tied to who we are and what we’re doing over time. When we buy back some complexity by using better tools or picking a simpler environment we’re going to spend that out again eventually. ...We can’t beat complexity, but we can be beat by it. A Talk by Peter van Hardenberg Notes from “Why Can’t We Make Simple Software?” By Peter van Hardenberg softwaresimplicitycomplexitysystemstools
Diagrams of the K-system ☁️ A Gallery by Hiroshi Kawano Anatomical Drawings of Staircase SpacesTranslucent WebsiteBarbara Nessim at The Ginza Art Space (1986) graphicssystemsdiagramscomputation
Media for Thinking the Unthinkable ☁️ This talk is about a particular kind of media, which is "media for thinking in." And it's about a particular kind of thinking, which is understanding systems. ...Media are our thinking tools. Our representations of a system are how we understand it. To understand and build new complex systems, we need powerful new representations, and we need a powerful new medium in which to work with these representations. Today's representations were designed for the medium of paper. This talk will show examples of new representations for systems, and offer hints as to what a new medium might be look. A Talk by Bret Victor Having thought the unthinkable, I've said the unsayableGallery of Concept Visualization thinkingsciencemediaabstractionsystemsunderstanding
Design Systems, Agile, and Industrialization ☁️ I’ve come to the conclusion that “enterprise web development” is just regular web development, only stripped of any joy or creativity or autonomy. It’s plugging a bunch of smart people into the matrix and forcing them to crank out widgets and move the little cards to the right. In these structures, people are stripped of their humanity as they’re fed into the machine. It becomes “a developer resource is needed” rather than “Oh, Samantha would be a great fit for this project.” And the effect of all this on individuals is depressing. When people’s primary motivation is to move tickets over a column, their ability to be creative or serve a higher purpose are almost completely quashed. Interaction with other humans seems to be relegated to yelling at others to tell them they’re blocked. Reading “AS PER THE REQUIREMENTS” in tickets makes me dry heave. How did such sterile, shitty language seep into my everyday work? An Article by Brad Frost Beware SAFe (the Scaled Agile Framework for Enterprise), an Unholy Incarnation of Darkness webagilesystemscreativity
OS of the future and universal version control ☁️ Adopting a new app is the only way for most people to get new interfaces and features into their personal computing environments. This presents users with a funny challenge: surveying pre-made apps for the ones that, hopefully, match the way they think and work. But this is a surprisingly arduous process because apps often operate on their own silo of data, and they present a new, separate environment which must be learned and adopted. When that doesn’t work, people are stuck trying to use software that doesn’t think or work the way they do. Alexander has been exploring the concept of an “itemized” OS, one that allows users to construct their own environment. In such an OS all of your digital things — emails, todos, notes, reminders, webpages, podcast episodes, and so forth — are “items” that sit in one, local graph. Users are then able to create new interfaces with the items that matter in their lives and work, or introduce items that bring new functionality to their overall environment (such as having a reminder item which can be added to any other item). An Experiment by Ink & Switch & Alexander Obenauer Blogging with Version ControlHow Git Works networksinterfacesappssystemssoftwarepersonalizationversion control
Back to the Future: Worse (Still) is Better! ☁️ A Response by Richard P. Gabriel Back to the Future: Is Worse (Still) Better? abstractionefficiencyevolutionprogrammingscalesmallnesssystemstools
Systems, Mistakes, and the Sea Robin Rendle Every paper cut is felt ☁️ My point here is that in a design system every paper cut is felt. Every collapse leads to another, every new modal or unnecessary checkbox component hinders the collective refactoring that’s required to make a codebase consistent and easy to understand. When it comes to hyperobjects and design systems everything matters (although, frustratingly, it is impossible to measure success) and the smallest problem is just a signal in the dark—a premonition of a monster; organizational dysfunction writ large. Truthish. systemsmistakes
Now I get it ☁️ To design a system means to orchestrate the interplay of its elements. Such a system is considered “interactive” if it is open, which means that there are ways to engage with the processes that are happening inside of it. There is of course a range of interactivities which spans from very basic reactive behaviour to highly complex conversational interactions. An Article by Ralph Ammer systemsinteractionux
The Failed Commodification Of Technical Work ☁️ An Article by Nikhil Suresh Software Crisis 2.0 aestheticsbusinesscraftcreativityefficiencyhumanitymanagementmodularitysoftwaresystems
The Transformational Power of Weak Connascence ☁️ How do we even start to talk about complexity? You might have heard about the term coupling in software. Ideally, systems prefer loose coupling over tight coupling; that is, we try to reduce the amount of interdependencies on any two parts of a system so that if we need to swap out a component, it is easier to do. This becomes important in software because software must change over time, so reducing the complexity between parts will also help reduce the burden of change. But have you of Connascence? This term helps us measure how intertwined parts of your system might be. Two components are connascent if a change in one would require the other to be modified in order to maintain the overall correctness of the system. — Meilir Page-Jones ...The connascence ranges from weak to strong and from static to dynamic. Counterintuitively, the weaker and more static the connascence, the easier the system is to change. The stronger and more dynamic the connascence, the more complex the system is to change. An Article by Nathan Toups Small Pieces Loosely Joined: A Unified Theory of the WebThe Construction Industry as a Loosely Coupled SystemThe difficulty of designing complexity complexitysystemssoftwarerefactoring
How to create software quality. ☁️ The first thing to note is just how delayed the feedback is from writing software to rewriting software if that feedback requires releasing the software. If the handoff of specification from product to engineer goes awry, it may take weeks to detect the issue. This is even more profound in “high cardinality” problem domains where there’s a great deal of divergence in user usage and user data: it may take months or quarters for the feedback to reach the developer about something they did wrong, at which point they–at best–have forgotten much of their original intentions. I’ll try to convince you of two things: Creating quality is context specific. There are different techniques for solving essential domain complexity, scaling complexity, and accidental complexity. Quality is created both within the development loop and across iterations of the development loop. Feedback within the loop, as opposed to across iterations, creates quality more quickly. Feedback across iterations tends to measure quality, which informs future quality, but does not necessarily create it. An Article by Will Larson qualityiterationfeedbacksystemscomplexitymetrics
Kind Games: Designing for Prosocial Multiplayer ☁️ What if we proactively design our games to facilitate positive human relationships? We propose that games built on a foundation of kind aesthetics can deliver greater player satisfaction, greater long term engagement, and richer human experiences. ...Let’s make kind games where players help one another in safe, supportive environments. We define kind games as multiplayer games designed from the start with systems that deliberately promote prosocial behavior: Systems encourage players to help one another and their community. Players form authentic attachments that alleviate loneliness. Groups interact peacefully with each other. Toxic behavior is carefully monitored and mediated. Social systems foster belonging. A Research Paper by Daniel Cook, J.C. Lau, May Ling Tan, Joel Burgess, Tomo Moriwaki & Erin Drake Kajioka Designing multiplayer apps with patterns from architectureEvery webpage deserves to be a place gamessocializingrelationshipsteamworkfriendshipsocial mediasystems
Cubed Nikil Saval Taylorism ☁️ “In the past the man has been first. In the future the system must be first.” — Fred W. Taylor Taylorism was a way of thinking that came at the expense of the workers’ own knowledge of their system. Taylor summed up his philosophy thus: “It is only through enforced standardization of methods, enforced adoption of the best implements and working conditions, and enforced cooperation that this faster work can be assured. And the duty of enforcing the adoption of standard and enforcing this cooperation rests with the management alone.” The unscripted practices of the old offices would remain, but as a kind of subterfuge: in the future, a leisurely pace wouldn’t be the norm; time would not be given, but stolen. Relationships aren’t very efficient, but efficiency isn’t always effectiveTaylorism in software systemsefficiency
The Block-Paved Path to Structured Data ☁️ An Article by Maggie Appleton Democratising dev appsdatahtmlsystemsweb
The Purpose of a System is What It Does (POSIWID) ☁️ When trying to understand systems, one really eye-opening and fundamental insight is to realize that the machine is never broken*. What I mean by this is, when observing the outcomes of a particular system or institution, it’s very useful to start from the assumption that the outputs or impacts of that system are precisely what it was designed to do — whether we find those results to be good, bad or mixed. ...The next step, then, is to reflect on the systems around us now that we are cursed with the horrible truth that all of them are working correctly. Ask yourself, how do you get the power to change the system so that it wants something else, so that it can only inevitably do the right thing? Is there a reasonable path to that power? Or does that system need to be dismantled, so that it can be replaced by a system whose purpose is to do the right thing? An Article by Anil Dash The work is what it meansThe meaning of musicEmbodied in the form that it is systemspurposebureaucracypolitics
The design systems between us ☁️ In the early days, design systems promised us more consistent interfaces, more collaborative teams, and improved shipping times. While they’ve certainly delivered on some of those fronts, they’ve introduced new challenges too. Let’s talk through what’s working well—and what could be working better—as we take a closer look at the systems between us and our work. A Talk by Ethan Marcotte Systems, Mistakes, and the SeaA Pattern LanguageThe Real World of Technology websystemspatternsdesign
The Downward Spiral of Technology ☁️ An Article by Thomas Klaffke What Happened to My Search Engine?rabbit r1: your pocket companion enshittificationhumanitysystemstechnologyutility
From 'Yellow': Gall's Law ☁️ One of my favourite laws – one of those principles that seem to be universally applicable – is Gall’s Law. People who have worked with me in the past are probably very tired of hearing about it. ...In my experience, this is a universal rule. I have never seen anybody manage to break John Gall’s Law. It applies to every single aspect of software development, in that we are fond of planning and organising and building complex systems from scratch. We design these intricate structures of objects and classes that interact. We build things that have no chance ever of working. Instead, the alternative that I always advocate is to try to bake evolution into your design. It’s fine to have a complex system design that you’re aiming for in the long term, but you need to have a clear idea of how it will evolve from a simple system that works to a complex system that works. You cannot leap straight into the complex system. You have to start small. An Article by Baldur Bjarnason Create good problems to haveGall's LawDon't be a correctness bully complexitysimplicitysystems
Combatting The Cobra Effect With Bottom-Up Planning ☁️ The Cobra Effect refers to a situation where an attempted solution to a problem actually makes the problem worse as a result of unintended consequences. The term comes from an unverified story taking place during the British colonial rule of India. Concerned about the number of venomous cobras in Delhi, the British government offered a bounty for every one killed. Initially, this was successful, with a massacre of the snakes. However, enterprising locals started breeding cobras to collect more of the bounty. When the government realised this, they canceled any more rewards, leading the breeders to release their now worthless snakes, causing the cobra population to increase beyond the number of the original population. An Article by Paul Taylor The management strategy that saved Apollo 11Chesterton's Fence planningproblemssolutionssystemsmanagement
Measuring Competence Is Epistemic Hell ☁️ Our ancestors weren’t stupid. They were trying to find some kind of logical progression of cause-and-effect, but they lived in epistemic hell. This is why cargo-cult programming exists. This is why urban legends persist. This is why parents simply want their children to do as they say. This is why we have youtubers chastising NASA for not reading their own Apollo 11 postmortem. This is why corporate procedures emphasize checking boxes instead of critically examining the problem. When your cause-and-effect chain is a hundred steps long and caused by something 5 years ago, economic pressure incentivizes simply trying to avoid blame instead of trying to find the actual systemic problem. The farther up the chain of management a problem is, the longer it takes for the effects to be felt, and the worse we get at finding the root cause. Software engineering has the same issue, where incompetence may only cause performance issues years later, after the original coder has left, and the system has scaled up beyond a critical breaking point. This is why we still don’t know how to hire programmers. An Article by Erik McClure Sturgeon's lawThe Pareto principleChesterton's Fence historyritualsoftwarebureaucracysystemsmanagementculture
Systemantics: The Systems Bible John Gall Gall's Law ☁️ A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system. An Adage From 'Yellow': Gall's Law Create good problems to have complexitysystemssimplicitygrowthevolution
Malleable Systems Collective ☁️ Modern computing is far too rigid. Applications can only function in preset ways determined by some far away team. Software is trapped in hermetically sealed silos and is rewritten many times over rather than recomposed. This community catalogs and experiments with malleable software and systems that reset the balance of power via several essential principles: Software must be as easy to change as it is to use it All layers, from the user interface through functionality to the data within, must support arbitrary recombination and reuse in new environments Tools should strive to be easy to begin working with but still have lots of open-ended potential People of all experience levels must be able to retain ownership and control Recombined workflows and experiences must be freely sharable with others Modifying a system should happen in the context of use, rather than through some separate development toolchain and skill set Computing should be a thoughtfully crafted, fun, and empowering experience A Manifesto by J. Ryan Stinnett Small Pieces Loosely Joined: A Unified Theory of the Web softwarecompositionchangemodularitysystems
Primitive design ☁️ I want it to feel intuitive I want any new features to be platform features, not one-offs. And the second of those is weird, right? It’s like sketching out a toy spaceship, having a list of rules about play, and attempting to simultaneously invent the shape of the Lego brick. That’s platform design I suppose. Redesigning a newspaper will mean bouncing between comps and style guides, designing both. Inventing the iPhone user interface will have seen apps and app paradigm evolving together. An Article by Matt Webb Co-Evolution of Problem and Solution Spaces in Creative Design designsystemsmaking
The first place I look for bugs ☁️ The best software tester I’ve ever known once said to me, “Whenever I start at a new place, I find out which teams hate each other. Where their systems interface with each other is the first place I look for bugs — because they’re not talking to each other.” Software projects stand and fall on the relationships between the humans who create them. (A corollary to Conway’s Law.) A Tweet by Paul Cantrell Master design system governance with this one weird trick softwarerelationshipsteamworksystems
Notes from “Why Can’t We Make Simple Software?” By Peter van Hardenberg ☁️ It’s kind of funny when you think about it: what’s worse than the technical problem of building and maintaining multiple native applications? The people problem of building and maintaining multiple native applications. To belabor the point, I am reminded of Dave’s post about states. He enumerates a large (but not comprehensive) list of the many of the dimensions that affect the your application. I’m not good at math, but to Peter’s point about how these compound, imagine the math on Dave’s list of states. That’s got to be a very, very large number. How can you know that you have correctly functioning code? This is what kills you with trying to control complexity. All the small variances play off of each other to create an unknowably complicated environment. Sometimes, you have to learn to let go of control. A Response by Jim Nielsen Why Can’t We Make Simple Software?UI = f(statesⁿ) complexityscalesystemsinterfacessoftware
Don't Aim for Quality, Aim for Speed ☁️ There must be a permanent conflict between a project and its programmers: 1) the project must be configured to reject anything that lowers the quality of its artifacts and 2) programmers must be interested in making changes to those artifacts. The project cares about the quality, the programmers care about fast delivery of modifications. ...If we put these two interests in conflict, we will get a high-quality product, which is growing very fast. The project will enforce quality, programmers will push the code forward, making changes fast and frequently. An Article by Yegor Bugayenko If it doesn’t ship, then it doesn’t count qualityspeedsoftwaresystemsconflict
The Construction Industry as a Loosely Coupled System ☁️ A Research Paper The Transformational Power of Weak Connascence constructionproductivitysystems
Avoiding Technological Quicksand: Finding a Viable Technical Foundation for Digital Preservation ☁️ The report follows up Dr. Rothenberg’s 1995 article in Scientific American, “Ensuring the Longevity of Digital Documents” by elaborating the author’s proposal for emulating obsolete software/hardware systems on future, unknown systems, as a means of preserving digital information far into the future. A Research Paper by Jeff Rothenberg The Inadequacy of Most Proposed Approaches Public Work decaydocumentsemulationinformationmediasystemstime
Quality Is Systemic ☁️ An Article by Jacob Kaplan-Moss qualitysoftwaresystemsteamworkwork
It's All Over Justin E.H. Smith Into the system of flight ☁️ It seems this transformation, from physical object to vector of data, is a general and oft-repeated process in the history of technology, where new inventions begin in an early experimental phase in which they are treated and behave as singular individual things, but then evolve into vectors in a diffuse and regimented system as the technology advances and becomes standardized. In the early history of aviation, airplanes were just airplanes, and each time a plane landed or crashed was a singular event. Today, I am told by airline-industry insiders, if you are a billionaire interested in starting your own airline, it is far easier to procure leases for actual physical airplanes, than it is to obtain approval for a new flight route. Making the individual thing fly is not a problem; inserting it into the system of flight, getting its data relayed to the ATC towers and to, is. The navigation is our property flightsystemstechnology
Stress systems ☁️ The [Lake Erie] ecosystem underwent a series of changes, each of which were related. There was an increase in the human population; which led to higher phosophorus levels in the water; which led, at last, to an increased level of algae in the lake. In effect, Lake Erie’s ecosystem was rewritten. Changed by human activities into…something else. But Franklin cites the study because it’s doing something slightly novel: applying Selye’s principle of stress to ecological systems, suggesting that they are, much like humans, just as susceptible to external stressors. And I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately, especially this week. Because Franklin’s suggesting that the work begins not by “fixing the system.” Rather, she suggests it’s about shifting the priority a little: to removing whatever stress you can. An Article by Ethan Marcotte The Real World of Technology systemsecosystemsstress
The middle distance ☁️ [Brian Cantwell] Smith’s first example [from On the Origin of Objects] is fanciful but intended to quickly give the flavour of the idea: …imagine that a species of “super-sunflower” develops in California to grow in the presence of large redwoods. Suppose that ordinary sunflowers move heliotropically, as the myth would have it, but that they stop or even droop when the sun goes behind a tree. Once the sun re-emerges, they can once again be effectively driven by the direction of the incident rays, lifting up their faces, and reorienting to the new position. But this takes time. Super-sunflowers perform the following trick: even when the sun disappears, they continue to rotate at approximately the requisite ¼° per minute, so that the super-sunflowers are more nearly oriented to the light when the sun appears. A normal sunflower is directly coupled to the movement of the sun. This is analogous to simple feedback systems like, for example, the bimetallic strip in a thermostat, which curls when the strip is heated and one side expands more than the other. In some weak sense, the curve of the bimetallic strip ‘represents’ the change in temperature. But the coupling is so direct that calling it ‘representation’ is dragging in more intentional language that we need. It’s just a load of physics. The super-sunflower brings in a new ingredient: it carries on attempting to track the sun even when they’re out of direct causal contact. Smith argues that this disconnected tracking is the (sunflower) seed that genuine intentionality grows from. We are now on the way to something that can really be said to ‘represent’ the movement of the sun: This behaviour, which I will call “non-effective tracking”, is no less than the forerunner of semantics: a very simple form of effect-transcending coordination in some way essential to the overall existence or well-being of the constituted system. An Article by Lucy Keer Naive Yearly natureintentlanguagesystemsexamplesfeedbackrepresentation
Design System as Style Manual With Web Characteristics ☁️ In my opinion, what makes a designer competent is precisely their ability to credibly justify their conclusions. If you can’t do this as a designer—no matter how successful your results are—then neither I nor anybody else can tell if you aren’t just picking things at random. What I am proposing, then, is no less than to make a designer’s entire line of reasoning a matter of permanent record. On the surface is the familiar set of prescriptions, components, examples and tutorials, like you would expect out of any such artifact. Attached to every element, though, is a little button that says Why? You click it, and it tells you. The proximate explanation will probably not be very satisfying, so you click on the next Why? until you get to the end, at which point you are either satisfied with the explanation, or you aren’t. An Article by Dorian Taylor The Design of Design decisionsdesignsystemsstyle
Art and Illusion E.H. Gombrich The language of art ☁️ Everything points to the conclusion that the phrase 'the language of art' is more than a loose metaphor, that even to describe the visible world in images we need a developed system of schemata. The Eyes Have It languageartimagesmetaphorsystems
The Art of Systems Architecting ☁️ A Book by Mark W. Maier & Eberhardt Rechtin Complete and consistent requirements systems
Exploring R.D. Laing's Knots in Systemic Design ☁️ Knots, a 1970 book by the Scottish psychiatrist R.D. Laing, is based around a collection of patterns of human thinking, metacognition, and theory of mind, drawn from real experience with patients but turned into abstracted examples. The approach has the potential to be adapted into a range of formats which enable systemic design phenomena such as recursion, reflexivity, theory of mind, and second-order effects in systems to be explored, as a way of thinking about systems for design students and adding to their conceptual vocabulary, but potentially also as a method for doing research with people. This paper illustrates example 'new knots' around topics including sharing data, social media, clickbait, and 'smart' homes. A Research Paper by Dan Lockton Knots thinkingmindabstractionsystemsrecursion
No Modes ☁️ Driving down the cost of operating all those systems is core to your business as a vendor, and that’s argument toward elegance in architecture on its own. However, probably just as important to your offering is the effect of what you have in the background has on your user’s experience. And obviously, that’s something that your customers care deeply about. “No modes.” – There’s a story about Macintosh development at Apple in the early 80’s. Larry Tesler and Jef Raskin fought hard against software that forced the user to change “modes.” Larry Tesler even had a license plate that said “NOMODES.” ...Unfortunately, even in 2010 enterprise software is rife with ‘modes.’ ...Companies built by acquisition frequently “smush” their web products together and make you switch applications as well and then call that “integrated.” Yuck. Switching “modes,” as it were is a key clue that what a vendor is selling you isn’t truly connected under the covers. An Article by Mike Ditson NOMODES uxsystemselegancecoherence
Five Future Roles for Designers ☁️ An Article by Jorge Arango designemploymentinformationpatternssemanticssystemswork
Systemantics: The Systems Bible ☁️ General Systemantics (retitled to Systemantics in its second edition and The Systems Bible in its third) is a systems engineering treatise by John Gall in which he offers practical principles of systems design based on experience and anecdotes. It is offered from the perspective of how not to design systems, based on system engineering failures. The primary precept of the treatise is that large complex systems are extremely difficult to design correctly despite best intentions, so care must be taken to design smaller, less-complex systems and to do so with incremental functionality based on close and continual touch with user needs and measures of effectiveness. A Book by John Gall Gall's Law systemsdesignengineeringfailure
Notes on the Legibility War ☁️ The basic idea of legibility is that the act of making something comprehensible enough to control is itself an act that shapes the thing to be controlled, often with far greater consequences than the control itself. This is because it removes complexity that is deemed as irrelevant that makes it harder to control, and that complexity may be in some way essential to the health of the system. An Article by David R. MacIver controlsystemscomplexitylegibility
Introduction to Permaculture Bill Mollison The number of ways in which things work ☁️ The importance of diversity is not so much the number of elements in a system; rather it is the number of functional connections between these elements. It is not the number of things, but the number of ways in which things work. diversityconnectionnetworkssystems
The Magnificent Bribe ☁️ Nearly 50 years ago, long before smartphones and social media, the social critic Lewis Mumford put a name to the way that complex technological systems offer a share in their benefits in exchange for compliance. He called it a “bribe.” With this label, Mumford sought to acknowledge the genuine plentitude that technological systems make available to many people, while emphasizing that this is not an offer of a gift but of a deal. Surrender to the power of complex technological systems — allow them to oversee, track, quantify, guide, manipulate, grade, nudge, and surveil you — and the system will offer you back an appealing share in its spoils. An Essay by Zachary Loeb freedomsystemstechnologyurbanism
NetLogo: A Hidden Gem in Computational Simulation ☁️ An Article by Nathan Toups computationemergenceprogrammingsystems
The small web is beautiful Ben Hoyt Why aim small? ☁️ Why aim small in this era of fast computers with plenty of RAM? A number of reasons, but the ones that are most important to me are: Fewer moving parts. It’s easier to create more robust systems and to fix things when they do go wrong. Small software is faster. Fewer bits to download and clog your computer’s memory. Reduced power consumption. This is important on a “save the planet” scale, but also on the very local scale of increasing the battery life of your phone and laptop. The light, frugal aesthetic. That’s personal, I know, but as you’ll see, I’m not alone. performancesystemsconservation
Notes from “An approach to computing and sustainability inspired from permaculture” ☁️ An Article by Jim Nielsen naturesoftwaresustainabilitysystems
What Are the Core Principles of Good API Design? ☁️ An API should be easy to learn and write to, and hard to misuse. Your API will also need to evolve, and a good design takes this into account. A Guide by Charles Humble apisdatacodesystemsnames
Industrialized Production of Joy ☁️ An Article by Brian Potter architectureconstructionjoysystems
Plantarium ☁️ An Explorable by Max Richter (jim-fx) artgenerativitymathnaturesystems
Fix The System Problem, Not The People Problem ☁️ An Article by Paul Taylor managementsystemsteamworkwork
The World and the Machine ☁️ An Article by Hillel Wayne codemachinessemanticssystems
Winning by Design: The Methods of Gordon Murray Nigel Cross & Anita Clayburn Cross A new gestalt ☁️ The innovator has a systems mind, one that sees things in terms of how they relate to each other in producing a result, a new gestalt that to some degree changes the world. A Quote by Michael Maccoby innovationsystems
The Real World of Technology Ursula M. Franklin Technology is a system ☁️ Technology is not the sum of the artifacts, of the wheels and gears, of the rails and electronic transmitters. Technology is a system. It entails far more than its individual material components. Technology involves organization, procedures, symbols, new words, equations, and, most of all, a mindset. technologysystems
Functions and the future of design systems ☁️ Today, most design systems work like dictionaries, composed of a finite set of definitions. But there’s a new page turning, one that ushers in the age of functions. Design systems are evolving to survive in a world where applications and experiences exist on vastly different screen sizes, for different accessibility needs, language modes, hardware specifications, and spatial dimensions. For these complex interfaces, dictionaries just can’t cut it. Design systems are starting to use functions that recreate the design decision making process, responding appropriately to any input they are given. The early uses of functions do a great job of extending the reach of design systems. But the potential is vast. An Article by Matthew Ström designsystems
Systems thinking is what makes designers great ☁️ An Article by Tanner Christensen designsystems
Introduction to Permaculture Bill Mollison Inputs and outputs ☁️ For things to work properly, we must remember that: The inputs needed by one element are supplied by other elements in the system; and The outputs needed by one element are used by other elements (including ourselves). systems
A City Is Not a Tree Christopher Alexander Sets and systems ☁️ When the elements of a set belong together because they cooperate or work together somehow, we call the set of elements a system. From a designer’s point of view, the physically unchanging part of this system is of special interest. I define this fixed part as a unit of the city. Whatever picture of the city someone has is defined precisely by the subsets he sees as units. systems