2日エントリで触れたDavid GlasnerとPaul Zimmerman(GlasnerのFTC[米国連邦貿易委員会]の同僚)の表... 2日エントリで触れたDavid GlasnerとPaul Zimmerman(GlasnerのFTC[米国連邦貿易委員会]の同僚)の表題の共著論文(原題は「The Sraffa-Hayek Debate on the Natural Rate of Interest」)の要旨を紹介してみる。 Hayek’s Prices and Production, based on his hugely successful lectures at LSE in 1931, was the first English presentation of Austrian business-cycle theory, and established Hayek as a leading business-cycle theorist. Sraffa’s 1932 review of Prices and P
2015/11/07 リンク