
Facebook’s Next Money Maker? Its Version Of AdWords In Its New App Center Search - TechCrunch

Facebook added a search box to its App Center today, but what it might do next is more interesting. Facebook could soon let developers pay to buy search keyword ads in the App Center search typeahead, similar to the specific name ads in its site-wide search typeahead. And if App Center goes beyond the typeahead and launches a search results page, it could host full-blown AdWords-style search ads.
First the actual news. Previously, there was no way to search in Facebook’s App Center. The best approximation was searching in the site-wide search engine which would pull up app profile pages in App Center as results. Today Facebook added an internal search typeahead to App Center that lets you search for apps by name or by keyword like “fitness”, or “cars”. There’s no results page, though, just a drop-down of options.
That sets the stage for ads within App Center. This prediction falls right in line with Facebook’s strategy to become the leading source of app discovery outside of the official Apple App Store and Google Play marketplace — where no ads appear. It believes that with social recommendations and quality ratings based on how often people actually use an app, it can help us find apps better than simple ranked lists based on downloads.

(From the TechCrunch blog post. Thanks to Josh Constine.)