Composed is an adjective that describes a person or their behavior as being calm, collected, and in control of their emotions. It can also refer to a piece of music or literature that has been created or arranged, but in this context, we are focusing on the former meaning.「composed」の類語
1. He remained composed during the stressful situation.(彼はストレスの多い状況でも落ち着いていた。) 2. She is always composed and never lets her emotions get the best of her.(彼女はいつも冷静で、感情に振り回されることがない。) 3. The composed atmosphere in the room helped everyone concentrate on their work.(部屋の落ち着いた雰囲気が、皆が仕事に集中するのに役立った。) 4. Despite the chaos around her, she managed to stay composed and make rational decisions.(周囲の混乱にもかかわらず、彼女は冷静さを保ち、合理的な決断を下した。) 5. The speaker maintained a composed demeanor throughout the presentation.(講演者はプレゼンテーション全体を通して落ち着いた態度を保った。) 6. The composed music was a perfect fit for the movie's emotional scenes.(編み出された音楽は、映画の感動的なシーンにぴったりだった。) 7. His composed response to the criticism showed his maturity.(彼の冷静な批判への対応は、彼の成熟さを示した。) 8. She took a deep breath and tried to appear composed before entering the meeting.(彼女は深呼吸をして、会議に入る前に落ち着いた様子を見せようとした。) 9. The athlete remained composed under pressure and performed exceptionally well.(選手はプレッシャー下でも冷静さを保ち、非常に優れたパフォーマンスを発揮した。) 10. The composed landscape painting evoked a sense of peace and tranquility.(落ち着いた風景画は、平和と静けさの感覚を喚起した。)- composedのページへのリンク