About the externality process
The externality process uses external assessors at a sample of ARCP panels (Annual Reviews of Competence Progression) and at other events which review the progress of a postgraduate doctor in training. With patient safety at its core, it provides independent critique and identifies areas of good practice or concern. It also helps ensure the ARCP is robust and fair, with principles of equality and diversity. Each deanery is responsible to ensure it takes place.
The General Medical Council's Gold Guide specifies externality at:
- 10% of ARCP (Annual Reviews of Competence Progression) outcomes for each deanery
- triggered/monitored visits
- appeal panels.
According to the GMC quality assurance framework (QAF) 4.131 an external advisor, ideally from the same specialty but outside of the local training programme or specialty school (not applicable to Foundation), is expected to review a random sample of at least 10% of the outcomes and associated evidence, as well as any recommendations regarding concerns over performance and training progression.
Download our full externality guidance below
Externality process: Deanery responsibilities
The deanery administrator is responsible for ensuring external representation at ARCPs, appeal panels and monitored/triggered visits, as per the Gold Guide – Section 4.68.
Key duties include:
- Notify the RCPCH Quality and Training Projects (QTP) team of ARCP dates on our webform
- Ensure EA is appointed prior to each event to meet the requirement for sampling at least 10%
- Not if EA participation is needed at any appeal panel
- Provide the EA all necessary documentation to support their involvement in the panel, remote activities or visits.
- Address any recommendations or actions arising from the EA's report
- If applicable, send a copy of the action/improvement plan to the QTP team on [email protected]
Submit dates of your ARCP panels
Externality process: External Assessor (EA) role
- EAs can participate either as a Head of School, CSAC Chair, College Tutor, Training Programme Director, College Officer and/or Educational Supervisor - we need EAs from a range of roles to be quorate.
- They must be a Fellow, Member or Affiliate Member of RCPCH, and a consultant in general paediatrics or a paediatric sub-specialty.
- They should experience in being an ARCP panel member and be familiar with the RCPCH Progress+ curriculum.
Skills and professional experience:
- Have detailed, up-to-date knowledge of the ‘Gold Guide’ requirements of postgraduate training, the regulations involved and the examinations, assessments and appraisals that trainees are required to undertake
- Can demonstrate experience as a clinical or educational supervisor
- Have relevant up-to-date training in teaching methods, for example by attending the Paediatric Educators Programme / Training the Trainers or equivalent
- Demonstrate an active involvement in education and training issues and have an appropriate and current working knowledge of educational requirements
- Understand the principles of appraisal and assessment and have had appropriate training
- Have an awareness of the issues around handling trainees in difficulty
- Have excellent communication skills, and a readiness to listen and empathise
- Have problem-solving abilities and a flexible, practical approach
- Demonstrate evidence of ongoing professional development
If you are interested in becoming an EA, we'd love to hear from you!
Email us about the EA role on [email protected]
Post and programme approval
All requests for post and programme approval are made directly to the GMC - find out more on GMC website
Deanery contacts
These are available on our deanery contact page - see list of deaneries
College Tutor
The College Tutor is the RCPCH representative in the NHS Trust. Each Tutor has a duty to keep up to date with our standards in education and training, new educational initiatives and changes to the curriculum, examinations and assessments.
We explain the appointment process, how to notify us of a change in Tutor and resources on our College Tutor pages.
RCPCH ePortfolio
RCPCH ePortfolio is the online learning tool for paediatric trainees to monitor progress through the curriculum. To support local trainees and trainers, deanery administrators may need review content on ePortfolio or set up ARCP panel forms.
- Logging in
To log in, you'll need your RCPCH number and password. If you don't know this, or need help, please contact us on [email protected]
- Your profile, role and permissions
Once logged in you will see your profile page.
- You will have a widget with the users you have access to.
- You will see your inbox with RCPCH messages. We use this contact you where needed and important messages are conveyed.
- Your profile with the roles you have been assigned and your current location permissions.
- Finding a trainee
The widget on the right side shows how many trainees you have access to.
- Click on User Management, click on Users to display trainees attached to you.
- To search for a specific trainee please type their name or RCPCH number into the search box.
- Below the trainees name are the areas of the trainee’s profile you can review.
- To start a new event, for example educational or clinical supervisor’s trainers report, click New Event.
- For a more advanced search use this area, you can search by the type of user (trainee) or a trainee’s email address.
- Setting up an ARCP form
Some deaneries like their ARCP forms set up in advance. To do this, find the trainee who needs the ARCP form (as they own the outcome) and select "Create new event".
- Select the form ARCP outcome form for General Paediatrics training (including sub-specialty) - two part form
- Enter the details for the trainee
- Select the ARCP panel member who needs to complete this form and click Submit
This form will sit with the ARCP panel member in their to do list.