

ID 195133

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您可以将 Kaspersky Security Center 云控制台界面配置为显示和隐藏各区域和界面元素,具体取决于您使用的功能。

要根据当前使用的功能集配置 Kaspersky Security Center 云控制台界面:

  1. 在主菜单中,转到您的账户设置,然后选择界面选项
  2. 在打开的“界面选项”窗口中,启用或禁用选项:
    • 显示数据加密和保护
    • 显示 MDR 功能
  3. 设置 Kaspersky Security Center 云控制台在策略分发结果中显示的设备数量。
  4. 点击“保存”。


Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced: Adaptive security of your company
Web and device controls. Data encryption. Centralized and convenient management from a single console.
Kaspersky Premium Support (MSA): High‑priority incident processing
Telephone and web ticket support. Fast response, monitoring and health check. Submit a request and activate the contract (MSA).