このビデオはインターネット経由で米国の「Students for a Free Tibet」(SFT) の本部に送られ、抗議の行われたその当日に最初の1分18秒がYouTubeにアップ[>>1]されている。
翌日には編集版も発表され、それには米国籍チベット人のテンジン・ドルジェ副代表の声明の1/3程度と、米国人の環境人権活動家のローレル・スザーリン氏の声明の一部、そして最後に、チベット解放の聖火を手にチベット国歌を歌う部分までが収録されている。横断幕に書かれている「One World One Dream Free Tibet 2008」は言うまでもなく、これは北京オリンピックのスローガンを捩ったものである。
Tenzin Dorjee: So, we are at base camp right now. And behind us you can see the majestic mountain, the highest mountain in the world. And it belongs to the Tibetan people. This is Tibet. I'm a Tibetan, and this is my land.
If you look over there, you can see a couple of tents. Those are tents put up by the Chinese government, getting ready for the expedition to carry the Olympic torch up to Mt. Everest.
This land doesn't belong to you. For the past fifty years, you have bruised this land. Blood is coming out of this land. The Tibetans have lived on this land for generations and generations.
Laurel Mac Sutherlin: I'm here to tell the rest of the world that is our responsibility. It's your responsibility to stand up and take a stand to the Tibetan people.
So we are here today to send many messages to the world.
For here today to tell the Tibetan people that their struggle is not forgotten. And we are just a few of millions of people around the world to form a movement for Tibetan liberation who will not rest until they have self-governance and economy, and Tibetan people do not have to be in fear, to practice their own religion, to practice their own culture, for teaching their own language to children.
I'm here today to tell the Chinese people to wake up from propaganda. And here is a lie they've been taught by the government that Tibetan people are happy on the wing of Beijing. It's a cruel military occupation. It puts a stain on the integrity of whole Chinese nation.
I'm here to tell the rest of the world that it is our responsibility, it's your responsibility to stand up and take a stand for Tibetan people. Because what Chinese want the olympic torch from the top of Mt. Everest through Tibet down to Beijing for the Olympic games, what they want is that torch is supposed to be a symbol of international unity but what they want is the entire world standing to clap while the torch flame passes through the oppressed people's land under military occupation.
And we are here today that tacit approval form the world will not stand.
We're bringing the flame of the Tibetan liberation to the side of the tallest mountain in the world, Mt. Chomolangma because the Tibetan people living in fear can't take a stand by themselves. If, even, they hold a picture of their spiritual leader or to teach to practice their own religion, they could be tortured in prison, and family could be harrassed for years so it's the responsibility of people of conscious around the world of civilized nations to stand up and put their risk.
このチベット独立運動団体の『Students for a Free Tibet』は1994年にニューヨークで、チベット人やその支援者で設立され、チベット独立運動や人権問題に関して若者を啓蒙する事を団体の目標とし、その一環として音楽活動などイベント開催を盛んに行っているようである。近年は組織の規模がかなり大きくなり、現在は35カ国の大学や高校、地域コミュニティに650の支部を持つ国際組織になっ、企業と協力した環境問題にも取り組んでいる団体である。
ここで書かれている「One World, One Dream, Free Tibet 2008」は、北京オリンピックのスローガン「One World, One Dream/一個世界、一個夢想」を捩ったもので、またフリーチベット運動キャンペーンの「Beijing: We Are Ready」は、これもまた北京五輪テーマ曲の「We Are Ready/我們准備好了」を捩ったもの。
Under section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act 1976, the fair use of copyrighted materials is not copyright infringement. Article 32 of the Copyright law of Japan allows published works to be quoted for news reporting, criticism and research purposes. This blog is non-profit and using materials for criticism and research purposes that fulfills the condition of fair use.