What I want you to know. I want you to respect will of the individual.
This essay is wrote down and some fixed a letter which I sent my sister.
And I wish her that she respect her will of the individual.
Who is Success? Are they cookie-cutter?
Is there principal causes between success and not-success? I say YES. Little ones are always overwhelmed by the surrounding circumstances. So they say, "All of surroundings do that and I should be do everything by surroundings" or "It must be right because head-quarters said so".
On the other hand, Success consider "How to work" for achiving their aim. Then success do their works by rational and efficient approach. The principal causes are that they are able to understand both their aim and overall situation regarding it, think and find out their own ideas, finaly go ahead with their faith.
Perhaps you were adviced by cookie-cutter below.
- Endure everything patiently. Sperior's word is low.
- Do everything by the surrounding circumstances.
If you ware isolated from the other, you are mad. - Do never assertive. Such as do, foolish.
- Do work with spirits and guts. You can do everyting with these.
- Sacrificing yourself is beautiful.
It is the fact that previous were wrong. Looking at Bill Gates, Takafumi Horie, Steven P Jobs, Lawrence "Larry" E. Page, Janus Friis , Niklas Zennstrom. Are they order-taker? cookie-cutter? non-assertive? I think they are not. They act on their own will. Also they speak a unique insight.
The result is the evidence. If they are foolish and wrong, they can't make so much money (ex. 34 billion dollers sales per year for Intel, can't build 3 billion dollers sales for software which calld Skype). It need to have will and to act with it.
According to "having spirits and guts" or "sacrificing yourself is beautiful", still it has not reduced self-slayer. Anytime anywhere you are said above, you have a lot of stress building up ever. Everyday such as this, it is natural that people don't feel like living.
Success knows necessary. It is that you thoroughly do what you wish. More detail, you thoroughtly do what expand your promising range, or what give you more money, and what you desire to do. In youth you don't have to sacrifice yourself.
If you would sacrifice yourself, you would be little one.
Generation gap
It is important that anything is different from 50-years-ago. 50-years-ago, there is no computers in Japan, and no-one imagined that computers were used for daily routine. Everyone did daily routine with pencils and abacuses. As traffic network was not extensive enough, transporting something from one region to other region takes long time. New ideas or technorogies take long term for coming up. So time flows slowly.But now different. The World changes fast, and the changing rate is speading up day-by-day. Transporting something one edge to other edge until 3 day. Even Infomation was transported to the other side of the earth during a few seconds. Nowadays it takes less than 1 second that detaermining winner and looser. Technologies are becoming too complex and the changing rate is too fast that we cannot leaning all technologies by only one-self. So we should find out more usefull technologie from many, or build up by yourself. Which need to invent.
Do you agree that cookie-cutters who have not invented once can understand present market situation? Do you agree they can do consider it with worldwide scope? They cannot understand at all. If you want to understand present situation of the world correctly, you should stay upwind and learn many things with changing your base.
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