Signs 95 – The Nemesis Wings are Forming

| December 9, 2024

Signs 95 - The Nemesis Wings are FormingThe November 2024 data show Nemesis (Planet X) is in aphelion, and its wings are beginning to form.

Also, the November fireball and earthquake data anomalies show a dramatic change in the interaction between Nemesis and Earth.

Another interesting aspect of November was that we began seeing observations, videos, and images that are likely early harbinger signs of what is coming.

To pull this all together, I’m presenting the anomalies in the regular order of presentation, and then I will summarize how all this comes together.  It is ominous

We’re looking forward to seeing the final numbers for 2024 in January, as December will be critical.  With that, let’s get into the numbers.

November 2024 Fireballs

Fireballs are reported worldwide, and the American Meteor Society is this dataset’s primary source for North America.

AMS Multistate / Country Fireballs

Multistate/country fireballs cross the borders of multiple states and countries. This is a critical category in the dataset because these fireballs must travel a great distance to receive reports from across large geographic areas.

AMS Multistate Fireballs for 1/2019 to 11/2024

November is a steep drop from October of this year.  We call these fireballs “skimmers” because they have flat trajectories.  What is odd is that this is the lowest month for this dataset.  Where did they go?


Millennia ago, Egyptian and Celtic authors recorded prophetic warnings for the future.  For the Egyptians, Exodus was a horrific event about a slave uprising amidst a horrific natural global disaster caused by a brown dwarf star in orbit around our Sun.

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AMS Huge Event Fireballs

It’s commonplace for Multistate / Country Fireballs to be reported as huge events because a huge event occurs when 100 or more eyewitness observers report it.

AMS Huge Event Fireballs for 1/2019 to 11/2024


We call huge event fireballs “plungers” because they have steep trajectories, which makes this dataset revealing.
AMS Huge Event Fireballs for 1/2019 to 11/2024 Anomaly

The rise anomaly caught our attention, given November’s unexpected drop in multistate fireballs.

AMS Monthly Total Fireballs

The monthly total fireballs are the most critical category in this dataset, and November 2024 comes in fourth place.

AMS Monthly Fireballs for 1/2019 to 11/2024

Oddly, November 2024  is less than the previous month, which is inconsistent with this dataset.    AMS Monthly Fireballs for 1/2019 to 11/2024 Anomaly

The difference between 2022 and 2024 is dramatic. However, we are more focused on the drop from the previous month.  Historically, it should have been higher.

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Yearly AMS Fireball Totals

2022 remains the highest year on record, with a steep reversal beginning in 2023.

AMS Yearly Fireballs for 1/2019 to 11/2024

We are into November 2024, and if the current trend continues, the chance that 2024 will beat 2023 by a small margin is thin.  It may seem that things are improving, but not so.   Do not be lulled into denial.  Earth is in the danger zone now.

Earthquakes Since 1997

At the outset of our Signs series, J. P. Jones created a dataset spreadsheet that tracks the total number of earthquakes each month, beginning in 1997.

Earthquakes All Magnitudes 1/1997 to 11/2024

It appears there was no data capping in November 2024 because the month’s total reached a new startling low of 7,202 events. To find a lower number for this month, we must return to 2007.   Let’s take a closer look.

Monthly Earthquakes 1/2019 to 11/2024

The illustration below uses current USGS data and represents earthquakes of all magnitudes.

Earthquakes All Magnitudes 1/2019 to 11/2024

As we’ve reported, the data capping is war-driven, but the earthquake numbers were too low this month to rig.  It’s one thing to under-report actual events to drop the totals and quite another to fabricate them to raise them.

Earthquakes All Magnitudes 1/2019 to 11/2024 Anomaly

The 25% drop in November was stunning because if the Earth is seismically quieter now, why are Oarfish washing ashore in California?   What’s wrong with this picture?  Here it is.  We need a new picture.  One that makes sense.

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Causality Progression

From the start, our entire Signs series has been about causality progression.  This term refers to the sequential development of events where one state leads to another in a structured manner.  The findings in this installment show a dramatic development. Earth is shifting into a new causality progression vis-a-vis Nemesis.

Causality is a fundamental concept that describes the relationship between causes and effects, where one event directly influences or brings about another event.

Earth In Nemesis Danger Zone

When we examine the anomalies individually, a cause-and-effect relationship is difficult to decipher. However, collectively, they describe a temporary relaxation of Nemesis forces on Earth due to its transition phase from perihelion to aphelion.

Once Nemeis completes this transition phase, the forces on Earth will grow again, and we fear dramatically because, once again, we’re getting reports of Earth trumpets.

The recurrence of these sounds tells us that new pressures are building beneath our planet’s crust as this transition phase reaches completion.   This would be consistent with Oarfish washing up in California and the threat of massive earthquakes and or tsunamis with a significant loss of life.

This is the threat beneath our feet, but what about above?  We have a good reason for concern because the Nemesis wings are beginning to form, and we’re seeing early indicators of that being reported on our Yowusa Observations Telegram channel.

As we often report, Nemesis has a cloud mainly comprised of iron oxide dust left over from the formation of this brown dwarf star. Unlike Earth, Nemesis is in a fast comet-like orbit and has just completed its whipping maneuver around the sun.

The result is an elongation of the Nemesis cloud due to perihelion acceleration. The speed of Nemesis varies during its 3,600 lunar-year orbit.

At present, Nemesis is traveling at its fastest possible speed. Consequently, the Nemesis Cloud is stretched behind it,  and this elongation forms wings, as described in the ancient Sumerian accounts.  This creates two observable effects, as shown in the image panel below.
Possible Signs of Nemesis Cloud Iron Oxide Dust

In the frame to the left, we can see an example of what is to come.  The wings created by the perihelion transit speed of the Nemesis Cloud will be lit by our second sun.   Also, we will see patches of iron oxide dust from time to time, as shown in the frames to the right.  Now, we can tie all these anomalies together with three simple findings:

Nemesis Cloud Elongation -

Nemesis is forming wings due to its fastest orbital speed, which has caused the Nemesis Cloud to elongate. This brings the edge of the cloud closest enough to Nemesis for it to be lit from within by this small brown dwarf star.

Nothing can stop what is coming, so please enjoy this Christmas with your families, as it will be a few years before we can hang the mistletoe again.

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