Archive for August, 2018

Phase 2 Has Begun – Be Prepared!
Preparedness begins with a sharp focus on the ability of survivors to communicate with like-minded others without the constraints of suppression. I have come to recognize the need to find a new way to be effective in helping those I can to survive the difficult years ahead so they may emerge from the dark days […]

Signs 27 – From Worse to Worser
In July 2018, we published Signs 26 – The Rat in the Snake. In that article, we presented dataset that was so extreme we had to raise the possibility that they were statistical anomalies. These aberrations were so extreme that we call it “the rat in the snake.” Well, the dataset values for July tell […]

Marshall’s New Book – Radio Free Earth
Dear Supporters: Two-way radio communications are essential for those interested in preparedness, and I am delighted to announce my newest title, Radio Free Earth: Community Preparedness and Two Way Radios. This 8” x 10” book is 498 pages long and features 112 color illustrations. BUY PAPERBACK EDITION BUY HARDCOVER EDITION Between now and August 31, […]