Archive for June, 2023
Kerry Cassidy and Marshall Masters – The Jab and Planet X
For those of you who follow Kerry Cassidy at Project Camelot, you’ll enjoy my two-hour interview with Kerry as we cover a lot of ground in this interview. We begin with my latest video series, The Jab with Marshall Masters, followed by how CNN dies. Then, our focus shifted to Planet X, and we covered […]
The Jab with Marshall Masters
Marshall Masters is an author, publisher, and former CNN Science Feature Field Producer. He produced this 6-part series, especially for those who regret being vaccinated with the Covid mRNA bioweapon and now seek an immediately helpful path forward.
Signs 77 – May You Live In Interesting Times
May fireballs took a fascinating turn, and we’re happy to report that the end of USGS data capping is now in its third month. As the old saying goes, “May you live in interesting times,” and after months of crazy stuff, Signs is back to interesting–woohoo! In April, J.P. Jones observed the following: I believe […]