Archive for March, 2013

Planet X & Prophecy

Planet X & Prophecy

| March 17, 2013

COAST TO COAST Interview Supplemental Show: Planet X & Prophecy Date: 03-18-2013 Host: George Noory Guest: Marshall Masters Author and publisher Marshall Masters specializes in Planet X and ancient civilizations. He’ll discuss Edgar Cayce’s visions of a pole shift, as well as evidence for an object on the other side of the sun, which could […]

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Object of Interest As Seen From the Turrialba Volcano Update #2: Dances with Clouds

Object of Interest As Seen From the Turrialba Volcano Update #2: Dances with Clouds

| March 3, 2013

In this update we are please to announce that Barbara, our project archivist has added a whopping 483 new files to our Turrialba archive this month. Now at 1,041 images and videos, our archive has more than doubled in size and it is becoming powerful as you shall see in this update. To demonstrate the […]

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