Archive for July, 2016
Leak Project: Surviving the Planet X Tribulation
In this interview with Rex Bear I go even further into describing the aims of my latest book, Surviving the Planet X Tribulation: A Faith-Based Leadership Guide, and what sets it apart from all other books ever written on the topic of Planet X. What I’m seeing now are observation reports from a wide variety […]
Planet X Signs — Update No. 11 for July 11, 2016
If you have been watching the extreme weather, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and other events taking place around the world recently, you are aware that the Tribulation has already begun, all around the planet. It is time to get serious about preparing for the worse events that are on the way. Marshall’s new book, Surviving the Planet […]
WSO Special Guest – Marshall Masters, July 9, 2016
For many years I’ve spoken about the power of synchronicity — that special way the universe just makes things come together, a way that transcends trivial or coincidental explanations. You might think about an old friend for the first time in years, and the next thing you know your telephone rings. Guess who it is! Or, […]
Planet X Signs — Update No. 10 for July 2, 2016
Now that events are occurring so rapidly and frequently around the world, we are going to offer Signs articles more often, and just cover a few subjects each time. It is our hope that this will make the information more accessible than a very long article once a month or so. Own the Book the […]