Achieving Critical Mass in 2025 and the Reckoning
What is coming in 2025 is a reckoning that will be essential to achieving a pole-shift survival critical mass. What is the difference between justice and a reckoning? With justice, the crime does not happen again. With a reckoning, the criminal does not happen again.
This reckoning will not drag out for years. The Deep State is disintegrating, and if humanity is to survive what is coming in 2030, there must be a global policy of sudden righteous fury (SRF) after Trump returns to the White House.
What is driving the politics of our time and the information war? It’s not what Juan O Savin or Dr. Jan Halper wish they could reveal because it’s bigger than politics.
It is the real motivation for this fantastic, silent, covert global military coup against the captured governments seeking to slaughter us in the billions. Consequently, the race is on for the Global Alliance to save as many good people as possible from the largest killing event in human history—the coming 2030 pole shift.
This is driving much of what President Trump and President Putin are doing. How can we know this? The comms are clear and unmistakable. They seeded the Nemesis (Planet X) narrative in 2020 and 2022, respectively, and I will present the hard evidence of that to you in this article and what this means giving forward.
Critical Mass is Everything
According to spiritualists, the third dimension is the world we inhabit. Here, there are only two eternal absolutes: the light of God’s love and the patience of evil. This is the reality of our world, and what is driving the Global Alliance is the need to save as many good souls as possible during the 2030 pole shift to ensure
In other words, nothing is finally decided until 2031 by those who survive it, provided there are enough good people to create the critical mass needed for our species to break the shackles of slavery so we can evolve, ascend, and enjoy what many would call a Star Trek future.
If not, despite all our present gains, the evil ones know that to prevail ultimately, they only need to block that critical mass from happening by the thinnest margin. It’s why they fight to last with desperation tactics as defeat looms, even though their resources and manpower have been substantially exhausted by the Global Alliance.
This is because they know preventing critical mass always favors those with evil intentions. So, let’s take a closer look at the concept of critical mass. In nuclear physics, critical mass is the minimum amount of fissile material needed to sustain a nuclear chain reaction.
In social contexts, critical mass refers to the minimum threshold needed to create self-sustaining change in a system. This concept has evolved significantly from its physics origins to become a key framework for understanding collective action. In social systems, critical mass is influenced by:
- Group size and interdependencies
- Communication levels
- Reputation and interests
- Capabilities and commitments
To that end, the White Hats have a decided advantage because nonviolent campaigns achieve success 53% of the time, compared to 26% for violent protests. This will be challenging for them because, based on several major conflicts, there isn’t a consistent pattern showing that the heaviest losses occur at the end of wars, bringing us to the problem’s crux—the coming 2030 pole shift.
The 2030 Pole Shift
As I’ve often reported, the Nemesis (Planet X) Pole Shift will occur in 2030, based on the observation data and reports we are seeing. In Signs 95, we formally stated that Nemesis completed its perihelion slingshot whip around our sun in late October 2024., December 9, 2024
Signs 95 – The Nemesis Wings are FormingThe November 2024 data show Nemesis (Planet X) is in aphelion, and its wings are beginning to form.
Also, the November fireball and earthquake data anomalies show a dramatic change in the interaction between Nemesis and Earth.
Another interesting aspect of November was that we began seeing observations, videos, and images that are likely early harbinger signs of what is coming.
What the leaders of the Global Alliance know is that many will die from various natural and manmade disasters during the pole shift. However, the single most significant cause of death in the known history of humankind shall be the result of pole shift stress (PSS).
This will not be a single moment or day. Instead, people must endure days of PSS.
Pole shift stress, PSS, as we call it today, was known to the ancient Egyptians during the time of Moses as the “Great Winnowing.”
It was feared then as it should be today, bringing me to my two favorite passages from the Book of Manuscripts in The Kolbrin Bible.
The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition
Book of Manuscripts3:10 In those days, men will have the Great Book before them; wisdom will be revealed; the few will be gathered for the stand; it is the hour of trial. The dauntless ones will survive; the stouthearted will not go down to destruction.
3:11 Great God of All Ages, alike to all, who sets the trials of man, be merciful to our children in the Days of
Doom. Man must suffer to be great, but hasten not his progress unduly. In the great winnowing, be not too harsh on the lesser ones among men. Even the son of a thief has become your scribe.
Millennia ago, Egyptian and Celtic authors recorded prophetic warnings for the future. For the Egyptians, Exodus was a horrific event about a slave uprising amidst a horrific natural global disaster caused by a brown dwarf star in orbit around our Sun. |
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During the pole shift, the winnowing effect is caused by the distressing magnetic and gravitational effects of a planet going through a cosmic convulsion. Up is down, down is up, and all our familiar frames of reference are shattered.
The odd thing about this is that PSS is an equal opportunity killer because it amplifies whatever emotion is in you a hundredfold. Here, there are only two paths: fear and love.
A state of fear is the everything killer. It will kill everything you’ve made, been, or done. It will kill everything and everyone you hold. It will kill everything you and they could ever be. If fear is in your heart, it will be amplified a hundredfold, resulting in cardiac arrest. People will flicker out like exhausted incandescent light bulbs and die.
A state of love is the path to ascension. It’s not about prayers and thumbing beads. This kind of love comes not from desperation but through genuine love for others. A gruff old grandmother who gathers a small band of frightened orphans sits down with them and, in the chaos of the pole shift, leads them in singing Old McDonald Had a Farm. Does that sound odd? If so, look at it this way.
2020 Trump Nemesis Disclosure
For those of you who follow my work, you know my favorite Planet X money shot. It is the White Hat leak of Nemesis crossing the ecliptic into the Northern Skies on or about July 4, 2020.
White Hats leaked this image through a popular Planet X YouTube channel, with a channel host who did not fully understand the implications of this disclosure.
Many consider me the leading independent Planet X image analyst in the genre, and for me, this leaked satellite image is the money shot of a lifetime.
But this was not the only Planet X comm from President Donald Trump, who tells us that if you’re going to dream, dream big and get ‘it done!
With this in mind, on March 3, 2023, Trump proposed building ten new ‘Freedom Cities’ on Federal lands. Planet X comm no. 2.
New York Post, March 4, 2023
Trump proposes building futuristic, Jetsons-like ‘freedom cities’ on federal landFormer President Donald Trump on Friday proposed holding a contest to design and build up to 10 new “freedom cities” on federal land that the 2024 presidential candidate argues will lead to “a quantum leap in the American standard of living.”
“Today, our country has lost its boldness. under my leadership, we will get it back in a very big way,” Trump, 76, said in a video released Friday outlining his vision of futuristic cities sprouting up in rural parts of the country, complete with flying cars.
The former president and real estate developer said “just a fraction, one half of 1%” of land owned by the federal government would be needed to build these new cities.
“We should hold a contest to charter up to 10 new cities and award them to the best proposals for development,” Trump said.
“These freedom cities will reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and other people, all hardworking families, a new shot at homeownership,” he added.
Ten new cities on unused Federal land sends a clear comm. We’re going inland to the safety of the flyover states. It’s not the only one.
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The mainstream media mocked Trump on the flying cars’ vision in their typical short-sided and malevolent way. They knew never to ask the obvious question: why? Because this was Trump’s second Planet X pole shift comm.
Here is the answer. After the 2030 pole shift, every surface structure on the planet will be damaged or destroyed. Likewise, most vital infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and dams, will suffer the same fate.
Therefore, in a post-pole shift world, a new generation of flying vehicles is the only practical way to operate as an industrialized nation in a global economy.
The nice thing is that he’s not the only leader of a world-class Christian nation who is in this for the species.
2022 Putin Nemesis Disclosure
Before discussing President Putin, I want to share a unique personal perspective. This website, Your Own World USA, actually began in the early 1990s as a tour operator specializing in independent travel to Russia and the former states of the Soviet Union.
To manage my business, I traveled to Russia once or twice a year for several years, and my first winter visit there was a year after the fall of the Soviet Union on December 26, 1991.
As a tour operator, I could do as I pleased, but a good day was a folded map of the Moscow Metro in my pocket with stops for local museums and sights. I loved traveling that subway system, and I’m sure there has to be a Russian proverb like, if a little bit of marble is good, fifty trainloads is better.
Thanks to two semesters of Russian in a local community college, I was in conversation with what folks said was a Georgian accent. This and my exceptional ground operators helped me go places and meet people very few Americans could, and I understood the Russians in a way most Americans never could.
Back then, I traveled on foot through a country that had lost a war and was now in hard times. Robber barons used inflation to impoverish the Russian people, and they were living on the edge.
As I walked among them, it was intense, and I could taste life. Then, when I returned to America, the first thing I saw was Western consumer zombies silently walking about while using their smartphones.
Only when America is standing on the edge will it begin to understand that America and Russia are the two largest Christian nations in the world and that we are natural allies.
Likewise, let’s be practical. America and Russia both have a history of going to strange countries to kill strange people for strange reasons. We’ll have to sort that out later, but can we all agree on one thing for now: War is stupid, so why do stupid when you can do business?
Now let’s look at President Putin’s Nemesis 2022 pole shift comm. It first showed up on my Telegram Yowusa Observations channel.
The instant I saw this, I knew it was a top-level disclosure, so it was time to learn the backstory. I reached out for a phone call with the fellow who posted it on my channel, James of -The YouTube Earth Changes Channel.
As with the 2020 ecliptic crossing disclosure image, Russian White Hats leaked this image through a channel host who did not fully understand the implications of this disclosure.
He knew it was a solid source and said someone inside Roscosmos, the Russian Space Agency, released it in January 2022 before the war in Ukraine began on February 24, 2022. It was also about 18 months after the 2020 Trump Nemesis disclosure.
On March 13, 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the following during a well-reported interview.
“For centuries, they’ve been used to stuffing their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money. The vampires’ ball is coming to an end”.–President Vladimir Putin
The Globalists are the very vampires we must defeat if we are to achieve critical mass, thereby preventing a future resurgence of evil when we can least afford it. For me, this is a powerful Planet X comm.
The Time Has Come to Heal Our Divides
Russia and America are the two largest Christian nations in the world. Our two nations have long been natural allies with a shared history. So here is a thought.
A divorce court judge once told me that 90% of all divorces in the country are unnecessary because the couple forgot why they fell in love in the first place.
If we choose to debate grievances, the chances that humanity will fail to achieve critical mass during the 2030 pole shift will favor the vampires. Then, humanity’s freedom will be short-lived through a resurgence of evil, and we will be enslaved once again for countless generations to come.
Or, our nations take a first step to achieve the critical mass humanity will urgently need by returning to the beginning so we can build new and lasting bridges to the future together.
So where does that take us? About 200 years into the past. It’s a place I visited in the Santa Cruz, CA area. It’s called Fort Ross.
California State Parks
Fort Ross SHP: A Russian Fort by the SeaLocated on the California coast, Fort Ross State Historic Park was established in the early 1800s as Russian-American settlement from 1821 until 1841.
This commercial company chartered by Russia’s tsarist government controlled all Russian exploration, trade and settlement in the North Pacific, and established permanent settlements in Alaska and California. Fort Ross was the southernmost settlement in the Russian colonization of the North American continent, and was established as an agricultural base to supply Alaska. It was the site of California’s first windmills and shipbuilding, and Russian scientists were among the first to record California’s cultural and natural history. Fort Ross was a successfully functioning multi-cultural settlement for some thirty years. Settlers included Russians, Native Alaskans and Californians, and Creoles (individuals of mixed Russian and native ancestry.)
If humanity is to survive the 2030 pole shift with sufficient critical mass to prevent any future resurgence of evil, we will have a Star Trek future for everyone. With this in mind, I have a 2025 message to the God-loving people of both great Christian nations: