Now They Will Come for Our Memories

| November 6, 2024

Now They Will Come for Our MemoriesA good friend by the name of Ed told me he was not going to follow the election reporting until the morning after.   I thought that was a good idea and did the same… (well, maybe… kinda).

This morning, the headlines announced that Trump had declared victory, and it was a full sweep.  Woo-hoo!

I messaged my friends, “We won, and wherever you are, I pray you are safe and relieved.”  We Patriots regained the White House and the Senate and will keep the House with a few more seats.

On this day of quiet celebration, I invite you to listen to my video, The Great War to End All Slavery with Marshall Masters (2020), produced during the first Trump administration, and see how gloriously far we have come.

In doing so, you’ll feel proud of how far the movement has come and have a poignant understanding of why memories like these are disappearing now and will do so even faster.  Still the same, it’s a fun, low-intensity victory lap for the war-weary.

President Trump Victory Speech (2024)

Last week, I made the last payment on my truck, and trust me, folks, it’s better than sex.  Who knew winning an election could even top getting a clear title to your vehicle?   Thanks to Trump and MAGA, you could say we just won a clear title for our country.  Totally bitchin’,  Let’s burn gas, Baby!

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Donald Trump’s 2024 Victory Speech started at 2:30 a.m. EST on Wednesday (November 6, 2024) at the West Palm Beach Convention Center in Florida, and as I watched him make this announcement, I could not help but notice his fatigue.

Sure, he’s fatigued after four rallies in one day, but we’re all so tired from the grind that a modest sense of satisfaction will have to do until we’re recharged.  It makes us wonder, what comes next?

That question reminds me of something my conceal carry permit instructor said. “Congratulations—you’ve all qualified for your permits. Consider it your constitutional right to be sued into the ground.”

Lawfare and chaos will ensue, as we must expect. Still, we must also be concerned about preserving our memories of this struggle because when people’s memories disappear, the only ones they have left are those chosen by thieves.

Patriots, Join Me in a Victory Lap

On November 6, 2024, I watched Trump declaring victory; I found a disgusting notice on YouTube.  They removed a Patriot video I posted on May 7, 202o, because it “violates our policy on harmful conspiracy theories,” according to the demi-gods of knowledge destruction.

On this day of quiet celebration, I invite you to listen to this video produced during the first Trump administration and see how gloriously far we have come.  In doing so, you’ll understand why memories like these are being disappeared now.

The Great War to End All Slavery with Marshall Masters (5/7/2020) – Deleted by YT on 11/5/2024


Millennia ago, Egyptian and Celtic authors recorded prophetic warnings for the future.  For the Egyptians, Exodus was a horrific event about a slave uprising amidst a horrific natural global disaster caused by a brown dwarf star in orbit around our Sun.

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I posted this video in 2020 and on election day 2024, I received the following notice from YouTube (see below.) I invite folks to see the “offending” example at 54:59 and if you can figure it out, let me know.

YOUTUBE.COM, November 5, 2024

Hi Marshall Masters,

We wanted to let you know our team reviewed your content, and we think it violates our policy on harmful conspiracy theories. We know you may not have realized this was a violation of our policies, so we’re not applying a strike to your channel. However, we have removed the following content from YouTube:

Video: The Great War to End All Slavery with Marshall Masters

Time it occurred: You can see an example around 00:54:59 in your video. While this is one example, there may be other instances.

The YouTube team

The Great War to End All Slavery with Marshall Masters Deleted by YouTube on 11/5/2024

As you listen to my 2020 MAGA Patriot podcast, ask yourself two questions. First, what does this reaffirm about our freedom movement? Second, why do these same memories terrify the monsters?

Long live the fighters!


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