Why are So Many Catholics Clueless About Planet X?
My previous article, “Why are So Many Mormons Clueless About Planet X?” was popular and was the topic of my recent interview with Eric Gajewski, Traditional Catholic Knight.
Things took an unexpected turn for me and these persistent three days of darkness prophecies, and this is good news for Mormons. I’ll explain it in terms of horse racing.
Up to now, the Mormons have been leading the clueless pack, but it appears the Catholics have come up along the outside of the pack, and they’re beating the Mormons to the wire. Not by a nose, but by a length. What’s not to like?
How did this come about? In the prep before recording the interview, I asked Eric if I could read the Book of Mormon passages in my article and told him it would take a couple of minutes.
This is typical behind-the-mic stuff, and as Eric holds an MBA, I could hear the gears turning in his head. He was warming up to it, so I moved to close the deal with a joke.
One day the Pope calls all his Cardinals together and says, boys, I gotta some good news and some bad news. The good news is Jesus is coming. The bad a news is we gotta meet him in Salt Lake City.
Eric cracked up and said, “Yah, sure.” Little did I know that he’d take this conversation about the three days of darkness prophecies to a whole new level.
The Breton Stigmatist
After I read and discussed the passages from the Book of Mormon on Eric’s Traditional Catholic podcast, Eric did his MBA stealth maneuver. He then read a compilation of Marie-Julie Jahenny’s 3 Days of Darkness prophecies, also known as the Breton Stigmatist.
Marie-Julie Jahenny was a significant French mystic and stigmatist who lived from 1850 to 1941. Born on February 12, 1850, in Blain, Brittany (Northwestern France), she was the eldest of five children in a peasant family and received her baptism on Ash Wednesday of 1850.
Raised in the strong Breton Catholic faith tradition, at age 23, she received the stigmata, bearing Christ’s wounds more visibly than any other recorded stigmatist. She also experienced other Mystical Phenomena, including:
- Experienced apparitions of Jesus and Mary
- Suffered alleged attacks from Satan and demonic forces
- Received prophetic visions about future events
Her prophetic visions included warnings about future world wars, religious persecution, and civil unrest in France.
In this Marie-Julie Prophecy Compilation, Contributed by Eric Gajewski, Traditional Catholic Knight, my comments are noted in italics.
Marie-Julie announced the three days of darkness during which the infernal powers will be loosed and will execute all the enemies of God. “The crisis will explode suddenly; the punishments will be shared by all and will succeed one another without interruption …” [January 4, 1884] “The three days of darkness will be on a THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Days of the Most Holy Sacrament, of the Cross and Our Lady … three days less one night.”
The onset will come upon us suddenly, and then there will be a series of catastrophic events. What strikes me about this passage is that Nemesis is appearing, but we’re not all looking up. Hence, things will come out of the blue for most when things go sideways.
“The earth will be covered in darkness”, says Our Lady on 20th of September 1882, “AND HELL WILL BE LOOSED ON EARTH. Thunder and lightning will cause those who have no faith or trust in My Power, to die of fear.”
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Millennia ago, Egyptian and Celtic authors recorded prophetic warnings for the future. For the Egyptians, Exodus was a horrific event about a slave uprising amidst a horrific natural global disaster caused by a brown dwarf star in orbit around our Sun. |
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“During these three days of terrifying darkness, no windows must be opened, because no one will be able to see the earth and the terrible colour it will have in those days of punishment without dying at once …”
Nemesis is a brown dwarf sun surrounded by debris from its formation. Yowusa.com researcher JP Jone named it “The Nemesis Cloud,” containing dense patches of iron oxide. This is what turned the waters of the Nile red during the Exodus and why no window must be opened so that people do not choke on it.
“The sky will be on fire, the earth will split … During these three days of darkness let the blessed candle be lighted everywhere, no other light will shine …”
The fire in the sky describes the meteorite showers predicted in Revelation 8:7. These will continue as the Earth struggles under Nemesis’s core lock, resulting in catastrophic eruptions, earthquakes, and land tears.
“NO ONE OUTSIDE A SHELTER.. will survive. The earth will shake as at the judgment and fear will be great. Yes, We will listen to the prayers of your friends; NOT ONE WILL PERISH. We will need them to publish the glory of the Cross …” [December 8, 1882]
This passage is compelling for me because no one outside a shelter is what I’ve been saying for twenty years. Every above-ground structure will be damaged or destroyed during the coming pole shift in 2030, and the only place to survive will be in self-supporting underground communities such as those I explain in my book, Win-Win Survival Handbook.
“THE CANDLES OF BLESSED WAX ALONE WILL GIVE LIGHT during this horrible darkness. ONE CANDLE alone will be enough for the duration of this night of hell … In the homes of the wicked and blasphemers these candles will give NO LIGHT.”
“And Our Lady states: “Everything will shake except the piece of furniture on which the blessed candle is burning. This will not shake. You will all gather around with the crucifix and my blessed picture. This is what will keep away this terror.”
“During this darkness the devils and the wicked will take on THE MOST HIDEOUS SHAPES … red clouds like blood will move across the sky. The crash of the thunder will shake the earth and sinister lightning will streak the heavens out of season. The earth will be shaken to its foundations. The sea will rise, its roaring waves will spread over the continent. ..”
This passage is essentially a coherent summary of the previous passages. For example, the “red clouds like blood will move across the sky” explains why “no windows must be opened.”
The lightning that occurs out of season will be the solar sprites [cosmic lightning] generated by our two suns during the flyby. They’ll be nasty.
In this passage, “The sea will rise, its roaring waves will spread over the continent. ..” Marie-Julie Jahenny describes the coming pole shift tsunamis that will engulf continents. It is the most concise explanation I’ve ever seen from a psychic.
“THE EARTH WILL BECOME LIKE A VAST CEMETERY. The bodies of the wicked and the just will cover the ground.”
“Three-quarters of the population of the globe will disappear. Half the population of France will be destroyed.”
Consider this. These prophecies were given over 130 years ago, and yet, what are we talking about today? How the former Georgia Guidestones commanded that we keep humanity under half a billion. This woman has looked across time, and seen this very level of death.
What I find eerie is her prediction “Three-quarters of the population of the globe will disappear.”
She is saying continents will be flooded so how will it look like then? Same as North Carolina today where there are fields of arms and legs sticking up out of the mud.
This prophetic compilation offers brilliant views of the future, or more should I say, of one possible future—leastwise, where death and dying are concerned.
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With that in mind, let’s revisit a selection of Samuel’s most appropriate prophecy in the Book of Mormon that appeared in my previous article. As you read it, allow yourself to jog back and forth between these two prophets.
Book of Mormon, Helaman 1423 And behold, there shall be great tempests, and there shall be many mountains laid low, like unto a valley, and there shall be many places which are now called valleys which shall become mountains, whose height is great.
24 And many highways shall be broken up, and many cities shall become desolate.
25 And many graves shall be opened, and shall yield up many of their dead; and many saints shall appear unto many.
27 And he said unto me that while the thunder and the lightning lasted, and the tempest, that these things should be, and that darkness should cover the face of the whole earth for the space of three days.
What I find most curious about Marie-Julie and Samuel in the Book of Mormon is that they are both 19th-century prophets who looked into the future and viewed the same three days of darkness and pole-shift events. What they viewed is explained in my previous article.
Yowusa.com, October 29, 2024
Why are So Many Mormons Clueless About Planet X?This is what will happen before the pole shift when Nibiru, the third and outermost planet from Nemesis, passes between Earth and Venus, as shown in the illustration below.
This illustration is from my book, Being In It for the Species: The Universe Speaks (2014). In it, you see that when Nibiru passes between Earth and Venus, our planet will stop spinning in a reverse direction, explaining the massive destruction Samuel speaks of in Helaman 14.
In the final analysis, these are two days of darkness prophecies among several, and each prophet or prophetess struggles to explain their views into the future, and they all do so with immense love for our species.
Do they share their prophecies because they believe we are irrevocably committed to the death and mayhem they beheld? No. They do it because when you look into the future, you realize it is a realm of infinite possibilities and that we are co-creators with God.
The knowledge is given to help us fight for our lives by changing our future while we can, and it is precious.